Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1357: A secret contest

Remember in one second【】

Is a week enough?

In the corner of the crowd, Jared was startled and said, "This...this...what does Mr. Li Fan mean? How can one week be enough?"

He couldn't understand why Li Fan said this.

However, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying were not surprised at all. Qin Yulin said with a smile: "Brother-in-law said that one week is enough. That must be enough. You don't have to worry about him."

Jared and Alves looked at the three women at the same time. Seeing that there was no trace of worry on their faces, they finally nodded slowly.

I thought that Li Fan was not an ordinary person, and maybe it was enough for him.

All the book fans present were equally surprised.

They actually didn't know much about Li Fan, except for hearing some related rumors.

The only one Li Fan is familiar with is the movie called "The Devotion of Suspect X".

Even the book fans at the scene had not heard the song called "Scarborough Fair" that had caused a stir on the Internet in the past two days.

They were very excited about Li Fan's appearance. When they heard that Li Fan was going to write a detective novel, they were also very excited and looking forward to it.

Everything was perfect.

But now, Li Fan said that his new detective novel will be released in a week. After being surprised, book fans are not only not excited, but also a little disappointed.

Because they absolutely do not believe that a detective novelist can write such an excellent detective novel in three or four days.

Li Fan is acting like this now, either because he is overconfident or a little too arrogant.

Either he is completely irresponsible and is prepared to write a random novel to fool book fans like them.

No matter which case it is, the readers at the scene are a little disappointed.

Because, whether it is too arrogant or simply irresponsible, the novels written will definitely not be good.


The book fans were just a little disappointed, and there were no other more intense emotions.

After all the reporters were surprised, they could not restrain their excitement.

Is a week enough?

Good enough, so that they can create a topic that is attractive enough and they like it very much.

However, it was not enough. The excited reporters continued to ask, "Mr. Li Fan, you also set the release date of the new book on January 27th. Do you deliberately target Mr. Tris?"

Li Fan smiled faintly and said: "That's not true, I'm just too kind to refuse."

"It's hard to refuse kindness?" Everyone was a little confused again. The reporter asked: "Why did Mr. Li Fan say that it's hard to refuse kindness?"

Li Fan replied: "Mr. Terry's previous remarks were obviously an invitation. I released a new book on the same day as him. Mr. Chris was the host. Naturally, I couldn't refuse his warm invitation. "

Li Fan's answer was so beautiful that all the reporters couldn't help but want to shout "ok" for Li Fan!

However, it is obviously impossible for them to really call out. In that case, they might offend Tris.

Because everyone can hear that Li Fan's words are saying that kindness is hard to refuse, but in fact they are pointing out that he knew that Chris was cheating him before, but he didn't take pictures.

Don't you want to trick me? Then I'll play with you until the end.

This was his strong response to Tris's remarks.

Tris also understood what Li Fan meant and snorted coldly, "It's interesting. This guy seems very confident. He is really young and frivolous. No matter how talented you are, what can you write in three or four days?" Your product? You are really obedient. You really chose to release your new book on the same day as me. That’s great. Then in terms of sales, I will completely defeat you.”

Tris is very confident, and he has reasons to be confident.

He is currently the number one author of detective novels in Lan State, so he is naturally very powerful, and his new book has been prepared for a long time, and the cases and reasoning in it have been repeatedly scrutinized by him to keep improving.

Such a product can't beat a product that took a few days to create?

Even if Li Fan's new book has a certain idea before, Tris is still confident that he can beat Li Fan.

Both Li Fan and Tris announced the release of new books on January 27.

Then, it is obvious that there is a competition between the two.

There is no need to point this out, everyone at the scene knows it.

Reporters obviously liked to see this kind of situation. One reporter asked Tris: "Mr. Tris, can you announce the title of your new book now?"

Tris smiled slightly and said: "Of course, I was going to announce it today. My new book is called "The Bloody Sun". As for the specific content, I won't reveal it now. I can only say that this work of mine, It will definitely not disappoint everyone. Please remember the release date, January 27th, don’t miss it!”

Tris finally announced the name of the new book, and the book fans at the scene were excited. Tris's book was very popular.

Book fans are looking forward to Tris's new book, but they have been looking forward to it for a long time.

Now listening to Tris's own tone, he seems to be very confident in his new book, which makes all the book fans look forward to it.

January 27th, all book lovers will remember it in their hearts

^0^ Remember in one second【】

If this date is given, they will naturally not miss it.

Tris was very satisfied with the enthusiastic response from the book fans, and took this opportunity to have a good exchange of feelings with the book fans.

After that, he glanced at Li Fan quite proudly.

Li Fan had no reaction. Tris was a little disappointed and couldn't help but snorted in his heart.

Later, a reporter asked Li Fan: "Mr. Li Fan, can you also announce the title of your book?"

Li Fan smiled lightly and said: "Sorry, I can't do it for the time being, because I haven't decided on the title of the new book yet. When the new book is released on the 27th, everyone will naturally see the title."

Of course, Li Fan didn't really think about the title of the new book. He didn't need to think about the title of the new book. He just said it on purpose.

The book fans at the scene were a little disappointed when they heard that Li Fan hadn't even thought about the title of his book yet, and they had no hope for Li Fan's quality.

Afterwards, Li Fan answered a few questions from reporters, confessed and left the stage.

Of course, the on-site activities are still going on, but Li Fan has said everything he needs to say, and his goal has been achieved. There is no need for him to stay on the stage.

This is not because of his old attitude, but because there is nothing that requires too much communication between him and the book fans at the scene.

Naturally, he could see that the book fans at the scene did not have high expectations for his new product.

He didn't plan to say anything more about this, and it would be useless to say more now.

Let’s wait until the new book is released and let the quality of the new book speak for itself.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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