Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1408 Unable to calm down

Remember in one second【】

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Dawuxia Magazine.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Editor-in-chief Wang Yang is also thinking about this issue.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;"A very explosive Randian? Could it be related to Guo Jing's character and Yang Guo's growth?" When he thought of this, Wang Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Jian Yishen, who was opposite, clearly felt Wang Yang's psychological changes and said, "Has the editor thought of anything?"

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp; Wang Yang nodded and said: "There are indeed some guesses, but they are just guesses."

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;After that, Wang Yang told Jian Yishen what he had just thought of, and then said: "Xiao Tang, based on the current background, if you were Gu Yong, what would you do? How to enrich Guo Jing’s character image?”

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp; After hearing this, Jian Yishen thought carefully for a while, and then said: "Editor-in-Chief, to be honest, I think Guo Jing's character is already very full. I can't think of what else to do. Further plumpness?”

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Wang Yang said: "It is indeed very plump, but I always feel that there is something missing? If this point can be made up, then maybe it will be truly plump. But, What's the difference? I couldn't think of that. However, I have a hunch that Gu Yong knows what's the difference."

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp; Jian Yishen frowned and said: "What the editor means is that he will make up for the shortcomings in the next serialization issue?"

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp; Wang Yang nodded and said: "This may be very big, Xiao Tang. The next serialization of The Legend of the Condor Heroes is very important. You must analyze and study it carefully then."

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;If it were the previous Jian Yishen, he would definitely agree on the surface and be disdainful in his heart, but now Jian Yishen said with all his heart: "Editor-in-Chief, I understand. I will."


≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Whether it is Yang Qiming or Li Bo,

Liang Sheng, Zheng Jie, Qin Lie, Su Yilin, or all the martial arts authors, martial arts editors, and all the martial arts fans are all looking forward to the next serialization of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

≈ bp; The mediocrity is disgraceful.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;As for those readers who have decided never to return, they actually have some expectations.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Why do you expect it? Naturally, it's because deep down in their hearts, they still can't let go.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Of course, despite this, they are also very sure that they have really decided never to return.


≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Everyone who has interacted with martial arts and the Condor Heroes is looking forward to it, and time does not pass slowly.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;A few days passed by in a hurry.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;In the past few days, Li Fan's second volume of One Hundred Thousand Whys has been completed, but he did not immediately hand it over to Chongwen Publishing House for publication.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;The current market is still selling the first part of One Hundred Thousand Whys, at least we have to wait until this period of hot sales has passed before continuing to release the second part.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Currently, in a few days, the sales volume of the first volume of One Hundred Thousand Whys has exceeded 10,000 copies, brightening the eyes of countless people.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;There are all kinds of praises for this book on the Internet.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Many young parents also said that after watching One Hundred Thousand Whys, their children became more fond of it and better at thinking than before.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;And the most important thing, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, they feel that their children have become smarter than before.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;This has completely stimulated those parents who have not yet purchased 100,000 Whys for their children.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;After watching the children, will they become smarter than before?

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Whether it is an illusion or not, I must buy 100,000 Whys.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;After all, every parent hopes that his or her child will become smarter.

≈ bp;

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;How can parents allow this to happen?

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;In this way, the sales of One Hundred Thousand Whys hit new highs one after another.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Wang Xuejun, Liang Guozhong, Chi Yang and others from the National Ministry of Education were all delighted when they saw this situation.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;It’s hard to say whether children will become smarter after watching One Hundred Thousand Whys.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;However, after children watch it, they will like it more than before and be better at thinking. This is for sure.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Now that so many children have watched One Hundred Thousand Whys, they will all become more fond of it and better at thinking.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;And children are the future of the country, which is obviously very good news for the country.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;The meaning of the existence of one hundred thousand reasons will be extraordinary.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;In addition, Jared, Ryan, Alves, Eduardo, and Cleo have also left the village and returned to Lan Country.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Li Fan gave everyone a large amount of food produced on the farm, which will be consigned to Lan Country.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp; Jared and others brought back the ingredients produced by the farm, and also brought back new legends about the farm.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;The two old men, Qin Lie and Su Yilin, did not leave and still lived in Li Fan's house.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Moreover, the two old men have planned to stay in the village for a long time.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Li Fan and his father and mother naturally welcomed this and were very happy.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;On the day of the month, Longshan Township Central School started, and Su Qing returned to school and started a new semester of teaching work.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;The little girl also returned to school and started a new semester of study.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Su Qing went back to school and would only go back to the village on weekends. Qin Yulin was usually a little bored, so he brought Tang Ying to the village again.


≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;In the past few days, topics related to The Legend of the Condor Heroes have been continuing on the Internet, and their popularity has remained high.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Countless people are looking forward to the release of the next issue of Laughing Jianghu.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Now, the time has come.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;On the day of the month, a new issue of Xiaojianghu will be released.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Early morning.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Because this serialization of The Legend of the Condor Heroes is likely to have a very explosive moment, a large number of martial arts fans can’t wait for it.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Therefore, this morning, there were far more martial arts fans waiting around newsstands and bookstores, waiting for them to open, than in previous issues.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;Everyone was chatting while waiting, and everyone was in a hurry, not caring about the cold weather at this time.

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;"Do you think those guys will come back?"

≈ bp;

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, I don’t want them to miss such a good book, and each one of them got angry. It’s true. "

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;"That's right, Gu Yong is not short of their readers. There is a very explosive point in this issue. It deserves that those guys can't see it."

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;"By the way, what kind of Randian will it be? I've been looking forward to it for a whole week."

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;“I don’t know, I feel that the entire story of The Legend of the Condor Heroes is full of Randian. I really don’t know what Randian will be like if it is so explosive?”

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;"You will know soon. Everyone, please calm down. We have been waiting for a week, and it is not too late."

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;"That's true, but I'm getting more and more excited and can't calm down."

≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;≈bp;"Hey! I can't calm down either."



Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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