Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1318: Not following the plot

Remember in one second【】

In front of Teague Hall. ,: . Mobile terminal m.

When Jilu heard Li Fan say that if there was nothing else, they would go in to enjoy the music, he couldn't help but sneer and thought: "This kid thinks too simply. He really thinks we are here to welcome him." Can’t do it?”

Then he sneered again and said: "Don't worry, in fact, besides welcoming you, we have one more thing to trouble you with."

"Oh?" Li Fan still smiled lightly: "What's the matter? Tell me, is it troublesome for me to see if it's numb?"

Giroud said: "Very good, then I won't go around in circles with you. Do you still remember the time this afternoon when you acted like a hero and ruined my good deeds?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "Remember, your posture when you fell was quite handsome, and the distance you fell was quite far. If it were me, I would never be able to fall as far as you. Of course, if you fall even more Not as handsome as you."

Hearing what Li Fan said, the three girls, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, laughed at the same time, their beautiful eyes turned, and they rolled their eyes at Li Fan at the same time.

The moment the three girls smiled, it was like the wisps of spring breeze in this cold winter. Giroud, Telles, Hook and others were all stunned, with intoxicated expressions on their faces.

Even Jilu, who should have gritted his teeth with hatred after hearing Li Fan's words, was the same. The three girls' alluring smiles made him forget to be angry.

After he woke up, he remembered that he should be gnashing his teeth at this moment, and then he hurriedly made an expression of gnashing his teeth.

It's a pity that due to his obsession just now, his "gnashing teeth" expression at this moment is not perfect. Not only does it not reflect his anger, but it also gives people a rather funny feeling.

When the three girls saw the expression on Giroud's face, they couldn't help but laugh again. Telles, Hook and others were once again intoxicated, but Giroud was in more pain.

He could not help but look intoxicated, but he still had to pretend to be gritting his teeth. It was really hard work, but the effect was not ideal, which is regrettable.

Li Fan clicked his tongue and shook his head: "Mr. Giroud, what exactly do you want to express with this expression on your face? It's really hard to understand. Do you want to show your anger? You This expression is not right!”

Li Fan's words once again made the three women smile, but this time they all turned their backs, leaving only the backs of Giroud, Teles, Hook and others opposite.

Let Giroud, Telles, Hook and others be disappointed for a while.

Not seeing the smiles of the three girls, Jilu's expression quickly became more in place. He looked at Li Fan hatefully and gritted his teeth and said: "How dare you kid to amuse me? You haven't seen that we have so many people now." person?"

After saying that, Giroud seemed to suddenly remember something again, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he said: "You just called my name? How do you know my name?"

Li Fan still smiled lightly and said: "I'm sorry, I have good hearing. When you came here just now, the man behind you who looked very strong called your name, and I heard it, so I knew."

After hearing this, Giroud, Telles, Hook and others were all shocked. Giroud said sharply: "This is impossible. When we came over just now, Telles did call my name, but At that time, he was still so far away from you, and his voice was not loud, so you couldn't hear him. "

Li Fan shrugged and said, "I've been told that my hearing is better, but you can't hear it, but I can hear it!"

Giroud, Telles, Hook and others looked at each other in confusion. They absolutely did not believe that a person's hearing could be so good. But apart from this reason, the Eastern boy opposite seemed to have no other reason why he knew Giroud's name.

Could it be that that boy's ear is really that good? This is simply impossible!

Giroud, Telles, Hook and others were a little confused. Hook said carefully at this time: "Giroud, Telles, I don't think this person seems like an ordinary person. Let's withdraw. He just ruined a business."

Telles was a little hesitant at this time, but Giroud said: "Why are you panic? You just know my name. Maybe when Telles called my name, the voice was louder, and his hearing might be It is true that ordinary people, if they are a little better, it is not impossible for him to hear. What does it look like when we leave in such a dejected manner? He just entertained me like that, and I can't swallow this breath. Moreover, I am getting more and more I really feel that that boy must be very rich, wouldn't it be a pity to leave like this? Besides, you don't have any idea about those three such beautiful girls? Tsk, just a smile can make people intoxicated. If this happens again... …You think about it yourself.”

Hearing what Giroud said, Telles, Hook and others couldn't help but nodded slowly, and the expressions on their faces became more and more fierce, and they seemed to be willing to risk their lives.

Because this time, just those three beauties were definitely worth their while.

Several people thought that their voices were very quiet, but how did they know that Li Fan heard his conversation word for word.

Li Fan deliberately made an impatient look and said: "I said, what are you mumbling over there? If there is nothing else, we can go, we still have to go in and enjoy the music. "

Giroud, Telles, Hook and others nodded to each other calmly. Giroud sneered: "Boy, you just entertained me and you want to leave like this? However, we are all hospitable people. , I don’t need to worry about it for you. Let’s put it in that purse this afternoon

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, at least one million pounds in cash, and you caused me to lose so much cash. As long as you can make up for my losses, we can ignore everything else, and we can let you do it right away. Go, take your three beauties in and enjoy the music. how do you feel? "

After hearing this, Li Fan nodded and said: "So this is your purpose, please make it clear earlier. How big a deal do I think it is? One million pounds, right? Okay, okay, I can compensate you, please make it clear earlier." Now, I didn’t have to entertain you just now, right?”

Li Fan's words made Giroud, Telles, Hook and others on the opposite side look confused. They were all stunned. The plot seemed to be completely different from what they imagined.

Originally, there was probably about 100,000 pounds in the bag, but Giroud deliberately said it was a huge sum of one million in order to shock Li Fan and say that he didn't have that much money.

Then, they can say that it doesn't matter if Li Fan doesn't have that much money, and they can make up for it in other ways.

They never believed that Li Fan had that much money, but they never thought that Li Fan directly agreed to compensate them one million.

What does this mean? Did the Oriental guy opposite really think there was one million in cash in that bag?

This damn small leather bag can hold one million cash? This was obviously their deliberate attempt to make things difficult, but that kid didn't even hear it?

Li Fan's failure to follow the plot completely stunned Giroud, Telles, Hook and others, unable to react at all.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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