Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1303 Water floods Jinshan Temple

Remember in one second【】

After being 'forced' by Fahai's bitter look, Bai Suzhen's anger finally broke out. .: .

And this was obviously not ordinary anger. The sky and the earth suddenly changed color, and the bright sky suddenly turned into a black mass. The wind was strong and the thunder was roaring, as if an overwhelming storm was about to hit.

When the readers saw this, they were still very excited. Bai Suzhen finally broke out, and they also felt very relieved.

Fahai's unsympathetic and bitter attitude finally drove the reasonable white lady to anger.

Look at the angry posture of the White Snake. The sky and the earth change color, and the storm is about to hit. It is simply terrifying. When the White Snake is angry, the consequences will definitely be very serious.

When Fahai saw this, he would probably regret not messing with Bai Suzhen.

However, soon, the readers were suddenly shocked. They seemed to suddenly understand something. Bai Suzhen's anger was exactly what Fahai needed.

All the readers took a deep breath, suddenly having a bad premonition, and the excitement just now was suddenly gone forever.

A storm is coming, but it's not just the storm that's coming, but also the floods.

The water of the Qiantang River roared and surged unscrupulously. The water surface rose higher and higher, gradually overflowing Zhenjiang, Jinshan, and Jinshan Temple...

Countless innocent lives were lost in the floods, and the homes of Zhenjiang people were destroyed by the floods.

Bai Suzhen was so angry that she launched a flood and flooded Jinshan Temple!

And the consequences are a complete disaster.

All the readers could only sigh. They did not expect that Bai Suzhen's anger would be so violent that it would directly cause a flood to overflow the Jinshan Temple.

And since the floods have reached Jinshan Temple, they will naturally also reach Zhenjiang, which is lower than Jinshan Temple.

Countless creatures were innocently victimized, and this was enough for Bai Suzhen to violate the rules of nature.

Bai Suzhen finally violated the rules of heaven, and Fahai's goal was finally achieved.


The cost of achieving this goal is also too high.

The flooding of Jinshan Temple was certainly caused by Bai Suzhen's anger and impulsiveness. However, Fa Hai was the indirect creator of this disaster and should not be able to escape his involvement.

Of course, it's too late to say anything now. Bai Suzhen's violation of the rules of heaven has become an unchangeable fact.

So, is she really going to be conquered by Fahai?

After sighing in their hearts for a while, the readers continued to look below.

The flood receded, but the disaster could not be receded, and the situation could not be restored. Fahai finally had enough reasons to conquer Bai Suzhen.

The fight between Bai Suzhen and Fahai can no longer be avoided. Bai Suzhen is far more powerful than Xiaoqing, but in the end she still cannot beat Fahai.

And Fahai has a golden bowl given by his master that specializes in catching monsters. That golden bowl can be said to be Bai Suzhen's absolute nemesis.

Bai Suzhen was defeated, and Fahai asked for the golden bowl to keep Bai Suzhen in the golden bowl.

All the readers’ hearts skipped a beat. Oh no! Is Bai Suzhen going to be conquered by Fahai now?

This...this...the readers were completely unprepared and completely unable to accept it.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm in the end. At the critical moment, the child in Bai Suzhen's belly blocked Jin Bo's magic power.

It turns out that the child Bai Suzhen was carrying was the Wenqu star from the sky who descended to earth. Before he came to earth, Fahai could not subdue Bai Suzhen.

Fahai failed to conquer Bai Suzhen, and later found out that it was because of Wenquxing, so he had to give up the idea of ​​conquering Bai Suzhen temporarily. He could only wait until Bai Suzhen gave birth and Wenquxing came into the world, and then find a way to conquer Bai Suzhen.

All the readers breathed a long sigh of relief and ignored the rest of the matter. At least they were safe now.

Moreover, it remains to be seen whether Fahai can still subdue Bai Suzhen after Bai Suzhen gives birth.

After that, Fahai left, Bai Suzhen took Xiaoqing to treat his injuries, and Xu Xian was also rescued from Jinshan Temple by a monk from Jinshan Temple.

Xu Xian left Jinshan Temple and returned to Zhenjiang to look for Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing. He found that the streets of Zhenjiang were full of traces of flood damage, and many people's homes had been destroyed.

His Baohe Hall was also destroyed by the flood, and Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing did not return.

After that, Xu Xian once again began the long road to find his wife.

After Bai Suzhen healed Xiaoqing's injury, she returned to Jinshan Temple to look for Xu Xian, and found that Xu Xian was no longer in Jinshan Temple. She then went to Zhenjiang to search, but still couldn't find him.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing also started the long road to find Xu Xian again.

Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian, the ill-fated couple, separated again.

And here we are, today’s three-chapter update ends.

After reading it, all the readers sighed. The three chapters updated today left them with the only word "sigh".

Xu Xian took the initiative to send Fa Haiqiang to the door and let Fa Haiqiang stay in Jinshan Temple. Sigh!

Bai Suzhen begged Fahai, but Fahai remained indifferent, sighing!

Bai Suzhen kneels down to Cishou Pagoda step by step, which is heartbreaking. In the end, she is forced to resort to the extreme method of "flooding Jinshan Temple", sigh!

The water overflows the golden mountains, implicating countless innocent lives and destroying countless homes. Sigh!

Bai Suzhen finally violated the rules of heaven and sighed

^0^ Remember in one second【】


Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian are separated again, sigh!

Besides sighing, sighing, the only thing that can make people feel relieved is that the child Bai Suzhen is carrying is Wen Quxing who descended to earth, thus temporarily saving Bai Suzhen and preventing Bai Suzhen from being subdued by Fahai now.

Although many readers only sighed in their hearts, related discussions on the Internet are still very active.

After all, you need to find like-minded people to talk to when you are depressed.

"That fellow Fahai is really hateful! He is also very hard-hearted. Bai Suzhen begged so hard, but he didn't even hesitate at all."

"Fahai just wanted to 'force' Bai Suzhen, so he naturally had to be very hard-hearted, but it's a pity that Bai Suzhen was fooled in the end."

"The method of flooding the Jinshan Temple with water is indeed too extreme. Although it is understandable that this is Bai Suzhen's last resort after being 'forced' to panic, but the countless lives lost as a result are innocent. Bai Suzhen was still a little impulsive. Of course, the main thing It's Fahai who went too far."

"Alas! Yesterday I was very optimistic, thinking that Fahai would not be able to force Bai Suzhen to violate the rules of heaven. Who would have thought that today it would be like this."

"In my opinion, Xu Xian is still too weak. If he could be tougher in the face of Fa Hai's insistence, Bai Suzhen wouldn't have to use such extreme means as flooding the Jinshan Temple with water. Of course, that would not be Xu Xian. This may be They deserve disaster."

"I thought their lives would be stable after arriving in Zhenjiang. Who knew something would happen so soon, or it would be such an earth-shattering event."

"Yes! The couple separated again, how long have they been reunited? It's really a bad fate."

"Based on the current situation, Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian will definitely not be able to stay in Zhenjiang any longer. I wonder where they will meet again next time?"

"I don't know. Now that Bai Suzhen has lost her ability to calculate due to pregnancy, I still don't know when she will be able to reunite with Xu Xian again?"

"No matter when, as long as we can meet again, it will be good."

"It is certain that we will meet again. Isn't it sung like this in the song "Du Qing"? We are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away. I believe that Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian will definitely meet again."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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