Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1407 Explosive Randian

Remember in one second【】

Times Literary Award Jury Office.

After Yang Qiming and Li Bo finished reading the latest chapter of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" that was updated today, they also discussed the content of today's update with each other for a while.

Later, the two also saw Gu Yong's replies to martial arts fans on the Internet, as well as the "battle" between martial arts fans and those readers who decided never to return.

Yang Qiming and Li Bo were not interested in the battle between the two sides.

However, the two of them were very interested in Gu Yong's reply to martial arts fans.

Yang Qiming said: "Lao Li, I think what those martial arts fans said is not wrong. In the next serialization of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", there may indeed be a very explosive point. Otherwise, Gu Yong would not be so powerful. To be sure, I believe those readers will come back at some point, probably in the next issue.”

Li Bo pondered for a moment and said: "I also agree with this statement. Moreover, based on the analysis of the serial content of this issue, perhaps we can make some simple guesses."

"Oh?" Yang Qiming looked at Li Bo with great interest and said with a smile, "Lao Li, tell me."

Li Bo smiled and said: "Lao Yang, do you still remember that when Gu Yong just launched "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", we were analyzing why Gu Yong chose to continue writing such a classic work as "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" When talking about the reasons, one of the very important reasons mentioned is that the characterization of Guo Jing in "The Condor Shooting" is not perfect yet."

Yang Qiming nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed the case. We have analyzed that at the end of "The Condor Shooting", Guo Jing was only in his twenties, and the character had not fully grown, so naturally the portrayal was not perfect. Lao Li, your It means that the very explosive flashpoint that Gu Yong has prepared for the next serial is related to Guo Jing’s character?"

Li Bo nodded and said: "That's what I guessed. Let's look at the content of this issue. It mentioned that the Mongolian army has moved south to attack, and Guo Jing called on the heroes of the Central Plains to go to Xiangyang City to assist the officers and soldiers in defending the city. Guo Jing's character It is gradually becoming fuller, and in the next issue, it may be completely full.

Of course, this is obviously related to Yang Guo, the protagonist of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Yang Guo now believes that Guo Jing and Huang Rong are the murderers of his father Yang Kang, and he is determined to kill them for revenge.

So, if he wants to find Guo Jing, he must also go to Xiangyang City. By then, a series of stories will inevitably happen, and those stories may make Guo Jing's character fully fleshed out, and Yang Guo will also be affected by them and complete his own growth. "

Yang Qiming clicked his tongue and praised,

He said: "That's right, Lao Li, your analysis is clear and logical. You are right. Yang Guo has not grown up at all. He only thinks about his children's affair and avenge his father all day long.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this. If an average martial arts author can portray the protagonist to the extent that Yang Guo has done so far, he has been very successful. But Gu Yong's portrayal of Yang Guo obviously cannot always be at this level, and Yang Guo will definitely continue to grow.

How to grow? It will obviously be related to Guo Jing. The next serialization is very exciting! "

Li Bo nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed very exciting. Of course, the above is just our analysis and speculation. Whether this will really be the case, we still can't say for sure."

Yang Qiming laughed and said: "What kind of plot will it be? It's really not sure yet, but the general direction is definitely correct."

Li Bo also smiled and said: "The general direction should indeed be correct, so let us look forward to the next serialization."

Sansheng Village.

In front of Yuan Lai, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin were playing chess, playing in pairs, chatting while playing chess.

While chatting, several people also talked about Li Fan's reply to martial arts fans.

Liang Sheng said: "Is that kid so sure that all those readers will come back in the next issue?"

Zheng Jie smiled and said: "As some martial arts fans have guessed, that guy should have prepared a very explosive flash point in the next issue."

Qin Lie said: "Very explosive Randian? I don't think it's necessarily that explosive. I just hope that after the next issue is released, that kid won't embarrass himself."

Su Yilin said: "According to the foreshadowing laid in this issue, in the next issue, Guo Jing will defend Xiangyang City, and Yang Guo will also go to Xiangyang City to kill Guo Jing to take revenge. The so-called extremely explosive flashpoint may be related to this." It depends on how the plot is arranged at that time."

Liang Sheng smiled and said: "From "The Divine Condor" to "The Divine Condor", and now to Xiangyang City, Guo Jing's character image should be fully fleshed out, and Yang Guo also needs to grow further. The content of the next issue will be very interesting. It’s somewhat important.”

Zheng Jie said: "That's why that kid is so confident."

Qin Lie said: "I hope that boy can fully flesh out Guo Jing's character. It still feels a little bit boring now. And Yang Guo needs to grow up even more."

Regarding Gu Yong's reply to martial arts fans, there is another group of people who pay great attention and attention, and that is the martial arts authors.

Is Gu Yong really sure that readers who have decided never to return will choose to return in the next issue?

Many martial arts authors are discussing this issue.

If there hadn't been the battle storm in the last issue, the possibility of those readers choosing to return in the next issue is very high.

If it weren’t for the amazing assists from martial arts fans not long ago, even with that battle storm, the next issue would be

^0^ Remember in one second【】

There is also the possibility that some readers will choose to return.

But now with the help of martial arts fans, the readers who have not yet returned have been completely stopped. It is almost impossible to get them all to choose to return in the next issue.

However, Gu Yong still said that those readers will definitely come back, and it is very likely that it will be in the next issue.

Why is Gu Yong so confident?

The only explanation seems to be that what some martial arts fans have speculated is that the next serialization will be very explosive.

What could it be?

A group of martial arts writers were actively discussing, but they kept discussing and discussing, but they still couldn't come up with a solution.

Of course, it is indeed difficult to discuss the results.

After all, no one but himself can know how Gu Yong will arrange the plot of the next issue.

After all, they don't have the vision of Yang Qiming, Li Bo, or Liang Sheng, Zheng Jie, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin, and they can't analyze it at all.

Only the four former martial arts masters, Luoye Wusheng, Dali Bisha, Crescent Moon, and Qin Sheng, as well as the former four martial arts masters of Xiangjiang, Wolong, Sima, Qingyun, Ni Ge and other very few martial arts masters, can vaguely guess some of them. .

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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