Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1283 Xuan Ba’s Ideal

Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village.

After working diligently on coding for several days, Li Fan already had enough manuscripts and began wandering around the village again.

By the stream and ditch, I met Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng, who were walking.

Zheng Jie said: "You are wandering around the village again. Have you saved enough manuscripts?"

Li Fan laughed and said, "Of course, that's enough. In the next few days, I'll just write a little more every day."

Liang Sheng asked: "Will Xiao Longnu be the heroine?"

Hearing Liang Sheng ask this question, Zheng Jie couldn't help but show interest. It seemed that the two old people were also very interested in this question.

Li Fan did not answer directly, but asked with a smile: "What do you think, Mr. Liang?"

Liang Sheng said: "I have discussed this issue with Lao Zheng, but we have not come up with a definite answer. Who knows what arrangements your boy will make?"

Li Fan asked again: "So, does Mr. Liang hope that Xiao Longnu will be the heroine?"

Liang Sheng said: "I kind of hope she is the heroine. According to my judgment, the popularity of the character Xiao Longnu will definitely not be low in the future. Regardless of whether she is the heroine or not, you guys have to portray this character." alright."

Zheng Jie said: "We can roughly guess how you will portray the character of Xiao Longnu. She grew up in the Tomb of the Living Dead and has no contact with the outside world. Her mind must be very simple, like a blank slate. From her rescue It can be seen from her senior sister Li Mochou that she is very kind.

Then, you should portray him as a very simple, otherworldly fairy image. This can also be seen from the name 'Little Dragon Girl'. Is that what it looks like? "

Li Fan quickly praised: "As expected of Mr. Zheng, his vision is really sharp, yes, that's true."

Zheng Jie said: "Don't do this, kid. Your foreshadowing is so obvious. Apart from us, I'm afraid many people can see it. When such a character really appears in front of readers, At that time, the popularity will definitely be very high, and it will not even be as low as Huang Rong's popularity back then.

After all, such a kind-hearted woman who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world is enough to make anyone want to take care of her sincerely. You have to be careful, don't let this woman be bullied, otherwise, readers will easily become emotional. "

Liang Sheng also said: "Yes,

Your idea of ​​portraying a character like Xiao Longnu is very good, but you must not let her be bullied, otherwise...hey! I said where are you going? I haven't finished saying this yet. "

Li Fan's voice came from afar, "I think what the second elder said is very good, but I suddenly remembered that my saved manuscripts were not enough, and I have to go back and continue coding. Goodbye, second elder."

Seeing Li Fan hurried away suddenly, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng looked at each other and felt a little confused. Liang Sheng said, "What the hell is that kid doing?"

Zheng Jie shook her head and said: "Who knows, forget it, he must understand what we said anyway, so we can rest assured."

Liang Sheng nodded and said, "That's true. Let's keep walking."

After saying that, the two couples continued walking along the creek. The creek in winter is not as fun as in summer, but walking along the bank of the creek has a unique flavor.

Li Fan wiped away his sweat as he left in a hurry, and suddenly felt a little pain in his balls. Don't let Xiao Longnu be bullied? This is no longer a question of bullying or not.


Forget it, don't think about this problem anymore, Li Fan is quite depressed and helpless.

After walking around the village for a while, Li Fan returned home and entered the space.

The newest member, Xuan Ba, has been growing in the space for some time. Li Fan decided to take a look at that guy's current situation.

As soon as he entered the space, Xiao Ju appeared naturally and came to Li Fan.

Li Fan smiled and asked, "How is that guy doing now?"

Xiao Ju smiled and replied: "The situation is very good, the size has doubled."

Li Fan was overjoyed and said, "Let's go see it."

Xiao Ju agreed and went to Baiyun Lake with Li Fan.

Xuanba, who was roaming leisurely at the bottom of Baiyun Lake, felt Li Fan enter the space and hurriedly rushed towards the lake.

Its speed was not slow before it was subdued by Li Fan, but now it was more than twice as fast. In a short period of time, it had already jumped out of the lake, and then rushed towards the lake shore in the direction where Li Fan came.

When Li Fan and Xiao Ju arrived at Baiyun Lake, they happened to see Xuan Ba ​​rushing towards the shore.

Li Fan chuckled and said, "This guy's speed has also increased a lot."

Xiaoshu nodded and said: "It has indeed more than doubled the speed."

Li Fan nodded. At this time, Xuan Ba ​​had also arrived. Li Fan looked at it carefully.

I found that the guy in front of me not only doubled in size, but also changed in appearance. He became more ferocious and vaguely looked like an ancient ferocious beast.

Li Fan was very happy and satisfied with this change, and asked with a smile: "Xuanba, how do you feel?"

Xuanba replied very excitedly: "Master, I feel that I am much stronger than before, and I can continue to be stronger."

Li Fan nodded, and then thought in his mind that Xuanba already had a certain strength at this time. Although it was far from Dasha and Xiaotian, he was already qualified enough to guard the farm.

Well, it's time to give this guy some space, not all at once

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Staying pampered in space is not.

So he said: "Xuanba, now you have a certain strength, do you still remember what I said to you before?"

Xuan Ba ​​looked excited and quickly replied: "Remember, remember, Master, I remember!"

It understands that the owner is letting it use its space to protect the farm.

In this regard, it has already been eager to try and can't wait.

Although the life in the space is very leisurely and the growth outside is faster, it is a bit too monotonous. How can it be as interesting and fun as the outside world?

What does the owner's farm look like? It has also always been very good and desirable.

Moreover, protecting the farm is still its ideal.

The first time it heard Dasha, Hutou, Xiaotian, Zhuiyun and other beasts talking about various things about protecting the farm, it became very envious.

Dasha said how it frightened a group of wild boars that wanted to steal food and fled when its dragon body vibrated. Xiaotian said that it screamed and frightened a group of mountain eagles who wanted to attack the farm half to death, and then Screaming and running around.

Anyway, it was Dasha and Xiaotian, two guys who didn't like each other, who kept bragging, making Xuan Ba, who had just arrived, feel envious.

I thought that one day I would be like several seniors, who could make enemies flee with just one movement of their body.

Now, Xuanba has finally waited for this day, and its ideal will come true.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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