Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1313 Baker Street

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan's attitude changed after hearing the name of Cleo's bar. Not only Cleo was confused, but Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying were also confused. ,: .

Cleo walked in front, and Li Fan and the other two followed. Qin Yulin approached Li Fan and asked in a low voice: "Brother-in-law, you clearly didn't want to go before. Why did you suddenly want to go after hearing the name of his bar?" Are you going? He seems quite excited."

Li Fan also said in a low voice: "Of course there is a reason, and it is related to the name 'Cretilian Bar'. As for the specific reason? I can't explain it in a few words now, but you may know it in the future."

When the three 'women' heard what Li Fan said, they all curled their lips and each muttered something in their mouths?

Li Fan smiled slightly and did not explain. The fact is that it is really unclear to explain now.

Because this bar called "Cretilian" was a very famous bar in the British movie "Detective Mormes" in the previous life.

Holmes's partner Watson met his old friend Little Stanford at the entrance of the Cletierian Bar.

Later, it was little Stanford who introduced Watson to Holmes, and the two rented a house together at 221b Baker Street, and then the series of classic stories came about.

There is no Conan Doyle in this world, and naturally there is no "Sherlock Holmes". However, I did not expect that in the modern city of Longtown, there would be a bar called "Cretillian".

This made Li Fan feel very surprised and incredible. You must know that the story background of "Sherlock Holmes" is in the 20th century, and there is a bar called "Cretillian" in it.

Now, not only has the world changed, but the time has also reached a new century. There is actually a bar called "Cretillian".

I don’t know if this is fate or some destiny.

That's why Li Fan was so interested in Cleitlian Bar and readily accepted Cleo's invitation. He must take a look at this bar.

Naturally, these reasons cannot be explained to Cleo, nor can they be explained to Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying.

Cleo and Li Fan were walking and talking. During this period, they learned that Li Fan was from China and also learned Li Fan's name.

After about ten minutes,

Cleo said: "Mr. Li Fan, three beautiful ladies, the bar at the crossroads in front is my Cletierian Bar. It does look a bit depressed. I feel very sorry and sorry for this." .”

Li Fan and Su Qing looked in the direction Cleo pointed. Sure enough, they saw the Cletillian Bar at the intersection in front of them. The name of the bar was "Cretillian", which was quite interesting. manifest.

But just as Cleo said, it does seem to be quite depressed. Even if you haven't entered the bar yet, you can already feel it just from the outside.

Li Fan said: "Mr. Cleo, it does not look very good, but its area seems to be quite large?"

Cleo nodded and said: "Mr. Li Fan is right. The area inside is indeed not small. It is for this reason that the monthly rent is not low. In fact, my bar has been unable to make ends meet for a long time. It's been a while." Guo Degang said in disgust.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Maybe this is just temporary. I think your bar is in a very good location, and business should get better."

Cleo said: "Thank you very much for Mr. Li Fan's kind words. I have been working hard to make it better."

Li Fan said: "I think that day may not wait too long."

Cleo laughed and said, "I hope it's as Mr. Li Fan said."

With that said, several people had already crossed the intersection and arrived at the door of the bar. When they arrived at the door, the feeling of depression became more obvious.

Cleo said: "I'm very sorry. It does look very depressed. Mr. Li Fan and three beautiful ladies, please come inside."

Li Fan said: "Mr. Cleo, you're welcome, Mr. Cleo please!"

Entering the bar, Li Fan and the three women turned around and looked around the bar. As far as they could see, the area was indeed quite wide, but there was not even a single customer in the huge bar.

Of course, it's noon now, and it's not the peak consumption period for bar customers. There should be some customers in the evening.

Cleo said: "Mr. Li Fan, three beautiful ladies, please feel free to sit down. You must be hungry already. I will arrange lunch."

Li Fan said: "Mr. Cleo just arranges whatever you want. Don't be too polite."

After Cleo said sorry again, she said goodbye and left to prepare lunch.

Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, after briefly looking at the entire bar, lost interest, chose a sofa and sat down, rubbing their legs and whispering What.

Li Fan, however, continued to look at it with great interest, looking at the entire bar quite carefully.

Li Fan was very interested in this bar that appeared in the novel "Sherlock Holmes" in his previous life, even though it now looks quite depressed and the facilities are a bit old.

About twenty minutes later, Cleo came out again and said, "Mr. Li Fan, three beautiful ladies, lunch is ready. Please allow me to take you to eat."

Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying stood up. Li Fan smiled and said, "Then trouble Clay."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Mr. Ao. "

Cleo smiled and said: "Mr. Li Fan is too polite, everyone, please!"

After finishing speaking, he led the way, followed by the three girls, Li Fan and Su Qing.

Not long after, they arrived at a private room, and a table was already filled with rich food. It was obvious that Cleo did not arrange it randomly, but carefully prepared it.

Cleo asked a few people to sit down, and Li Fan said: "Mr. Cleo is so polite. This is really a sumptuous meal. Thank you Mr. Cleo for your hospitality."

Cleo smiled and said: "Where is the rich talk? Mr. Li Fan, three beautiful ladies, please!"

Li Fan nodded, picked up the tableware and started eating. Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying also started eating. They really felt a little hungry.

After eating for a while, Li Fan asked: "Mr. Cleo, I would like to ask a question. Is there a street called 'Baker Street' in Langton City?"

This is a question Li Fan wanted to ask after he learned about the Cletierian Bar.

"Baker Street?" Cleo didn't seem to have any impression. After thinking for a while, she said: "There does seem to be such a street over there in the old city. It's not too far from here, but it should be a very long one. Small streets don't attract much attention. So, I'm not too sure. Why did Mr. Li Fan suddenly ask about Baker Street?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "When I was looking at the map of Langdun city before, I seemed to have seen such a street. I just suddenly remembered it and thought that Mr. Cleo might know about it, so I wanted to ask."

Cleo said: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Li Fan, I'm not too sure, but there should be such a street. Does Mr. Li Fan want to go there?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "That's indeed the plan."

Cleo said: "That's the old city. It's not too far from here. If Mr. Li Fan wants to go, he can go there in the afternoon."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, thank you Mr. Cleo."

Cleo smiled and said: "Mr. Li Fan is too polite."

Fourth update, additional update for Herodo (2/4)

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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