Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1317 Enemies meet on a narrow road

Remember in one second【】

The Royal Opera House is one of the most famous opera houses in Langdon City. Although it is called the "Opera House", it is actually a comprehensive place integrating shopping, sightseeing, dining and other functions. .

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying approached the opera house and saw that there were always people coming in and out at the main entrance of the opera house. It was very popular, and now those who went in had to stay away from those who came out. many.

Li Fan and the others did not make any further delays and walked directly into the gate. When entering the gate, Li Fan also asked the staff clearly that the venue for tonight's music performance was in a A music hall called Teague Hall.

Following the road signs, the group of people quickly arrived outside the main door of Teague Concert Hall and could clearly hear that a male singer was singing in the concert hall. The song was soothing and quiet, and it was country music.

Tang Ying said at this time: "This song sounds pretty good and can make people relax. Li Fan, what do you think?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "It's indeed okay. It's a good piece of music."

Qin Yulin chuckled and said, "I think it's pretty good. It sounds quite comfortable. Let's go in quickly. We should go in directly, right?"

Li Fan was about to speak when he suddenly frowned slightly. He felt a few malicious eyes looking at them.

Su Qing felt Li Fan's mood swings and asked softly, "Is that so?"

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "Maybe we met an acquaintance."

Hearing what Li Fan said, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying couldn't help but be a little confused. Qin Yulin said: "Brother-in-law, what do you mean? Did you meet any acquaintance? The only acquaintance we have here is Jared. Well, let’s just forget about the bar owner today, are they here too?”

Su Qing shook her head and said, "It's not them." She could feel that if it were Jared or Cleo, Li Fan wouldn't have such emotional fluctuations just now.

Li Fan said: "They are already here. They are on our right. Let's wait for them. After all, we are all acquaintances."

After hearing this, the three women hurriedly turned their heads and looked to the right. They saw a few young men in their twenties walking towards them in the aisle. Among them was a man who could barely be considered an acquaintance. It was the young man who grabbed the bag who was tripped to the ground by Li Fan this afternoon.

To meet him here unexpectedly, the three 'women' all frowned slightly, they could feel that,

The few young people who were walking over were not bad towards them.

Of course, the three 'women' only frowned slightly. They did not feel the slightest fear. Li Fan could give them a strong sense of security.

Giroud was the name of the young man who was tripped to the ground by Li Fan. At this time, he was particularly excited because he unexpectedly met the man outside Teague Concert Hall this afternoon. He is a young oriental boy who is wrestling and working in vain.

Of course, there is actually another reason why he is so excited, and that is that the three extremely beautiful women are also there.

Fortunately, he is not alone at this time, and he still has enough companions.

He and his companions are all "Tao" people, and they all make a living by running some cost-free "business".

In fact, "stealing" is actually the best. If you really can't "steal", then you have to use "rob".

Giroud made a big deal today. He was sure that the money in the wallet was at least 100,000 rand. He had actually successfully made this big deal, but was later offered a hand by a young oriental boy. One kick was lost again.

With the big order in hand flying like this, Giroud hated the young oriental boy with a itch in his heart. It happened that some of his companions also had a bad business today. In the evening, a few people gathered together and thought about it. Let's do some more business.

The Opera House is one of their best choices. There are many people in the free concert hall, and everyone's attention is almost entirely on enjoying the music. It is one of their best targets.

In fact, they often have something to gain in late opera houses.

Their goal tonight was the Teague Concert Hall of the Royal Opera House. As soon as they arrived outside the Teague business hall, Giroud saw the oriental boy who made him grit his teeth, and the three extremely beautiful 'woman.

Giroud was overjoyed and quickly told some of his companions about Wu. One of them, Telles, said: "Giroux, you said it was that guy Wu who ruined your business? That guy around him The figures of the three women are really great.”

Giroud said: "Yes, it's him. I will admit my mistake to him, but I will never admit my mistake to those three beautiful women."

Another companion, Hu Ke, frowned slightly and said: "Which country in the east are they from? If they are from China, I think it is better to forget it. China is a superpower, and the people from their country are in our country. They are very popular, so it’s better not to conflict with them. After all, we are doing business and we are not unreasonable.”

Giroud sneered and said: "Hook, you are too cowardly. Even if he is from China, so what? He is an ordinary citizen coming to travel, and we are still afraid of him. Besides, we are not right. What about him? He ruined my business and I asked him to compensate for the losses. Isn’t that too much?"

Teles said: "Girou is right, this is Lan Country, how can we let a foreigner bully us? Since he can bring three such beautiful women to visit Langdun City, it means that he must not It’s not too much for us to ask him to compensate us for the shortfall.”

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Hook still frowned and said: "But since he dares to do damage, it proves that he is not a cowardly person, how can he be willing to compensate for the losses obediently?"

Giroud sneered: "It was just a passionate impulse, or maybe it was to gain face in front of three beauties. I guess he must have regretted it after he tripped me. You don't want to think about it either. , he is a foreigner in this foreign country, how can he be willing to cause trouble? Now we only need to intimidate him a little, and we will definitely make him obedient. "

Hook finally nodded and said, "That's true. Okay, I agree."

Giroud nodded and said: "Okay, let's go over now. They seem to be preparing to enter the 'door'. Remember, we have to intimidate that kid with our momentum."

In this way, several people sneered and walked towards Li Fan and Su Qing who were standing not far from the entrance of the concert hall.

As soon as he approached, Jirou sneered: "Boy, I really didn't expect to meet you here. It seems that we are really destined. What? Bring three beauties to listen Music, you know a lot about romance."

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "So it's you, what? Wasn't that fall enough in the afternoon? What do you mean by coming here now?"

Jirou said: "It doesn't mean anything. I came here with a few companions to welcome you. We should welcome you when you come to Langdun City to travel."

Li Fan nodded and said: "Then we thank you for your welcome. Well, if there is nothing else, we will go in and enjoy the music."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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