Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1289 Singing on the playground

Remember in one second【】

The top of Baiyun Mountain.

The aroma of the fish and rabbit meat that Li Fan grilled became more and more intense.

Qin Yulin stared at it like a greedy cat, wanting to take a bite immediately. Li Fan liked to see Qin Yulin at this time.

After a while, Li Fan said: "Okay, the fish is ready to eat. Let me give each of you a fish first."

"Okay!" Qin Yulin cheered, took the fish handed over by Li Fan, blew on the fish a few times, and bit into it eagerly with his charming little mouth.

Li Fan hurriedly said: "Slow down, your mouth is burning."

Qin Yulin answered vaguely, as if to say that she understood.

Su Qing looked at Qin Yulin helplessly and said, "You are so old, why are you still acting like a child? That girl Qinqin is not as greedy as you."

Tang Yingze said: "That girl Qinqin is good at everything, but she is too shy. When will she come here to play and learn from that girl Linlin?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Girls, it's better to be more reserved. I think that girl Qinqin is quite good, but don't be like the little girl who acts crazy all day long."

Qin Yulin had already eaten the fish in his mouth. Hearing this, he said, "Brother-in-law, am I being reserved?"

Li Fan thought for a while, this girl gave people a very cold feeling outside, so she could be considered reserved, and then said: "Calculate it as reserved."

Qin Yulin curled his lips and muttered, "What does it mean to be reserved?" Then he stopped talking and concentrated on eating the delicious food in his hand.

The three women were each eating grilled fish, with the same charming red lips and the same movements.

Li Fan continued to roast hare meat while eating fish.

After a while, each of them had finished a piece of fish. Qin Yulin said "It's delicious" again, and then said: "Sister, your school has a holiday on the 13th, right?"

Su Qing said, "Well, it's the 13th. Tomorrow and the next two days are the last two days of classes."

Qin Yulin asked Li Fan again: "Brother-in-law, when will we go to Lan Country?"

Two girls, Qin Yulin and Tang Ying, came to the village this time.

In addition to coming to the village to play, he also wanted to go to Lan Country with Li Fan and Su Qing.

Li Fan naturally welcomes this very much. It is definitely a very happy thing to have three beauties walking together, well, there is also a little beauty, three big beauties, one small and four beauties walking together.

Hearing this, he replied: "Let's go on the 16th. What do you think?"

Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying all said there was no problem. Li Fan added, "It will be on the 16th. I'll talk to Jared and little Lucy."

Qin Yulin said happily: "I haven't been to Lan Country yet. I will definitely visit Lan Country this time."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Of course I have to take a good spin."

While they were talking, the hare meat was cooked, and Li Fan distributed a hare to everyone.

After slowly finishing a hare and resting for a while, the beeping flowers and chickens buried in the ground were also cooked.

Li Fan dug out the beggar and chicken and knocked away the mud on the outside. The rich fragrance spread instantly.

The three girls, who were already somewhat full, couldn't help but feel their appetite increase greatly when they smelled the rich aroma that was quite different from before.

Li Fan smiled and distributed the flower and chicken to everyone. After finishing the flower and chicken, the three girls were really full.

Qin Yulin rubbed his still flat belly and said, "I'm so full, my belly is full."

Li Fan said with a smile: "It doesn't look like there has been any change."

Qin Yulin said: "Of course there have been changes, but you didn't see it."

Li Fan said: "Then you still eat so much."

Qin Yulin muttered: "Who asked you to bake it so delicious? I want to eat it."

After finishing the barbecue, a few people walked slowly along the shore of Baiyun Lake, digesting the food and watching the scenery.

On the small island in the center of Baiyun Lake, there were tens of millions of birds of all kinds. Qin Yulin once again admired that this Baiyun Mountain God's place was indeed many.

After walking around Baiyun Lake, I went to look at some other places. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

It got dark early in winter, so Li Fan slowly went down the mountain with the three girls.

After coming down the mountain, they had an early dinner. Li Fan, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying sent Su Qing back to school together. Su Qing had the last two days of classes.

In the next two days, Li Fan either coded at home or took Qin Yulin and Tang Ying to play in the village. He lived a very happy life.

January 13th has arrived in a blink of an eye. There are no classes in school today. After the dismissal ceremony at noon, the school will officially begin its winter vacation.

In the morning, Li Fan, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying also went to school. They went to pick up Su Qing and the little girl, and visited the school's dismissal ceremony.

The dismissal ceremony was held in the school's playground. Li Fan, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying were sitting on the swings beside the playground, watching the ongoing ceremony with interest.

Qin Yulin swayed gently and said: "Sister Yingying, I think you should sing a song at this time, singing that song "Childhood". Although it is winter, it still feels very suitable for the current artistic conception. "

Tang Ying said: "I think we should let your brother-in-law sing. I have never heard him sing live before."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Qin Yulin's eyes lit up and he said happily: "Yes, brother-in-law, please sing "Childhood" for us."

Li Fan refused and said, "I write songs but I don't sing. When have you ever heard me sing?"

Qin Yulin said: "You have sung it before. You sang "Jade Forest Road" live on Jade Forest Road in the capital, but there is a video. Brother-in-law, why don't you sing it."

"This..." Li Fan was helpless. Although the song "Jade Forest Road" he sang live on Jade Forest Road in Beijing was not an official single, it was still considered a song.

Well, it should be the second one. Earlier, he sang "Outside the Window" in the live broadcast room.

Thinking of "Outside the Window", Li Fan couldn't help but think of that girl Li Qian, who was also a pretty cute girl.

"Brother-in-law, why don't you sing?" Seeing Li Fan's delay in responding, Qin Yulin couldn't help but urge.

"Okay, I'm giving you two girls a favor today. I'll sing a song for you. How many show crews want to invite me to sing a song, and the appearance fee is astronomically high. I don't even know how much I want or how much they give me. Go, you two girls should feel honored," Li Fan said with some pride.

Qin Yulin and Tang Ying naturally knew that what Li Fan said was true, but they rolled their eyes at the same time. Qin Yulin said: "Okay, I know you are good, brother-in-law, so hurry up and sing."

Li Fan felt helpless and said, "Then listen carefully."

After that, he moistened his throat and sang: "On the banyan tree by the pond, cicadas are calling for summer. On the swing beside the playground, only the butterfly is resting on it..."

As they sang, Qin Yulin and Tang Ying also started singing along.

"I always have to wait until before going to bed to realize that I have only done a little bit of homework. I always have to wait until after the exam to realize that I have not studied all the books I should have read..."

The song "Childhood" carries the memories of three people...

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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