Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1275 A day of gratitude

Remember in one second【】

Chapter 1,275

The little girl and a few naughty children were jumping in front. Li Fan and Su Qing were walking behind, and they reached the entrance of the village in a short time.

The naughty children dispersed in a hurry and ran towards their own homes. The little girl ran over and took Li Fan and Su Qing's hands, and the three of them also walked towards home.

When we arrived at home, it was already late, and my mother was already preparing to make dinner. Knowing that Su Qing was coming today, she naturally prepared to make two more delicious dishes.

When Li Fan and Su Qing saw this, they also went to help their mother prepare. The little girl was not to be outdone when she saw this. She put down her schoolbag and went to help, but Li Fan pushed her away and told the girl to do her homework quickly.

The little girl pouted, muttered a few words, and then went to do her homework honestly.

Not long after, dinner was ready and it got dark.

After dinner, Li Fan and Su Qing returned to the room...

There was no words all night, and in the early morning of the next day, the first ray of morning light enveloped the entire village. It was not only a new day, but also a new year.

Li Fan woke up from his sleep and looked at Su Qing beside him. Her beautiful face had a sweet smile. She was still sleeping soundly, maybe she was still having a beautiful dream.

Li Fan gently removed Su Qing's hand from his body and got up alone. He had no intention of waking Su Qing up so early.

When I walked out of the room, the sky outside was just getting bright, and the scenery in the distance was hazy, shrouded in a light layer of mist.

The village is still very quiet, and the chirping of insects in the distance can still be clearly heard. Li Fan likes the village at this time.

Walking out of the yard, where the sun rises in the east, there is a faint red cloud. It seems that the weather today will be very good.

Li Fan was running in the village while picking flowers that were still blooming in the cold winter. He wanted to make the first cluster of flowers this year for Su Qing.

Although he often made flower clusters for Su Qing, he knew that he would never have too many flower clusters for girls.

About an hour later, Li Fan returned to the yard holding a bunch of flowers. His mother was already making breakfast.

Pushing open the door to the room, Su Qing still hadn't woken up yet.

Li Fan sat beside the bed holding a bunch of flowers.

A few minutes later, perhaps because she smelled the fragrance of flowers, Su Qing opened her sleepy eyes. When she saw the cluster of flowers held by Li Fan, she couldn't help but say "ah" with surprise on her face. color.

Li Fan smiled softly and said: "Wake up, happy New Year!"

Su Qing sat up, reached out to take the flower cluster, kissed Li Fan deeply on the face, and said a little shyly: "Thank you!"

After that, the two talked passionately and admired the bright flowers next to them.

After a while, Su Qing got up from the bed. After getting dressed, the two of them left the room together.

After washing up, my mother had already prepared breakfast.

After breakfast, the sun has already jumped out. It seems that the weather today is really good, very suitable for entertaining guests.

After Li Fan and Su Qing walked around the village, they arrived at the entrance of the village. The workers of the engineering team were already busy.

Today, the workers are particularly excited, not only because today is the Gregorian New Year, but also because Li Fan is going to entertain them for dinner today.

Seeing Li Fan and Su Qing, the workers laughed and said loudly: "Master Li, Teacher Su, happy New Year!"

Li Fan also responded with a smile.

At this time, the entire chef team was making final preparations for the lunch banquet.

In fact, the entire chef team has been busy since yesterday, and the workload for a hundred-table banquet is quite large.

The banquet was held in an open space at the entrance of the village. Hundreds of tables and stools had been set up, and the rows looked quite spectacular.

The time slowly reached 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the farm employees got off work, and the workers in the engineering team also got off work.

Everyone came to the banquet place chatting and laughing loudly. Li Fan, Su Qing, dad, mom, third uncle, Sanniang, Fengzi, Taozi and others were busy greeting the guests. The little girl also greeted a group of naughty children.

Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng and his wife, and the village chief Li Fu had already arrived and were chatting and laughing with the guests.

Not long after, guests began to take their seats, and hundreds of tables were filled.

There is no need to say any polite words. When the seats are full, we will just drink and dine.

Soon, all kinds of dishes were placed on the table, and the guests said "please" to each other, and then they started eating.

Soon, the sounds of people drinking and drinking could be heard from all the tables.

The naughty children sat at a few tables, and when they saw the adults clinking glasses and drinking, they also replaced the drinks with drinks in a decent manner, clinked a glass, and said cheerfully, "Happy New Year"!

Li Fan and his father went around the table to toast the guests, wishing everyone a Happy New Year, and thanking everyone for their hard work at work and for the farm.

It is precisely because of everyone's joint efforts that Li Fan, the owner of the village, can do so carefree.

Normally they are employees or workers of the engineering team, but today they are all guests.

Every time Li Fan and his father arrived at a table, the guests hurriedly stood up in excitement, filled their glasses with wine, clinked their glasses and drank it all in one gulp, while Li Fan and his father only tasted the wine.

After toasting at the table, Li Fan sat next to Su Qing and started eating. Su Qing had been waiting for Li Fan to come back after toasting.

After finishing the meal slowly, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. It was originally time for the afternoon shift, but today's situation is special. Li Fan asked everyone to go to the office at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Just started the class.

Everyone was naturally excited. However, after everyone rested for a while at the banquet, they said goodbye and left one after another. They did not intend to waste too much time at work.

The employees went back to work one after another, and the workers also returned to the construction site chatting and laughing. Although everyone had a great time drinking just now, they actually didn't drink much, and it would not affect the afternoon's work.

When it's time to eat later, you can drink a little more.

The guests left, and the father, mother, third uncle, Sanniang, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng and others also went back, while the little girl ran away to nowhere.

Li Fan and Su Qing held hands and went to play near the foot of Baiyun Mountain.

At six o'clock in the evening, after getting off work, the employees and workers came to the banquet location again to continue the evening banquet.

After the banquet started, there was naturally the sound of people drinking and drinking again. Since it was late, everyone could drink a little more in the afternoon.

Therefore, the late lunch took longer, and after finishing the meal, everyone did not leave immediately, but continued chatting and joking with each other with great interest.

For everyone, today is the first day of the New Year and an exciting day.

For Li Fan, today is the first day of the New Year and a day of gratitude.

Thanks to all the employees at the farm, and to all the workers in the engineering team.

Thank you to your parents and relatives, thank you to Su Qing, thank you to your friends, and thank you to all the fans who support and like him.

Thank you to everyone he knew and everyone who knew him.

All I can do is thank you!

Today is Thanksgiving. Li Fan would like to thank everyone, and the countryside would also like to thank every reader and friend who supports this book.

Thank you for your collections, subscriptions, and rewards. Thank you for your monthly votes and recommendation votes. Each of your names can be seen in the countryside and remembered in my heart. Thank you!

What the countryside can do is write this book well to repay everyone's support!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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