Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1314 An inconspicuous small street

Remember in one second【】

After lunch at Cletlian Bar, Li Fan chatted with Cleo for a while and then said goodbye. .

Cleo also knew that these people were visiting Langdun City, so she was embarrassed to continue to persuade them to stay and sent them to the door of the bar.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Mr. Cleo, I suddenly have a hunch that it may not take too long for your bar's business to pick up again."

Cleo also smiled and said: "Thank you Mr. Li Fan for your kind words. I hope it is true as Mr. Li Fan said."

Li Fan smiled and was about to leave with Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying when he heard Cleo say again: "Mr. Li Fan, please wait a moment. I actually have a question that I have always wanted to ask Li Fan." Mr. Fan, I am afraid of being a little presumptuous."

"Oh?" Li Fan looked at Cleo and said with a smile, "Mr. Cleo, please tell me."

Cleo hesitated for a moment and said: "Mr. Li Fan, in your country of China, there is a famous figure also named Li Fan. He is the owner of the Immortal Farm and the owner of the Harry Potter series. . And I can feel that Mr. Li Fan does not seem to be an ordinary person. I would like to take the liberty to ask, is Mr. Li Fan the famous Li Fan? "

After asking this question, Cleo waited expectantly for Li Fan's answer.

When he first learned Li Fan's name, he didn't think much about it, nor did he associate the Li Fan in front of him with the famous Li Fan. He knew that in China, "Li Fan" was just a very common name. , I don’t know how many people are called “Li Fan”.

However, the more he came into contact with Li Fan, the more he felt that Li Fan did not seem like an ordinary person, so he asked this question.

Of course, although he asked this, he actually didn't hold out much hope. The Li Fan in front of him may indeed be no ordinary person, but this does not prove that he is the famous Li Fan.

Cleo didn't want to believe that she was so lucky to have met the famous Li Fan in China, and Li Fan also helped him. He also invited Li Fan to have lunch.

But if she didn't ask, Cleo would feel very sorry, so she took the liberty to ask.

When Li Fan heard Cleo's question, he smiled and said: "Mr. Cleo, thank you very much for your lunch. You are welcome to visit China. I will also invite you to dinner. I think you should be able to Find me, I welcome Mr. Cleo at any time. Well, we will take our leave now and thank you again, Mr. Cleo, for your hospitality.”

Cleo heard Li Fan say this,

He said quickly: "Okay, goodbye Mr. Li Fan, goodbye three beautiful ladies, you are welcome to come to the Cletierian Bar again."

Li Fan and the three girls said "goodbye" again and left. Cleo looked at the backs of Li Fan and the three girls leaving, thinking about what Li Fan just said.

"Mr. Li Fan's intention was very obvious. He invited me to visit his home in China. He also said that I should be able to find him after I go to China. However, he did not tell me the specific address of his home. And I How can we find him unless..."

Cleo suddenly became extremely excited as she thought about it, "Unless he is the famous Li Fan, his home is in the Three Saints Village of China, so I can naturally find him."

"That must be the case. He not only answered my questions, but also expressed his intention to invite me to his home. Oh my god, Mr. Li Fan actually invited me to his home." Cleo became more and more excited and excited. It was so exciting that even the gloom of the bar was left behind at this time.

Li Fan, Su Qing and others who had already left Cleo Tilian's bar didn't know Cleo was so excited.

Qin Yulin said: "Brother-in-law, when you said that at the end, wasn't it equivalent to telling him your identity?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "There is nothing about my identity that deserves to be kept secret. Of course I will tell him if he asks."

Qin Yulin nodded and said: "Okay, brother-in-law is right. By the way, brother-in-law, do we really want to go to that Baker Street?"

Li Fan said: "Well, let's go and have a look."

Qin Yulin said: "But brother-in-law, why do you want to go there? According to what Boss Cleo just said, Baker Street is just an inconspicuous small street, not famous! Besides, it is still in the old city, and the surrounding area should There is no famous place.”

Li Fandao: "It's true that it's not famous there now, but who knows what will happen in the future. We are just visiting anyway, so it's good to go to the old town to see it."

Qin Yulin said: "Having said that, I still feel suspicious. Brother-in-law, do you have any ideas?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Well, I do have a little idea, but we will go there and see the details first before talking about it."

Qin Yulin said: "Well, Boss Cleo said it's not too far from here, but it shouldn't be close either. How can we get there?"

Li Fan said: "Just take a taxi there."

Immediately, several people got into a taxi and headed straight to the old city.

The distance was indeed neither far nor close. About half an hour later, several people got out of the car. The taxi driver told them that Baker Street was not far ahead and would be there soon. Li Fan decided to get out of the car and walk over.

A few people raised their eyes and looked around. The various buildings here do have some traces of time, and they feel quite different from the new city.

It is not as prosperous, lively and modern as the new city, but walking on such streets has a unique nostalgic charm, which can make people's impetuous hearts become a little calmer.

Stay long in the new city

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Now, choosing to take a walk in the old town is obviously a good choice.

Li Fan and the others walked straight along a street. According to what the taxi driver just said, Baker Street intersects with this street, and the intersection is not far ahead.

And Li Fan and the others did see it from a distance. There was an intersection ahead, and the street across it should be Baker Street. However, there were no road signs to indicate that Baker Street was indeed just a small street.

Soon, several people arrived at the intersection. Looking left and right, a street with a narrow pavement appeared in their sight.

There are duplex apartment buildings on both sides of the street. Although they are all low-rise, they are lined up one after another. They are very clean and tidy, and have a unique charm and style.

Qin Yulin looked at the intersection for a while and said, "Is this Baker Street? Why are there no road signs on the street?"

Li Fan said: "This is indeed Baker Street. There are road signs in front. I have seen them. Logically speaking, there should be road signs at this intersection, but they may have been damaged for some reason."

Qin Yulin nodded and said, "That should be the case. Although this street is not wide or long, the apartment buildings on both sides of the street seem to be quite good."

Li Fandao: "Living here is indeed a very good choice."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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