Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1304 Departure to Lan Country

Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village, in Li Fan's room. .

Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying have also finished reading the latest chapter of "The Legend of White Snake" that has just been updated.

They finally knew the reason why Bai Suzhen flooded Jinshan Temple, and for a moment, they all felt a little aggrieved.

Qin Yulin said angrily: "The reason why Bai Suzhen took such extreme measures was all because of the 'force' of monk Fahai. Fahai should be fully responsible for the consequences of this matter."

Su Qing sighed softly and said: "No matter how much responsibility Fahai has to bear, this matter was ultimately caused by Bai Suzhen himself, and Tian Tiao must have been violated. It should be because of this matter that Bai Suzhen was finally imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda. "

Tang Ying said: "It must be for this reason. Fortunately, the child Bai Suzhen was pregnant with came from Wenquxing, so Bai Suzhen temporarily escaped this disaster. By the way, after Bai Suzhen gave birth to the child and was imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda, the main story behind Are you talking about Bai Suzhen’s child?”

Li Fan heard this and replied: "Indeed, after Bai Suzhen was imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda, Xu Xian will also go to Jinshan Temple to become a monk. The second half is mainly about telling the story of their children."

"Go to Jinshan Temple to become a monk?" Qin Yulin said, "Isn't it right? Xu Xian has really become Fa Hai's disciple?"

Su Qing and Tang Ying were also quite surprised. They did not expect that Xu Xian would really become Fa Hai's disciple.

Li Fan smiled and said: "You can also be regarded as Fa Hai's disciple. Being a monk means practicing. Xu Xian's becoming a monk is also practicing. This is not a bad thing. It's just that there is no wind, flower, snow and moon in the world."

The three 'women' nodded slowly. Bai Suzhen was imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda. Xu Xian's life alone was probably boring. Being a monk might indeed be a good choice.

But, why did you choose to become a monk at Jinshan Temple?

Well, that's a problem.

Qin Yulin added: "Their child is a Wenquxing star who descended to earth. He must be very powerful. He got the top prize?"

Li Fan said proudly: "Of course, for Wenquxing, being a small champion is like picking something out of a bag."

The three 'women' said "cut" at the same time, but their words contained great expectations for Wen Quxing's growth.

After that, the three 'women' discussed for a while, then left the room and went outside to play.

Li Fan continued to sort out information on the computer. He would leave for Lan Country early tomorrow morning, and he had to prepare well.

At this time, countless readers on the Internet are still sighing at the content of the chapters updated today.

Among them, the core focus is the plot of Bai Suzhen's water flooding Jinshan Temple.

This plot is destined not to be dull, and is destined to become one of the most classic plots in "The Legend of White Snake".

In addition, where will Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian meet again next time? Under what circumstances they will meet again, they are also very curious and are speculating.

Some people say that the two people should meet again in Zhenjiang, others say that they may meet again in Susu, and more people say that the next place where they will meet again will be in Qiantang.

After all, Xu Xian's sister and brother-in-law are both in Qiantang.

As for how the two will meet again? Then it's hard to guess.

However, no matter what circumstances they will meet again, it is very exciting.

As for their expectations, they don't need to wait too long. They should be able to know the answer by 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

This made many readers sigh once again, reading serialized novels on the Internet is so fun!

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan spent most of today sorting out information on the computer. In the evening, he invited Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, his wife, and his third uncle's family over for dinner.

The next day, early morning on January 16th.

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying got up early. They will officially leave for Lan Country today.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, they will take a direct flight to Languo at the provincial capital airport, so they need to get to the provincial capital in the morning.

After breakfast, we were ready to set off. Our luggage had been prepared last night. There was a small suitcase for each person, and the little girl's things were placed in Li Fan's suitcase.

After the little girl came over, Li Fan said, "Let's go."

The three girls nodded at the same time, and the little girl cheered. After saying goodbye to his father and mother, Li Fan and his party officially set off.

After leaving the village entrance, the little girl jumped ahead and looked very excited. Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying were also overjoyed, with looks of anticipation on their faces.

Li Fan is also looking forward to it. This is his first time traveling abroad.

The world is so big and there are many places that Li Fan wants to visit. It was the same in his past life and it is still the same now.

However, for him in his previous life, traveling around the world was just an almost impossible dream.

But now, everything has become simple. Where do you want to go? Ready to go at any time.

The little girl jumped in front for a while, then ran in front of Li Fan and said, "Brother, should we go to Lu Xi's house first?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "Let's go to Lucy's house as a guest first. Jared and Lucy will pick us up at the airport tomorrow."

"Okay!" The little girl cheered and ran forward again. She was about to see little Lucy. The little girl was very excited.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It's a bit exciting.

Soon after, the group arrived at the Longshan Township Market and got on a bus heading directly to the provincial capital.

Li Fan and his party were on the bus bound for the provincial capital. When the bus was about to arrive at the provincial capital, it was already 10 o'clock in the morning.

On the bus, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying promptly took out their mobile phones and logged into Li Fan's Weibo.

At this time, countless readers across the country also logged into Li Fan's Weibo on time, and it was time to update "The Legend of the White Snake".

The answer to the questions that lingered in the minds of readers yesterday has finally been revealed.

Facts have proved that most people's feelings are correct. The place where Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian reunited is exactly what most people guessed: Qiantang County.

More specifically, it was the Broken Bridge on West Lake in Qiantang County, where the two first met.

After Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing searched for Xu Xian in Zhenjiang to no avail, they came to West Lake in Qiantang County. Bai Suzhen believed that Xu Xian's home was in Qiantang, and she and Xu Xian first met in West Lake.

If Xu Xian couldn't find them after leaving Jinshan Temple, he would probably return to Qiantang County and come to West Lake again.

In this way, they should be able to reunite again.

Bai Suzhen's guess was indeed correct, and Xu Xian also came to West Lake.

From Zhenjiang to West Lake, Xu Xian was looking for Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, looking lost and lost all the way.

Even now that I have arrived at the West Lake, it is still the same. I have no intention of admiring the beautiful West Lake.

There is a song to prove it:

"Lost in Jinshan,

I feel ashamed to say nothing to my beloved wife.

The smoke and water of the West Lake are unappreciative,

Infinite sadness in Jiangnan,

Sad in Jiangnan. "

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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