Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1322 Original Music Performance

Remember in one second【】

The audience in Teague Hall was overflowing, and the singer singing on the stage at this time had been replaced by a female singer.

The song she sang was still a soothing country music, but this song was quite inferior to the song sung by the male singer.

It's not that the female singer's singing skills are inferior to that of the male singer, but that the quality of the song itself is not as good as that one.

In fact, the singing skills of this female singer are much better than that of the previous male singer.

The audience at the scene were talking quietly while listening to the songs. The singers on the stage expressed their opinions on the songs they were singing.

Therefore, the scene was not quiet, there were "buzzing" sounds everywhere.

And these "buzzing" sounds naturally reached the ears of Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying who had just come in.

"This song sounds a lot different from the previous song. Whose music is this song? It can actually ask Liana to sing. Could it be the music of a famous musician? But, the music of a famous musician , I generally wouldn’t choose such a stage debut. Besides, the quality of the songs should be much better than this!”

"I don't know whose product it is? However, you can check it at the service desk. You can check the detailed information of each new song there. However, this has nothing to do with us. We mainly come in to listen to the songs. This song is not good, just wait and listen to the next one.”

"That's a good thing to say, but I still think Liana shouldn't sing this song. You know, Liana is a third-tier star in Lan Country, and this song is inconsistent with her status."

"Friend, I don't think you need to worry about this matter at all. Either the author of this song paid a high price for Leanna to sing here tonight, or Leanna herself is willing to sing for some reason. This has nothing to do with us. what relationship."

"Well, maybe you're right."


Listening to the comments around him, Li Fan was a little surprised. No wonder the female singer on stage had quite good singing skills. She turned out to be a third-tier star singer.

Li Fan looked carefully at the female singer on the stage. She was about thirty years old. She was quite beautiful and had a good figure. She did look like a star.

In this world, the star hierarchy is not unique to China, but is internationally common and recognized. It is an internationally unified standard. Many countries have star hierarchy.

Naturally, Lan Guo also has it.

The female singer who was singing on the stage at this time was Lianna, a third-tier star in Lan Country.

It stands to reason that music performances of this level are usually rarely attended by fourth-tier or above stars. Even fifth-tier and sixth-tier stars are not many, and most of them are non-star singers.

Now there is a third-tier star singing on the stage, which is quite surprising. Judging from the comments from the surrounding audience, tonight's music performance should be performed with original songs.

Generally speaking, free music performances at the major opera houses in Langdon City are divided into ordinary music performances and original music performances.

Ordinary music performances naturally involve singers or bands performing songs that are already available on the market.

As for original music performances, singers or bands sing new songs that are not available on the market. All songs are sung publicly for the first time.

The new song can be performed by singers as singers with their own new songs, or it can be musicians who create a new song and ask the singers to perform it on stage.

Of course, most of the singers are non-star singers, and the musicians are also almost all non-famous musicians.

For them, such a stage is a very good showcase.

Because talent scouts from major entertainment companies often appear at performances, looking for singers or musicians with potential for development.

If they are chosen by a talent scout, their fate may very well change.

Therefore, whether they are non-star singers or non-famous musicians, they are very eager for original music performance stages in major opera houses.

However, such an original music performance stage is not something you can just imagine. New songs by singers or musicians need to pass the review of the organizer and reach a certain level before they can get the opportunity to perform on stage.

Of course, the organizer's review standards are not high, and a certain level is enough.

After all, where is a good piece of music so easy to create and obtain? Especially for non-star singers and non-famous musicians.

Because of this, it is difficult for real good songs to appear on the original music performance stages of major opera houses, and it is difficult for talent scouts from major entertainment companies to gain anything.

However, although it is difficult to have good songs, for the audience, original music performances are more attractive than ordinary music performances.

Because all original music performances are new songs, it can make people's expectations very strong, and they will always be full of good news and hope for the next song.

If a better song comes out, it's another surprising experience.

Also, since they are all new songs and new artists, the audience can also comment on them while listening to the songs. The singer, the song itself, and the songwriter are all the objects of their comments.

This feeling of giving advice on other people's music quality, or discussing each other's music is very good.

These are things that ordinary music performances don’t have.

Therefore, although the quality of songs in original music performances is far from ordinary music performances, it is far more attractive than ordinary music performances.

Number of spectators at the venue

^0^ Remember in one second【】

There are often much more, and the atmosphere is much more exciting than ordinary music performances.

Tonight's performance at Teague Hall is an original music performance, so it's no wonder it's so popular.

After understanding all these situations, Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying finally understood why there were so many viewers tonight.

At the same time, they are more looking forward to tonight's performance than before. Obviously, they also like original music performances more.

Qin Yulin said with some excitement: "Brother-in-law, how about it? I think it will be very interesting, right? They are all original songs! However, the quality of these songs does not seem to be very good!"

Tang Ying said: "Although this song is not very good, the song we just heard outside the door is still good. This shows that there are still good songs on this kind of stage. At least there are good songs in this performance tonight." Song."

Li Fan also said: "Yingying is right, tonight's performance may not be an ordinary original song performance. You know, the singer singing on the stage now is a third-tier star singer. This In ordinary events, it is almost impossible.”

Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying all nodded slowly after hearing this. As Li Fan said, this may not be an ordinary performance.

Of course, this is naturally a good thing. In this way, tonight's performance is obviously more worth looking forward to.

The other audiences at the scene seemed to be aware of this, and they also became more excited and expectant!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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