Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1288 Qin Yulin with keen intuition

Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, Tang Ying, and Xiao Yatou returned home. After lunch, they played in the village in the afternoon.

For Qin Yulin, it was also the first time to visit Sansheng Village. Many places in the village made Qin Yulin cheer. She had completely fallen in love with this village.

It's just a pity that it is winter now. Compared with the other three seasons, winter travel is relatively less fun.

Unless it snows, the village after the snow will be very enchanting, but unfortunately there are not many opportunities for snow in Sansheng Village.

A few snowfalls are possible only during the coldest times of the year, but so far this year, there has been no snowfall.

However, according to Li Fan's estimation, it should snow around the Chinese New Year this year.

After playing in the village for a whole afternoon, the few of them returned home when it got a little dark.

After a night of silence, the next afternoon, Li Fan and the three girls went to Baiyun Mountain again. The little girl did not play with a few people today, but went to play with a group of naughty children in the village.

At noon, several people had already climbed to the top of Baiyun Mountain and arrived in front of the Nameless Tower.

Perhaps because Qin Yulin starred in the role of Bai Suzhen in "The Legend of White Snake", Qin Yulin was very interested in the nameless tower in front of him.

After walking around the base of the Nameless Tower several times, Qin Yulin clicked his tongue and said: "This is the Nameless Tower on the top of Baiyun Mountain in the legendary Sansheng Village! It is indeed very majestic. I heard that tower experts have come to inspect it and said This pagoda was built in the Tang Dynasty and has a history of more than a thousand years. The history of the West Lake Leifeng Pagoda is slightly longer. And it is so majestic and magnificent. It stands to reason that this pagoda should be very famous. Why before Have you always been anonymous?"

Li Fandao: "It's normal not to be famous. It's not just this tower. There are actually many ancient buildings in our country that are unknown. After all, our country has a vast territory and vast resources. It is not easy to leave traces in history."

Qin Yulin nodded and said: "That's true. After all, only a few places are famous. By the way, brother-in-law, is your inspiration for "The Legend of White Snake" really related to this unknown tower?"

The answer is of course it doesn't matter, but Li Fan obviously wouldn't answer like this, but said: "It is indeed related to this tower. To be precise, it is related to the legend about this tower."

Qin Yulin said: "I know this.

Now it has been spread outside that there is a snake demon that is harming the village being suppressed under this tower, right? "

Li Fan said: "That's true. This legend has been circulating in several villages near us."

Qin Yulin hesitated for a moment and said: "Brother-in-law, I have been thinking about a question and I have always wanted to ask you. It is about "The Legend of the White Snake". You said that your inspiration came from the legend related to this tower, and The relevant legend is that there is a snake demon suppressed under the tower. There happens to be a Leifeng Pagoda in the West Lake. Are you trying to suppress Bai Suzhen under that Leifeng Pagoda, right? I have always wanted to break up Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian, can’t I really succeed?”

"Oh?" Li Fan looked at Qin Yulin in surprise. This girl's intuition was very keen, and she really guessed it right.

"Is this really like this?" Su Qing and Tang Ying saw that Li Fan didn't answer immediately, so they couldn't help but said, "You really suppressed Bai Suzhen under Lei Feng, right?"

Li Fan pondered for a moment, thinking about what to say. For the three women and other readers, they definitely don't want such a plot.

However, although Bai Suzhen was suppressed under Leifeng Pagoda, it was not that tragic. It was just suppression and death.

Moreover, in the end, you will get out of the tower and directly become an immortal, so readers should not be too emotional.

Compared to what happened with Little Dragon Girl, the emotions caused by Bai Suzhen being suppressed under Leifeng Pagoda should be nothing.

So, Li Fan said directly: "Linlin's feeling is not wrong. There will indeed be such a plot, and Bai Suzhen will indeed be suppressed by Fa Hai under the Leifeng Pagoda. However, it will not be so tragic. Bai Suzhen will eventually appear. The tower, and after leaving the tower, you will directly attain enlightenment and become an immortal."

The three girls were very dissatisfied when they heard the first part. But when they heard the second part, it was not so tragic, they nodded slowly.

Qin Yulin curled his lips and said: "Sure enough, there is such a plot, I have guessed it a long time ago. But as long as it is not a tragedy, that's fine."

Li Fan clicked his tongue and praised: "You girl's intuition is very sharp! Through the legend of the Nameless Tower, you can guess the plot of Bai Suzhen being suppressed under the Leifeng Tower."

Qin Yulin hummed proudly and said, "Of course, don't underestimate me."

Li Fan said: "Don't dare, don't dare!"

Qin Yulin said again: "I don't dare to do it well."

After several people stayed in front of the Wuming Tower for a while, they came to the Baiyun Lake not far away.

Qin Yulin was naturally amazed by the large and extremely beautiful Baiyun Lake, and said, "Brother-in-law, didn't you say we had a barbecue for lunch? How about having a barbecue here? It's already noon now anyway."

Li Fan nodded and said: "Okay, you can choose a slightly flatter place."

"Okay!" Qin Yulin cheered, looked around for a while, pointed to a place, and said: "Sister, sister Yingying, how about we go there? It's so beautiful over there!"

Su Qing and Qin Yulin naturally had no objections. Su Qing said, "Okay! Let's go over and have a look."

The three women trotted to the place where Qin Yulin just pointed. After looking around for a while, Qin Yulin looked at Li Fan again.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

While waving, he said: "Brother-in-law, come here quickly, can you take a look at this place?"

Li Fan agreed, walked over quickly, looked around, and said, "Okay, no problem, let's have a barbecue here. You go pick up firewood, and I'll handle the ingredients for barbecue. Don't go too far. Pick it up around here.”

"Okay! We understand." The three women replied at the same time.

After that, they dispersed and went to look for firewood.

Li Fan smiled, walked to a spring, and began to process the ingredients, a pheasant, a hare, and a few carp weighing about a pound.

Pheasants are used to make beggar's chicken, while hares and carps are grilled and eaten directly.

These were all brought from down the mountain and have been carried on my back just now.

Li Fan could have put these things in the fairy space, but that was obviously only when he was alone.

There weren't many ingredients, so it didn't take long to get them all done.

When Li Fan returned to the place in between with the prepared ingredients, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying had already collected enough firewood.

Next, of course, it was time to light a fire and start roasting.

Li Fan was already familiar with this method of barbecue and quickly grilled all the ingredients.

As time goes by, the aroma from the ingredients becomes stronger and stronger.

Qin Yulin sniffed it vigorously and said, "Wow! It smells so good! Brother-in-law, how long until I can eat it? I want to eat it."

Li Fan laughed and said proudly: "I don't care who baked it. Of course it's delicious. You can eat it later."

Qin Yulin nodded repeatedly, looking like a greedy cat, which was quite cute.

Fourth update, additional update for Qing Sing Your Tenderness (7/7)

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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