Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1282: Just resting on one’s laurels

Remember in one second【】

A group of martial arts fans stopped speculating about the upcoming plot, and also stopped discussing whether Xiao Longnu was the female protagonist. ,: .

Instead, the focus of the discussion was on the content of the two chapters serialized today. There were too many places for them to talk about.

"I really didn't expect that at the same time as the Five Ultimates in the World, there would be a 'female' senior with such strong martial arts. It's such a pity that Wang Chongyang doesn't understand the style. I just don't know the name of that 'female' senior?" I wonder if we will introduce it again in the future?”

"I think so. When we talk about Little Dragon Girl in the future, we may mention that senior woman again. After all, she is the ancestor of Little Dragon Girl."

"Tomb of the Living Dead, the name of this ancient tomb is so cool. I like it so much. I don't know how Gu Yong came up with it?"

"Indeed, I also like the name Tomb of the Living Dead. When I first saw it, I was really amazed."

"I wonder if there really is such an ancient tomb on Zhongnan Mountain?"

"There are definitely ancient tombs on Zhongnan Mountain, and there should be more than one. As for whether it's a tomb of the living dead? That's not known. You can go upstairs and check it out, haha!"

"This is a good idea. If there is a little dragon girl in it, it would be great."

"Go, don't talk nonsense, but one thing is certain. That is, after "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Zhongnan Mountain, which was not very famous in the first place, will definitely become more famous."


A lot of martial arts fans are talking about it, and a large number of martial arts practitioners are also discussing the latest chapter updated today.

Falling Leaves Silent, Dali Bisha, Qin Sheng, and Crescent Moon were no exception. After returning home from the Times Literature Award Ceremony, they conducted more in-depth research on Gu Yong's works and vowed to write a novel. Ministry, at least one that is eligible to be shortlisted for the Times Literary Prize.

Of course, the four Luoye Silent Warriors are not the only ones who have this determination. There are many martial arts practitioners who have this determination.

Not to mention how many people will be able to achieve their goals in the end, at least this is an excellent thing for martial arts and martial arts fans.

Luo Ye asked silently: "Do you think Xiaolongnu will be the heroine?"

He said vigorously: "It's very possible,

Gu Yong has laid so much groundwork for Xiaolongnv’s appearance, so there’s no reason why she shouldn’t be the heroine. "

Qin Sheng said: "I also think it should be the case. Although Xiao Long Nu is a few years older than Yang Guo, Gu Yong's style is often unexpected and cannot be viewed from a traditional perspective."

Crescent Moon said: "Not only is Xiao Long Nu the heroine, Yang Guo may also learn the martial arts in Tomb of the Living Dead."

Luo Ye said silently: "I don't quite agree with Brother Crescent Moon's statement, because if Yang Guo learns the martial arts in Tomb of the Living Dead, then obviously there can only be one person to teach him, and that is Xiao Long Nu. Now that The only descendants of this senior female were Xiao Longnv and Li Mochou. It was obviously impossible for Li Mochou to teach him.

Then, Xiao Longnv can be regarded as Yang Guo's master, so she cannot be the female protagonist. If Xiao Longnu was the female protagonist, Yang Guo would not learn the martial arts in Tomb of the Living Dead. In other words, Xiaolong's identity is either the heroine or Yang Guo's master, and she can only choose one of the two. "

He said vigorously: "I agree with Brother Luoye. Not to mention that The Legend of the Condor Heroes is set in the Song Dynasty. Even now, the teacher-student relationship still attracts some criticism."

Qin Sheng said: "So, Xiao Long's identity may be Yang Guo's master. Then who is the heroine? She hasn't appeared yet?"

Crescent Moon said: "What you said is correct, but don't forget that the author of this work is Gu Yong, and the Yang Guo he portrayed did not care about secular etiquette. Xiaolong'nu has also lived in an ancient tomb since she was a child. For I probably don’t know much about secular etiquette or anything like that.

Moreover, everyone should not forget that we have already said that this work by Gu Yong cannot avoid the word "love". The "love" here is naturally not an ordinary "love". So I said that Xiao Longnu is very likely to be both the heroine and Yang Guo's master. "

Luo Ye said silently: "Listening to what Brother Wanyue said, it does make some sense. In short, let's see how Gu Yong will arrange the plot. One thing is now certain, this work will also become a classic. "

He said vigorously: "Yes, let's see what Gu Yong's next arrangements are. This work is obviously getting more and more exciting."


"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is getting more and more exciting, which is a very gratifying thing for most martial arts practitioners.

However, for some martial arts practitioners headed by "Fingertips are King", this is definitely not a good thing.

In their circles, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is also being discussed at this time.

"The situation seems to be getting worse and worse. If this continues, this sequel to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will not only not damage the status of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in everyone's mind, but it will also What should we do if it becomes another absolute classic after "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?

"Something is indeed wrong. A sequel to a classic can still become a classic. I have to admit that Gu Yong is really terrible."

Fingertips is King looked at everyone's discussion and couldn't help but frown. He never believed that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" would also become a classic.

He said: "Don't panic, everyone.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, this is only the fourth chapter. Yes, from the surface, it seems to be getting more and more exciting. But if you look closely, you will find that this movie has been building on the legacy of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The most outstanding character in the first four chapters is still Guo Jing. After all the money has been spent, this product will go downhill. "

There is indeed some truth to the saying that the fingertips are king. The most outstanding character in the first four chapters is indeed Guo Jing. Whether it is his peak duel with Ouyang Feng or his display of skills in the Chongyang Palace, all martial arts fans are obsessed with it. They feel excited.

The protagonist Yang Guo is still just a child after all. Although he is extremely impressive and worries about his future destiny, when it comes to excellence, he cannot compare to Guo Jing.

Therefore, when those martial arts warriors saw that fingertips are king, their eyes suddenly brightened after thinking about it carefully.

"Haha! Brother Zhijian has seen it more clearly. Yes, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is indeed still resting on its laurels. When it eats up its laurels, its popularity will definitely decline rapidly."

"The more I think about it, the more I feel like this. It seems like we were worrying in vain before, but it scares me to death."

"Let me just say, how can a sequel to a classic still be a classic?"

"Hey! This puts me at ease. Let's see when it eats up its old gains. I think it will be almost done."

"Let's give it a few more chapters at most. We must finish our work before ten chapters, and then we can watch the jokes."


Fingertips Were King looked at the rapid reversal of voices and couldn't help but feel very proud. In terms of vision, those people were still far from him after all.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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