Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1356 Sherlock Holmes

Remember in one second【】

on site.

The excited reporters immediately asked: "Mr. Li Fan, who is the old friend you met? Why did you plan to write a new book after meeting him?"

Li Fan smiled lightly and said: "This old friend of mine lives on Baker Street. He is a detective. He has always had a dream in his heart. I decided to write a new book to help him realize his dream. The dream in my heart.”

"Baker Street? Detective? A dream? Can a new book help him realize his dream?" Li Fan's answer made everyone confused.

There were whispers all around.

"Baker Street? Do we have Shell Street in Longtown?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of it."

"Mr. Li Fan's friend is a detective? Is this a lie? Where is the profession of 'detective' now?"

"Perhaps his friend likes detective novels very much and often fantasizes about being a detective."


There were whispers all around, and the reporters didn't quite understand. One reporter asked again: "Mr. Li Fan, there seems to be a street called Baker Street in our Langdon city, but it's really There's a detective living there? Or your friend? That's impossible."

Li Fan said: "No, what I said is true. You don't quite understand what I said now, and that doesn't matter. I believe that soon, you will understand what I just said."

Li Fan's words made the reporters and book fans at the scene even more puzzled. While they were puzzled, they couldn't help but look forward to reconciliation.

Li Fan said that not long after, everyone will understand what he just said. Is this true?

And when Li Fan's words were heard by Tris, Droman and other experts, there were only two words: pretentious!

Ma eggs!

This kid deliberately made his words confusing. If he wasn't showing off, what was he doing?

Tris was angry. He finally brought the topic to Li Fan and succeeded in convincing Li Fan.

But I never thought that when this kid came, he would pretend to be cool, and he couldn't help but coldly snorted: "Okay,

Let you act cool now, and later I will excite you into publishing a new book with me in a week. In one week, excluding the publishing house's necessary time for typesetting, printing, transportation, etc., you will have at most It takes four days to prepare a new book, and its quality can be imagined. When the time comes, the results of the new book will be as good as yours. "

At this time, another reporter asked: "So Mr. Li Fan, can you tell us the name of your friend?"

Although Li Fan's previous answer confused them, they obviously would not give up.

Li Fan nodded and smiled: "Of course there is no problem with that. His name is Sherlock Holmes."

Li Fan's answer this time was clean and crisp, which surprised many reporters and book fans.

However, they all remembered the name "Sherlock Holmes".

In a corner of the crowd, Jared, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying all had some doubts at this time.

They all thought that Li Fan would answer "Alves", but who knew that Li Fan would answer "Sherlock Holmes".

Jared wondered: "Could it be that the friend Mr. Li Fan mentioned was not Mr. Alves? But Mr. Alves clearly only lives on Baker Street. Miss Su Qing, do you understand what Mr. Li Fan means? ?”

Su Qing shook her head and said, "I don't know either."

But Alves smiled slightly and said: "No, the friend Mr. Li Fan mentioned should be me, because my full name is Sherlock Alves. And Mr. Li Fan has changed his name by two words now, This 'Sherlock Holmes' should be the name of the protagonist of his new book. Therefore, the friend Mr. Li Fan mentioned is me and Mr. Holmes. I think I should feel very honored."

Hearing what Alves said, Jared, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying nodded slowly. It was indeed very possible.

Then, Qin Yulin said "Huh" and said, "I understand. My brother-in-law told us the night before yesterday that he has a way to help Mr. Alves, referring to his plan to write a detective novel."

"Well, that should indeed be the case." Su Qing and Tang Ying also understood.

Jared nodded secretly and thought to himself: "My previous guess was indeed correct. Mr. Li Fan's novel indeed has a special purpose. But, can a novel really help Mr. Alves?"

Jared naturally knew that what Li Fan meant by "help" was to help the elderly earn more money.

Could a novel work?

Jared wasn't so sure.

On the stage, reporters’ questions continued.

A reporter continued to ask: "Mr. Li Fan, since you just decided today to write a new detective novel, when do you plan to release your new book?"

Before Li Fan could answer, Tris's eyes lit up and he thought, "Good opportunity." Then he grabbed the words and said, "This journalist friend, Mr. Li Fan is known as an unparalleled genius. His new book will be published soon. Meet the readers. Mr. Li Fan, is that so?"

"Oh?" Li Fan glanced at Tris and smiled lightly: "Mr. Tris is right. My new book will be available to readers soon."

"Here you go, put your hat on this kid, and he did as I expected. He is still young after all." Tris was secretly happy.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Then he added: "My new book will be officially released in a week, on January 27th. Mr. Li Fan's new book should also be released in a week, right?"

"How could this be possible after a week?" Jared, Evado and others, as well as a group of reporters, and most of the book fans at the scene were thinking this.

You know, it is said to be one week here, but excluding the process time necessary for the publishing house to publish the book, the time left for Li Fan is at most four days.

In four days, not only did I have to conceive a novel, but I also had to write it down. This was simply impossible.

Of course, it is not impossible to forcefully produce a novel with not too many words, but the quality may not be satisfactory.

Tris's own new book must have been prepared in advance. When he asked Li Fan like this, it was obvious that he wanted to trick Li Fan.

Everyone thought that Li Fan would definitely say that he needed a little longer.

However, Li Fan smiled faintly and said, "Mr. Tris is right, one week is enough. Then, I will release my new book on January 27th."


Li Fan's answer made Jared, Eduardo, the reporters, and most of the book fans all stunned.

Li Fan actually said that one week is enough?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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