Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1305 The broken bridge meets again

Remember in one second【】

Both Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian returned to the West Lake, to the place where they first met, which is also where this part and the story begins. .: .

All readers have a feeling of joy. In this work, they always have an inseparable feeling for the West Lake and the Broken Bridge.

The West Lake and the Broken Bridge are where the story of Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian begins, as well as the story between them and the work "The Legend of White Snake".

Now that Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian have returned to West Lake, they will definitely meet again here.

Therefore, readers are all looking forward to it and can’t wait to read on.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing came to the Broken Bridge. When Bai Suzhen saw the Broken Bridge, she couldn't help but feel emotional. Recalling the scene of her first encounter with Xu Xian on the Broken Bridge, Bai Suzhen felt heartbroken and secretly sad.

Broken bridge, broken bridge, is called a broken bridge, but the bridge is not broken, the bridge is not broken, and the love is not broken, the hearts are linked to each other, and a golden hairpin continues the front edge.

A golden hairpin fell from Bai Suzhen's body, and this golden hairpin fell in front of Xu Xian, who was in despair.

Xu Xian bent down and picked up the gold hairpin, and the two were destined to reconnect.

At both ends of the broken bridge, Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen, one at this end and the other at the other end of the broken bridge, finally saw each other at the same time.

The next moment, the pair of ill-fated mandarin ducks were calling each other's names and running towards each other with tears in their eyes.

The distance got closer and closer, and finally at the very center of the broken bridge, the two hugged each other and cried. After being separated from Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang, the two finally reunited on the broken bridge.


The broken bridge is reunited, arranged by heaven,

The husband and wife bow to each other across from each other.

Enmity, resentment and resentment speak of separation,

A smile sweeps away the clouds.

When readers saw this, they felt happy and at the same time lamented the relationship between the two. It was here that the two first met, and now after experiencing many twists and turns, they are here again. The encounter is really arranged by God to meet again after a broken bridge.


Xu Xian took Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing back to the home of her sister and brother-in-law in Qiantang County.

On the way back, Xiaoqing had an encounter with a young man named Zhang. Although the young man named Zhang looked a bit like a passerby.

But in the hearts of a few readers, there is a faint feeling that Mr. Zhang may not be completely out to make soy sauce.

So, is this actually the case? Now they don't know the answer.

However, they are not in a hurry. They know that when they see the back, they will naturally know the answer.

Xu Xian suddenly returned home, taking his daughter-in-law with him. The sister and brother-in-law were naturally surprised and happy. The family reunion was naturally a warm and touching scene.

During this time, brother-in-law Li Gongfu, or the entire Qiantang County, was troubled by a strange case.

In the near future, girls have been missing for no reason in Qiantang County. The Qiantang County magistrate asked Li Gongfu to solve the case as soon as possible to calm the hearts of the people of Qiantang County.

Li Gongfu said that the object in the case was neither human nor ghost nor immortal. According to the words of the children who witnessed the case, the object had a ferocious appearance, turning into humans and animals, and could swim among the grass. According to the only name of the 'girl' child who survived, Judging from the injuries sustained on the body, the injuries were not only deep, but also dense.

Therefore, Li Gongfu judged that the thing should be a monster with sharp teeth and claws, many hands and many legs.

However, the county magistrate did not believe what Li Gongfu said, thinking that there could be no monsters in Qiantang County, and asked Li Gongfu to solve the case within three days.

Li Gongfu was naturally worried and frowning about this.

The magistrate of Qiantang County did not believe Li Gongfu's judgment, but many readers were willing to believe it.

According to Li Gongfu's description, the object in the case must be some kind of monster.

All the readers sighed, Li Gongfu's luck is really not very good. The last case of missing treasury silver was caused by Xiaoqing. It can be said to be a monster case.

Now there is another monster case, this luck is really bad.

However, now that Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing are back, they may be able to help Li Gongfu solve the case. From this point of view, Li Gongfu seems to be lucky again.

As for what kind of monster that monster is? All the readers were very curious.

Then continue reading below.

Xu Xian, Bai Suzhen, and Xiaoqing settled down at their sister and brother-in-law's house.

All readers breathed a sigh of relief at this time, thinking that the two of them could finally settle down and go home after all.

However, Bai Suzhen's heart could not calm down. That night, Xu Xian fell asleep, but Bai Suzhen could not fall asleep. Her heart became more and more panicked.

She remembered the time when she was almost subdued by Fahai. That time she survived because of the child in her belly.

And now, it was not long before she gave birth. After she gave birth, Fahai would definitely come to her door again.

What kind of fate will be waiting for her then? Bai Suzhen doesn't know now, which makes her feel very uneasy. She feels that her marriage with Xu Xian seems to be coming to an end.

Exactly: when the moon is cloudy and sunny, people are in a state of misfortune and good fortune day and night.

It is difficult for a loving couple to grow old together, and for a happy person to have incomplete life.

I love that official so much that it hurts my heart. I don’t want to be a god in this mortal world.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

What I fear most is that the red candle will eventually burn out, and the two will fly apart in the end.

This libretto is affectionate, but it also reveals endless pathos, helplessness and sadness. This is Bai Suzhen's inner monologue at this time. She is afraid that the marriage between her and Xu Xian will be like the red candle on the table. , will eventually burn out, and the two of them, a pair of fateful mandarin ducks, will eventually part ways.

Although there is no melody yet, the words alone have already made all readers feel sad. They are really a pair of miserable mandarin ducks.

Afterwards, Xu Xian woke up and saw Bai Suzhen with tears in her eyes, very sad. Feeling distressed, she quickly asked Bai Suzhen why she was so sad?

Bai Suzhen said that she was afraid that her time with Xu Xian would not last long.

Xu Xian kept calm and said that they would be husband and wife for the rest of their lives, so how could their time together not be short?

Bai Suzhen really said that she also wanted to be husband and wife with Xu Xian for the rest of her life, but she had one thing that she had to explain to Xu Xian.

All the readers' hearts skipped a beat and they were all thinking, is Bai Suzhen going to tell Xu Xian her true identity?

And the fact is, it is indeed the case.

Bai Suzhen said that everything Fahai said was true. She was originally a little white snake in the mountains...

Next, Bai Suzhen told how she practiced cultivation in the mountains, how she was saved by a little shepherd boy, how she transformed into a human form, and how she came to the West Lake after being enlightened by Master Guanyin to find the little shepherd boy who saved her life. I talked about repaying my kindness and other things one by one.

After Bai Suzhen finished speaking, Xu Xian finally understood everything and knew that he was the little shepherd boy who saved Bai Suzhen's life.

It's just that time in the mountains passes easily, and the world has been prosperous for thousands of years. Bai Suzhen is still the same little white snake back then, but he has been reincarnated for more than a dozen reincarnations.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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