Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1323 Turns out to be a poor man

Remember in one second【】

Having a premonition that tonight's original music performance might not be an ordinary original music performance, Li Fan and Su Qing were even more interested and looked forward to it.

The area where the few people are now is a general area. Li Fan looked around and said: "Let's go to the VIP area. There are bar seats there, as well as various drinks and fruits. It is obviously much more comfortable here."

Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying naturally had no objections and followed Li Fan to the nearest VIP area.

The number of spectators in the VIP area is obviously much smaller than outside. After all, the consumption here is not low, and not many people are willing to come in and spend.

Li Fan and the three women chose a place to sit down. The seats were high swivel chairs. In front of them was a long table with high legs, which could be used to place drinks, food and other things.

Sitting on a swivel chair and sipping wine is indeed much more enjoyable outside.

Li Fan asked the three girls if they wanted to eat something? Or something to drink? All three women said they had just eaten and they didn't want to eat or drink anything now. They would talk about it later when they want to eat or drink.

Li Fan nodded. The three women didn't want anything, so naturally he himself wasn't going to ask for anything.

In this way, the long table with tall legs in front of Li Fan and the three women was empty, and there was no food or drink.

In the entire VIP area, only the high-legged table in front of Li Fan and the others had nothing.

When the surrounding audience saw it, some didn't care, some sneered, some despised, some dismissed, and some jeered in a low voice.

"Hey! Look at that guy from the East. He entered the VIP area and didn't order anything. I feel ashamed for him."

"Yes, since you don't have money to spend, you can just stay in the general area outside. Why are you coming to our VIP area?"

"It's incredible that a person who is unwilling to consume even a glass of the cheapest ordinary red wine is accompanied by three beauties."

"Oh! My God! Those three beautiful ladies don't seem to be ordinary beautiful. Can't this damn light be brighter?"

"Hey! Man, isn't it easy to see more clearly? Just go over and treat the beauties to a glass of wine. Not only can you see them up close, but you can also talk. As for whether there can be a follow-up story? What about that? It depends on your ability.”


You have a good idea. Since that poor guy is reluctant to invite the beautiful woman to drink, let me do it. I said man, do you want to come along? "

"Of course, there are three beauties there, how can you do it alone? Let's go there together."

"Okay, man, let's go over there, of course, we need to buy another glass of wine from the bar."


All the sounds around him reached Li Fan's ears clearly. Li Fan frowned slightly and didn't intend to pay attention.

It must be a very boring thing to pay attention to these sounds.

Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying also heard some sounds, and they also frowned slightly, but also did not intend to pay attention to them.

Those who mocked must be superficial and boring people, so why would they be interested in paying attention?

Of course, not everyone in the entire VIP area was like this. There were also some people who frowned after hearing those voices. They also disliked those people.

At this time, outside the VIP area, there were two pairs of eyes staring directly at Li Fan and Su Qing.

The owners of these two pairs of eyes were none other than Giroud and Teles who also came in.

They came in looking for business, and the large number of spectators at the scene made them ecstatic. The more people there were and the more crowded they were, the greater their chances of finding a target would undoubtedly be.

They were just excited and did not immediately look for the target, because as soon as they entered, they saw the three girls Li Fan and Su Qing in the crowd.

There was no way, the three women were too conspicuous, and they couldn't help but notice it.

They saw Li Fan and the three women standing in the crowd for a while, then walking towards the VIP area. The two looked at each other, nodded secretly to each other, and decided to follow quietly to have a look.

They want to see how Li Fan spends money in the VIP area? Use this to determine whether this kid is a real rich man or a fake rich man?

And when they saw a few people sitting in the VIP area for a while, Li Fan still had no intention of buying anything. He felt excited, regretful, and a little confused.

What's exciting is that this kid turns out to be a poor guy. If a poor guy dares to take three beauties to the VIP area, he will definitely be embarrassed.

The faint sounds of ridicule coming from the VIP area also confirmed their suspicions, which made them feel secretly happy.

They guessed that Li Fan didn't know that if he went to the VIP area without spending money, he would be laughed at and it would be embarrassing.

Now, that kid is definitely embarrassed.

The regret is that the boy turned out to be a poor man. In this case, they probably won't be able to blackmail the boy into money. It is indeed a pity.

The last thing that puzzled me was that the boy was obviously a poor man, so why did those three beauties still follow him?

Giroud and Telles couldn't understand this question.

After watching for a while, Telles said: "Giroud, let's go, knowing that the kid has embarrassed himself enough here, we have to find a target. There are so many people tonight, I think our harvest may be good. .”

Giroud said: "Teles, wait a moment, I think maybe the horse will have a good game."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

You can watch the play, and it won’t be too late for us to do business after watching it. "

"Really?" Teles looked at the position of Li Fan and the three women again, and saw two men in their thirties, each holding a glass of wine in each hand, walking to where the three women were.

Teles's eyes suddenly brightened, and his face suddenly became excited. He knew that there would indeed be a good show to watch soon.

Giroud and Telles watched excitedly, and there were some spectators around them who also watched with gloating.

Obviously, they also knew what was about to happen.

Listening to the song, this kind of thing was obviously more interesting to them, and while they were watching, they were gloating and talking about it.

"Hey! Look, there's something good to watch in the VIP area. That Oriental man obviously doesn't know the unspoken rules of the VIP area. He's really embarrassed now."

"It's a pity that the light is a bit dark and the distance is a bit far. I can't see clearly what the three women look like. However, looking at it in this hazy way, I think they should be very beautiful."

"I do feel that she should be very beautiful. It is such a pity that such a beautiful woman is with a man who cannot afford to spend money."

"Hey! Let's just wait and see the show. Do you think those three beauties will follow those two men?"

"Definitely. Those three beauties are probably on pins and needles at this time. It's really embarrassing. If someone is willing to invite them to drink, their face will come back immediately. So, they will naturally follow the two men. . Alas! It’s a pity that we are also poor, otherwise, we could have chatted with those three beauties. Such an opportunity is really rare."

"It's a pity that you have no money and neither do I. We can only stand here and watch the show."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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