Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1319 The dream came to nothing

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan didn't play according to the plot. Giroud, Telles, Hook and others were stunned for a while before they realized. . .

Giroud said sharply: "Boy, did you hear clearly? I'm talking about one million pounds. Are you sure you can afford the compensation?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "I heard you clearly. One million pounds is a small amount of money to me. You don't have to worry about me. I can afford it."

Giroud, Telles, Hooker and others once again looked at each other, thinking, "Does this kid really have so much money? Is he actually the rich second generation of their country?"

Then, they all nodded slowly, "This guy can take three such beautiful girls on a trip abroad, so he must be a rich second generation. Maybe he can really afford to pay for one million pounds."

Thinking of this, Giroud, Telles, Hooker and others couldn't help but become very excited. They never expected that they would be so lucky tonight and directly meet a foreign rich second generation.

Although the plot is completely different from what they thought, if they really get one million pounds, it will definitely be something that can make them crazy excited.

That was one million pounds, a huge amount of money that they had never dared to imagine before.

If Li Fan is really sure to compensate them one million pounds, let alone write off all the festivals, they are willing to call them Li Fan's biological father.

They risk getting into trouble every day to do business, isn't it just to make money easily? In order to make money easily, they even take the risk of getting into trouble. What's the big deal if they call "dad"?

As for the three beauties, that doesn't matter. When it comes to beauties, money is undoubtedly much more important.

If you have money, will you miss beautiful girls?

Of course, they also knew that no matter how much money they spent on the three beauties in front of them, they would never be able to find them. Such beauties were rare to find.

They still regretted missing it like this.

But it doesn't matter. Compared with the huge sum of one million pounds, this regret is nothing.

Giroud, Telles, Hook and others became more and more excited as they thought about it. Apart from one million pounds, they could no longer see anything else in their eyes.

With this million pounds,

It also caused their thinking and IQ to drop several levels in an instant. They couldn't think carefully about why Li Fan agreed to pay them one million pounds so easily?

They just thought that Li Fan must be intimidated by them. How brave can a rich second generation be? Since you are frightened, you have to spend money to ward off the disaster.

There is another reason, that is, they believe that the reason why Li Fan was so happy and promised to compensate them one million pounds was because he wanted to show off in front of three beauties.

He wants three beauties to see how wealthy he is? One million pounds was spent without blinking an eye.

Don't the rich second generation like to show off their generosity in spending money in front of beautiful women?

The more Giroud, Telles, Hooker and others thought about it, the more they thought this was the case. They even thought to themselves: "Brother, you are such a wealthy person. You should have told me earlier. We have told you earlier. We will call you 'brother' and 'father.' 'It's all right, so how could there be such a misunderstanding?"

Giroud's eyes shone with excitement, and he rubbed his hands vigorously. His face was no longer the fierce expression before, but he smiled happily and said: "Brother, I really misunderstood just now, I misunderstood, and it's all my fault." , I was really wrong just now, and I want to apologize to you. Brother, how are you going to compensate us for this million pounds? Is it cash or transfer?"

After saying that, he looked at Li Fan with expectant expressions on his face. The same was true for Telles, Hook and others, with excitement and greed in their eyes.

Li Fan watched the changes in the expressions of several people and the excitement and greed in their eyes. He sighed softly and found it a bit funny. In the eyes of these guys, except for one million pounds, they were afraid that I can no longer see other things, and my IQ has also dropped by several levels.

Of course, one million pounds is indeed not a small amount, and it is enough to change a lot of things. The reason why these guys make a living from those activities is because they want to get something for nothing through those activities.

Now that a sudden windfall comes from heaven and happiness comes so suddenly, it is quite normal for one's IQ to drop and fall.

But, where can there be so much unearned windfall in this world? People who think about getting something for nothing all day are destined to be in vain in the end.

And Giroud, Telles, Hooker and others will definitely be happy in vain. One million pounds is indeed not worth mentioning to Li Fan, but it is naturally impossible for him to really give it to Giroud and others. .

Hearing Jirou ask this, Li Fan smiled lightly and said: "By transfer, how can I carry one million in cash?"

After hearing this, Giroud nodded hurriedly and said: "Yes, brother, you are right. I didn't think carefully. Transfer money, transfer money. Then I will give you the account number now. Brother, you can record it on your mobile phone. I will read it." Here you go."

Li Fan nodded, took out his cell phone, and said, "Well, you tell me."

Jirou excitedly told out all his account number, detailed account name and other identity information. After seeing Li Fan record them one by one, he couldn't wait to say: "Brother, you can transfer the money now, the mobile phone should be able to operate. "

Li Fan saved the identity information Jiru said, put down his phone, and said with a faint smile: "Well, don't rush to transfer it now. I don't have so much money now. I will transfer it to you when I have it. Don't worry, you I have memorized your account and will transfer it to you."

"No money?" Giroud, Telles, Hook and others were stunned again, with hot and dim eyes.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It took a little bit, but it quickly returned to its previous appearance. Giroud said: "It's possible, it's possible, you may not have that much in your bank card now, and you need your family to transfer some more to you. So, how long will it take?" ?”

Li Fan said: "It won't take long. By the time you guys get into the bureau and squat down, I think it's almost done."

"What?" Giroud, Telles, Hook and others did not react at all for a moment. The difference between Li Fan's words and the previous words was really huge.

After a while, a few people came to their senses, "He said he was waiting for us to squat down when we entered the station?"

As if they felt that the one million pounds in their eyes was quickly disappearing into nothing. Giroud, Telles, Hook and others quickly woke up, and their IQs were also returning to normal.

The smile on Giroud's face disappeared and he shouted sternly: "Boy, what do you mean?"

Li Fan said calmly: "Let me send you to the station. The amount of money you robbed this afternoon is not small. It is enough for you to go in just this time. Several of your friends must also be Taoists, and they may be More or less, there is something on record. I think the law enforcers in Langdon City will be interested in you."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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