Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1321 The popular concert hall

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying walked into the door of Teague Concert Hall. However, Giroud, Teles, Hu Ke and others could only watch Li Fan and others walk in. His face was gloomy.

It's not that they don't want to stop it, it's that they don't dare to stop it here.

Among them, the person with the gloomiest face is naturally Giroud.

After all, it was Li Fan who had his identity information. If something happened, he would undoubtedly be the first to bear the brunt and the most dangerous person.

The risk factor for Telles, Hook and others is smaller, but they are still quite worried, because the Dongfang boy just said that he would send them into the bureau together.

And now they can feel that the Dongfang boy seems to be quite evil, and maybe he can really send them all in.

At this time, everyone except Giroud couldn't help but regret it. Why did they follow Giroud and join in blindly? It's okay now. Instead of getting the benefits of fart, there is still the risk of getting into trouble.

Several people also complained about Giroud in their hearts. If it weren't for Giroud, they might all be in Teague Concert Hall tonight and make a deal. How could the situation be like this?

Giroud seemed to feel the complaints from his companions and said calmly: "You'd better not blame me. The main reason why you came with me to cause trouble for that kid is not to blackmail him." The boy's money, and for those three beauties. Now that we are all members of the same pirate ship, we should discuss what to do next, right? "

Telles, Hook and others couldn't help but feel a little angry when they heard what Giroud said. Although the main reason why they followed Giroud to find trouble with the kid was indeed as Giroud said, the cause of the whole incident , after all, it was not because of the grudge between Giroud and that kid.

Now Giroud simply said a few words and blamed all the reasons on themselves, which is totally outrageous.

However, several people finally sighed. Jirou was right. Now they are members of a pirate ship. Even if they are dissatisfied with Jirou, there is no point. They should discuss the next step carefully. What to do is the most important thing.

It can't really be like this, let's get him into trouble by that kid.

But, is there any good way?

Hook said: "Giroux, you threatened him like that in the end, and he didn't even take it seriously. What else can we do?"

Giroud sneered: "He just didn't take it seriously.

There can only be two reasons, one is that he doesn't want to give in in front of three such beautiful girls, and the other is that he is sure that we don't dare to do anything to him here. snort! He's pretty good at it. We really don't dare to do anything to him here. But he seemed to have forgotten that he couldn't stay here forever, he would always have to go out. And we are waiting for him outside to see if he will still be so pretentious? "

Telles also said: "Giroud's analysis is correct. We will wait outside for them to go out. Then we will not bother to talk nonsense to him, nor will we continue to threaten him. Instead, we will attack directly, strike harder, and be cruel. After being taught a lesson, he became honest. I guarantee that he would not dare to report the crime to the bureau again, and he might even be able to blackmail a sum of money."

Giroud added: "Yes, that's the case. I originally wanted to have a peaceful settlement with that kid, but he just didn't appreciate it. It's no wonder we have it. There is a saying in Dongfang Hua, 'If you don't eat when you toast, you will eat. "Forfeit wine", this sentence is really suitable for that kid. Don't mention it, China is indeed a superpower with thousands of years of history. There are many words that are really very reasonable. "

The other people thought about it carefully after hearing this, and they all believed that what Giroud and Telles said was indeed correct. The matter did not seem to be complicated and difficult as imagined.

In this case, the mood of several people couldn't help but feel much better. Although they were still a little worried, they were no longer too concerned about it.

Hook said: "Then, shall we wait outside now? There is only one exit door, and the three beauties are so conspicuous, so there is no need to worry about not being able to find them."

Giroud thought for a moment and said: "Don't worry. The boy took three beauties with him. He definitely didn't go out so quickly. Let's go inside first to see if there is any business? Come out on time in an hour, and then go back Guard outside. Of course, just in case, I suggest one person to guard outside now. If you find that the kid has gone out early, go and entangle the kid, and then notify us immediately and we will rush out."

Telles said: "Okay, let's do it this way. Damn it! My luck is so bad tonight, I really need to go in and do two deals to improve my luck."

Afterwards, a few people discussed it and decided that Hook would now guard outside the gate, while the other people dispersed and entered Teague Concert Hall one after another, looking for business.

Teague Hall.

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying walked in from the gate and found that the entire concert hall was larger than expected, as big as half a football field. The stage was at the front, occupying a large area.

The front and left and right sides of the stage are the audience areas, which are divided into VIP areas and general areas.

The VIP area is equipped with tables, chairs, and a bar. The bar provides a variety of drinks, food, etc. Viewers can taste wine, eat, and enjoy music at the same time.

Of course, the drinks, food, etc. provided in the bar need to be purchased for a fee, and the prices are quite expensive.

However, it is free to enter the VIP area, which means that if you don’t plan to spend money, you can sit and enjoy the music in the VIP area.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

, going to the VIP area without spending money is obviously a very embarrassing thing.

Therefore, any audience who enters the VIP area can be considered to be rich.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people with little money can occasionally go to the VIP area for a luxurious trip. They can not only enjoy the comfort of the VIP area, but also get the envious eyes of the audience in the ordinary area. Even if they grit their teeth and spend money, it is still worth it. of.

There is nothing in the general area, just an empty venue, and the audience can only stand and enjoy the music.

Of course, you can bring a small stool with you and sit on your own stool.

In fact, there are not a few people in ordinary areas who carry small stools with them.

Now, all the ordinary areas are full of people, and there seems to be a lot of people in the VIP area.

Li Fan made a rough estimate and found that the number of spectators in the entire hall was at least 8,000. The popularity was really overwhelming.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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