Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1274 Tomorrow is New Year again

Remember in one second【】

Everyone liked the theme song "Iron-Blooded Heart" very much and wanted to listen to it several times. .

It's just a pity that this song will not be released as a single now. It will not be released until the TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" premieres.

Before this, everyone could no longer hear this song. This undoubtedly made everyone very itchy, but they had no choice but to hope in their hearts that the filming of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" would be completed soon. .

Of course, everyone hopes that the filming of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will be completed soon, not just because of the theme song.

In previous program performances, the actors have restored their characters to a very high degree, which also makes everyone look forward to the TV series.

This is true for martial arts fans, and it is also true for non-martial arts fans who have not read the original novel.

"Although I have not read the original novel, I am very much looking forward to this TV series! I really hope it can be released as soon as possible!"

"Me too. No wonder so many people like to read martial arts novels. The feeling of martial arts is indeed very desirable."

"I suddenly found that I understood Mr. Guyong's words better, 'Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.' This sentence is not only about the rivers and lakes in the martial arts world, but the environment we live in now, it is also the rivers and lakes. There are also the same grudges and hatreds as in the martial arts world.”

"Mr. Guyong also said, 'People cannot help themselves when they are in the arena.' The same applies to our current living environment."

"Indeed, we are actually in a world of rivers and lakes. Huh? Aren't we discussing TV series? Why are there so many emotions all of a sudden?"

"Yes, yes, when we talk about TV dramas, Yu Ru is really beautiful. The Huang Rong she plays is like a fairy. Among celebrities, the only ones who are obviously more beautiful than her are Tang Ying and Qin Yulin."

"Yu Jing, who plays Mu Nianci, is also beautiful. Although not as good as Yu Ru, she is definitely a beauty."


Netizens on the Internet are talking a lot. The crew of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" who have just left Southern Satellite TV are also very excited.

The performance just now was a great success. The audience was surprised and excited.

They can clearly feel it.

So, it can be imagined that the countless viewers in front of the TV must be equally surprised and excited.

A TV series that has not officially started filming has already made the audience so excited. So, what will its ratings be when the filming is completed and it is officially premiered?

The crew doesn’t know, but what is certain is that it will definitely be a surprising number.

Director Hu Fei laughed and said: "Our drama has received great attention from the outside world from the first moment of preparation. And after today, its attention has undoubtedly reached a higher level.

This makes us feel extremely excited, but at the same time we should also feel pressure. We must produce the best effect for this TV series.

This way, Mr. Gu Yong, Mr. Li Fan, and countless excited and expectant audiences will not be disappointed.

Only in this way can it be worthy of such a classic work by Mr. Guyong, worthy of such a classic theme song by Mr. Li Fan, and worthy of the efforts of each of us.

Therefore, in the future filming process, directors Lin, Pu, and Liang and I will have very strict requirements. I hope everyone can be mentally prepared. "

Hearing what Hu Fei said, the cast and crew did not show signs of pain. Instead, they all expressed excitement, as it should be.

For such an important drama, they naturally want to perform to the best effect.

After this drama, their fame will undoubtedly rise a lot.

To be honest, they did feel a lot of pressure, but more importantly, they were excited and motivated.

Sansheng Village.

At the end of the award ceremony, Li Fan, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng walked out of the room. After a few more sighs, Liang Sheng said: "The matter about the Times Literature Award has been settled. Today is also the last day of this year, and tomorrow will be another day. It’s a new year.”

Zheng Jie said with emotion: "We have lived in the village for more than a year, and time flies by really fast. However, many things have happened in this more than a year, and they are all very interesting. . Thinking about it this way, time doesn’t go by very quickly.”

Li Fan said: "Although tomorrow is not our traditional Spring Festival, it is also the New Year, and we still need to celebrate. I have decided to entertain the farm employees and have dinner with the workers of the engineering team tomorrow. What do you think?"

Liang Sheng smiled and said: "Of course that's good. It's New Year, let's have some fun."

Zheng Jie also said: "This is a good thing, but I'm afraid there will be hundreds of tables!"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Of course there will be hundreds of tables, but I have already had people prepare it."

Tomorrow is the Gregorian New Year, and Li Fan decided to have a good time. After all, during the traditional Spring Festival, everyone has to go home to reunite with their families for the New Year. Tomorrow’s Gregorian New Year is a good opportunity to have some fun.

This year's Lunar New Year's Day is on February 5th, which is a little more than a month away. Su Qing and the little girl's winter vacation is on January 13th.

After chatting with Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng for a few more words, Li Fan said goodbye and left. He was going to pick up Su Qing and the little girl from school.

Although tomorrow is Friday, tomorrow is the Gregorian New Year, so the school will naturally be on holiday.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It was almost time to finish school now. When Li Fan walked to the school gate, school had just finished for a while.

The naughty children, big and small, walked out of the school gate with their schoolbags on their backs and dispersed in all directions.

The little girl and a few naughty children in the village have also left the school gate. They are chattering next to the school gate and did not leave immediately.

Li Fan guessed that Su Qing had asked the little girl to wait for her here. He walked over and asked, and sure enough, he heard the little girl say: "Teacher Su is going to our place, we will wait for her together."

Li Fan smiled and waited for Su Qing to come out with the little girl and the naughty children.

A few minutes later, Su Qing walked out of the school. After seeing Li Fan, the little girl, and a few naughty children, she smiled sweetly and said, "Let's go."

On the way, the little girl ran to Li Fan, took Li Fan's hand, and asked excitedly: "Brother, we have a holiday on the 13th. When will we go to Lan Country to find Lucy and the others?"

Li Fan said: "It looks like it's the 16th or 7th. There's still half a month left. Don't worry, you girl."

The little girl curled her lips and said: "Half a month passed quickly. Brother, I heard that going abroad seems to have to go through such and such procedures. It's quite troublesome. You should complete it in advance and don't delay it. "

Li Fan pinched the little girl's cheek and said, "Don't worry, girl, there won't be any delay."

The little girl muttered and hummed, then let go of Li Fan's hand, and jumped to the front with a few naughty children.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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