Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1315 The Only Old Man

Remember in one second【】

The old town of Longtown, at the intersection of Baker Street. .: .

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying stood at the street entrance for a while and then walked forward along Baker Street.

The streets run north to south. The total length of the two sections of streets at the intersection is about 500 meters, and the average road width is about 4 meters. Several people walk from south to north.

The whole street looked very deserted, with few pedestrians passing by. Apart from duplex apartments and residential buildings, there were no other buildings on both sides of the street, and there were almost no shops.

Su Qing said with some confusion: "This street seems a little too deserted, and it feels a bit abnormal to be deserted. Although this is an old city, the location is not remote. It can even be said that the location is good. The apartment building looks nice, so it shouldn’t be so deserted here.”

Tang Ying said: "Those apartment buildings do look good, but they seem to be almost all empty and unoccupied. This may be the reason why it is so deserted here."

Qin Yulin said: "Sister Jing Yingying said this, I seem to feel that no one lives in those apartments. This is really strange. Those apartments look good and the location is okay, so why is there no one living in them?"

Li Fandao: "Maybe there is some reason that we don't know, or maybe there is no reason. Over time, it has naturally become the current situation."

Qin Yulin said: "It's a bit weird. By the way, brother-in-law, you came to this street specifically. Did you know that this street was a bit weird before?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "How can I be so capable? I am very interested in this street for no reason. Besides, as I said just now, we think this street is a bit strange, but the locals may not think so. It’s strange because they are used to the desertedness of this street.”

Qin Yulin added: "That's right. This street is not long. Apart from a few apartment buildings, there is nothing special about it. It is an ordinary small street. It seems normal to be deserted."

A few people walked while talking, and after a few minutes they reached the end of the street. They were planning to go back the same way and check out the section of street just opposite the intersection, but suddenly they heard a "crunch", something like a car driving. 'Door' sound.

In the deserted street, this sound was quite loud, and several people all turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

Sure enough, they saw that the door of a duplex apartment at the end of the street was being opened. "Is that apartment occupied?" This was the first thought that came to several people's minds.

The big door is a double iron door. Now the left half of the door is opened. Maybe the door is a bit heavy, or maybe the person who opened the door is not strong enough. The opening speed is very slow, and the "crunching" sound is also prolonged.

When the door opened to a certain angle, a pair of skinny hands, showing the vicissitudes of endless years, stretched out and grabbed the edge of the door, and continued to open the door.

Judging from these hands, the owner of these hands must be quite old. No wonder it can be felt that the person inside is having a hard time opening the door.

The 'door' was finally opened slowly, and an old man, probably in his seventies, walked out. The old man's body seemed to be quite strong, because the old man's hand was dragging a rather large linen bag. , the pockets are bulging, obviously full of things.

Although the old man walked very slowly, every step he took was quite solid.

Not far from the gate, there was a human-powered tricycle parked, and the old man was walking in the direction of the tricycle. It seemed that he wanted to put the linen bag he was dragging in his hand into the tricycle.

Li Fan believed that this was not very difficult for the old man, but Li Fan still walked forward and said, "Hello, old man, do you need help?"

The old man's hearing was pretty good. Li Fan didn't deliberately amplify his voice, but the old man heard it very clearly. He stopped, looked at Li Fan, and said with a smile: "Thank you, young man. After all, I need this bag." Put your things on that tricycle. If you help me, I think it will be much easier for me."

Li Fan smiled and said: "I am very willing to help, so let me help you."

After saying that, Li Fan took the bag from the old man's hand. When he lifted it, he was a little surprised. The weight of the bag turned out to be quite heavy, about fifty kilograms.

This weight is naturally not worth mentioning to Li Fan, but the old man can drag it, which shows that his body is indeed quite strong.

But when the old man just opened the door, he felt it was quite difficult. From this point of view, it seems that the door itself is not easy to open and needs to be re-maintained.

Such a thought flashed through Li Fan's mind, and then he walked slowly towards the tricycle with the old man holding his bag.

Holding the pocket in his hand, Li Fan roughly guessed what was in the pocket. It should be waste products such as cardboard boxes.

"Does the old man want to sell these scraps?" Another thought flashed through Li Fan's mind.

As the old man walked, he looked at Li Fan and said with a smile again: "Young man, you are very strong. The contents of this bag weigh fifty kilograms, but it feels as light as weight in your hand." Nothing is ordinary.”

Li Fan laughed and said, "Thank you, old man. I usually pay more attention to physical exercise, and my strength is indeed greater than that of ordinary people."

The old man nodded and said, "Young man, if I guess correctly, you are from China and came to Langdun City for fun."

"Oh?" After hearing what the old man said, Li

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Fan looked at the old man again with great interest and said with a smile: "Why are you so sure?"

The old man smiled heartily and said: "Because when I was just about to open the door in the apartment, I vaguely heard someone speaking in Hua outside. Although I couldn't understand it, I was sure it was Hua. And you With three very beautiful female companions, it is natural that they are traveling. Moreover, perhaps only China, a country with outstanding people, can have such beautiful women. "

After hearing this, Li Fan also smiled and said: "The old man's judgment is indeed very accurate. I am indeed from China and came to Langdun City to travel. By the way, old man, have you always lived in this street? I just came from Walking across the street, I found that the residential buildings on both sides of the street seemed to be empty, which was a bit strange. "

After hearing this, the old man sighed softly and said: "Those residential buildings are indeed empty. Now I am the only one living in the entire Baker Street. I have lived here for decades."

"As expected." Li Fan thought to himself and then said, "Old man, why is this? I think the living environment here is good, so why doesn't anyone want to live here?"

The old man shook his head and said: "I don't know why. This street has never been very popular. There used to be a few families living there, but they all moved away one after another. I have lived in this street alone for ten years." People seem to have forgotten this street, which is indeed a regrettable and very confusing thing. "

Li Fan nodded and did not ask any more questions. It was indeed difficult to explain the reasons for some phenomena.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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