Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1306 First Arrival in Lan Country

Remember in one second【】

Bai Suzhen told Xu Xian her true identity, and Xu Xian finally knew everything, everything Bai Suzhen had done for him, and everything Bai Suzhen had paid for him.

Of course, he also learned more about Bai Suzhen's true love for him, a true love that moved heaven and earth.

The readers initially thought that Xu Xian would be a little scared after knowing the truth, but soon they knew that they were wrong.

Xu Xian asked Bai Suzhen why she didn't tell him everything earlier? Bai Suzhen said she was afraid that Xu Xian would be afraid, and Xu Xian asked how could he be afraid?

Exactly: It turns out that the marriage was destined in the previous life, so no wonder you are always infatuated in this life.

The original intention of glue paint has been there for a hundred years, and I will never let you down in this life.

"The original intention of Guoqi has been there for a hundred years, and I will never let you down in this life." With Xu Xian's true confession, today's three-chapter update ends.

However, the mood of the readers has been difficult to calm down for a long time. After reading yesterday's update, the only word in the readers' hearts is "sigh".

So, after reading today's update, readers will be "surprised" and "moved" at the same time.

Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian met again at Broken Bridge. They were surprised and moved. Why could they meet again at Broken Bridge?

That's because the two of them came to the West Lake and Broken Bridge at the same time. Why did they come to the West Lake and Broken Bridge at the same time?

That's because the two have a clear understanding of each other, and a golden hairpin continues their relationship. It is their destined fate in the past and present, and it is also a testimony of their deep love for each other.

After that, Bai Suzhen had a premonition that she would not be with Xu Xian for too long, so she chose to tell Xu Xian her true identity. She loved Xu Xian and was willing to give her everything for Xu Xian. Naturally, she also wanted Xu Xian to know everything about her. .

She had tried every means to hide her identity from Xu Xian before, just because she was worried that Xu Xian would be scared after knowing her identity, and she was also afraid that she would lose Xu Xian because of it.

But now, she has no time. If she doesn't tell Xu Xian her true identity, she is afraid that she will never have a chance in the future.

After Xu Xian knew the truth, he did not show even a trace of fear. Instead, he said with a strong heart, "The original intention of Guo Qi has been there for a hundred years, and I will never let you down in this life."

This surprised all readers, and of course moved them even more.

Bai Suzhen has true feelings for Xu Xian, and Xu Xian also has true feelings for Bai Suzhen.

As for Bai Suzhen, will she really be conquered by Fahai after giving birth? Now everyone is unwilling to think too much, or in other words, they are a little afraid to think too much. They are afraid that the marriage between Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian is really like a red candle on the table, which will eventually burn out.

Because of fear, they would rather not think about it. The warmth and true love between the two of them now is enough.

Of course, in today's update, in addition to the true love vows between the two, there are other contents that everyone is also talking about.

For example, the young man named Zhang Yutang who had crossed paths with Xiao Qing, had he finished his soy sauce? Or will it appear again? Will there be any more stories between him and Xiao Qing?

Because, judging from today's relevant descriptions, it seems that Zhang Yutang may still appear, and is not just a passerby.

A lot of readers are talking about this. Some people say that Zhang Yutang will not appear again, while others say that Zhang Yutang will definitely appear again, and maybe he will fall in love with Xiaoqing or something. .

Bai Suzhen has Xu Xianfeng, Hua Xueyue, Xiaoqing should also meet a wishful man, right? This jade hall looks a bit similar.

In addition, everyone is also talking about the monster that is doing evil in Qiantang County, and they are all guessing what kind of monster it is?

And this doesn't seem too difficult to guess. According to Li Gongfu, the monster can swim in the grass and has many hands and feet.

So, the first thing everyone thinks of is the centipede. Could it be that the monster is the centipede spirit?

It’s not certain at this time, but maybe the ‘sexuality’ is not small, so I wonder if the monster is powerful? Will Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing help Li Gongfu eliminate the demon?

These have caused everyone to talk about it, and the Internet is very lively.

Readers on the Internet were talking a lot, and Li Fan and his party had also arrived in the provincial capital.

After coming out of the passenger station, I took a taxi and went straight to the Provincial Capital International Airport. After having lunch at a hotel at the airport, I boarded a direct flight to Langdon, the capital of Lanzhou, at 2pm on time.

This flight lasted more than ten hours, crossing half of the Blue Star, and gradually reached the airspace of Lan Country.

At two o'clock in the afternoon on January 17th, Lanzhou time, Langdon International Airport, the capital of Lanzhou.

Jared and his daughter Lucy were waiting for someone at the airport exit. The people they were waiting for were naturally Li Fan and his party.

Jared has been looking forward to this day since Li Fan accepted the invitation last time and said he would come to his home as a guest.

Of course, Lucy is also looking forward to this day, for the sake of brother Li Fan who wrote the Harry Potter story, and for the beautiful and lovely Sansheng Village of China who is one year younger than her. younger sister.

While waiting, little Lucy looked very excited and asked, "Dad, are brother Li Fan, sister Su Qing, and sister Linlin arriving soon?"

Jared smiled and said: "Yes, Lucy, they are almost here. Moreover, this time there is not only one sister Su Qing, but also two sisters who are about the same age as sister Su Qing."

After hearing this, Lucy

^0^ Remember in one second【】

He said happily: "Are there two more sisters coming too? This is great. Are those two sisters as beautiful as Sister Su Qing?"

Jared said: "Lucy, I guess not. After all, Sister Su Qing is so beautiful. I'm afraid it will be difficult to find such a beautiful woman in this world. However, those two sisters should also It will be beautiful, that’s for sure.”

'Lucy' nodded and said, "Dad, I really hope they can arrive soon."

Jared said: "Lucy, they are coming soon, you will be able to see them soon."

Lucy said "hmm", raised her toes slightly, and looked towards the exit of the airport.

After more than ten hours of flight, the plane that Li Fan and his party took landed smoothly at Langdon International Airport.

After stepping off the plane, I could clearly feel a distinctly foreign atmosphere. Qin Yulin said: "The feeling here is really obviously different from that in China."

Su Qing and Tang Ying also nodded in agreement.

Li Fan smiled and said: "We have the same blue sky above our heads, how big of a difference can it make?"

The three girls all rolled their eyes after hearing this, while the little girl looked around with excitement, everything she saw felt new.

Li Fan said: "Let's go out of the airport. Don't keep Jared and Lucy waiting for too long."

The three 'women' nodded at the same time. After getting their luggage, they walked towards the airport exit together.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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