Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1451 Dugu seeks defeat

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan is living a happy life in the village, and fans of "Journey to the West" are discussing it lively on the Internet.

And a large number of them, in addition to being fans of "Journey to the West", are also fans of martial arts.

While they were watching "Journey to the West", they were also watching Gu Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

However, they could only watch one episode of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" every week, which made them a little anxious.

However, they don't have to wait now, because "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has officially ended today.


Guo Xiang sobbed: ‘Thank you so much, big brother! Thank you, Mrs. Yang! ’

Yang Guo waved goodbye to Yeluqi, Guo Fu, and the Wu brothers and his wife, flicked his robe sleeves, and holding the hand of the little dragon girl, he walked down the mountain side by side with the divine eagle.

At that time, the bright moon was in the sky, the breeze was blowing the leaves, and the crows were chirping on the top of the tree. Guo Xiang couldn't bear it any longer, and tears came out of her eyes.


The autumn wind is clear and the autumn wind is bright.

The fallen leaves gathered and dispersed, and the jackdaws roosted again.

When will we know each other when we miss each other? It is embarrassing at this time and this night. "

This is the last paragraph of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". At this point, the whole book is finished!

Like "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", it also ends with a poem, but it is different from the sad poem about the country and the people. This is a sentimental love poem about farewell and longing.

Guo Xiang's longing for Yang Guo is destined to last for a long time, even for a lifetime...

All martial arts fans feel sad and distressed for Guo Xiang.

Although Guo Xiang only appeared in the second half of the work, he is kind, generous, hospitable, and very smart and playful, making him very popular in a short period of time.

Compared to her unruly and willful elder sister Guo Fu, I don't know how many times higher she is.

Although Guo Xiang was deeply in love with Yang Guo, she chose to bless Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu because she knew that Yang Guo would only love Xiao Longnu forever in his heart and there would be no room for her.

This makes many martial arts fans even more sentimental.

Seeing that Guo Xiang was so affectionate for Yang Guo, but was destined to never be able to hold his hand in this life, sometimes they really hoped that Yang Guo could marry Guo Xiang together, and I guess Xiao Longnu wouldn't mind either.

At that time, monogamy and two wives were quite normal.

It's just a pity that Yang Guo only has Xiao Longnu in his heart. This has made many book fans complain more than once. Yang Guo really doesn't understand the style.

Feeling sad for Guo Xiang is just part of everyone's mood. Looking at the three words "the book is finished", all the martial arts fans just feel extremely disappointed and melancholy. "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has finally come to an end.

I felt this way once before when "Legend of the Condor Heroes" ended, and now it's the second time.

In the midst of the loss and melancholy, as soon as I thought about it, the entire plot of the work came to me overwhelmingly and became very clear.

The scene where Guo Fu chopped off Yang Guo's arm with a sword because of a misunderstanding still made them shudder.

They were very angry at the time, and Guo Fu was too willful and indiscriminate.

At the same time, they had to once again complain about Guyong. That guy's old habit of torturing his master seemed to have happened again.

First, the heroine, Xiao Longnu, was hit by something, and now, the hero, Yang Guo, had an arm chopped off. The fate of the hero and heroine was too sad.

The only author who can treat his heroes and heroines so cruelly is Gu Yong.

At that time, this plot caused quite a storm.

Fortunately, the martial arts fans at that time were already immune to all kinds of poisons. They even accepted the previous plot of Little Dragon Girl. If Yang Guo had his hand broken again, it didn't seem to be a big deal.

This time, after everyone made a fuss, the turmoil finally passed peacefully.

Then, by chance, Yang Guo met and got to know a huge ugly eagle, which led to the introduction of an unparalleled martial arts senior, the sword demon Dugu Qiu, which surprised, excited and excited all the martial arts fans.

Dugu Qiubai has used three swords in his life, or rather four swords.

The first one is a sharp sword with green light, which is fierce and indestructible. It can be used to compete with the heroes in front of the weak crown.

The second sword was the Ziwei soft sword, which he used before he was thirty years old. Because he accidentally injured many righteous men, Dugu Qiubai regretted it so much that he abandoned it in the deep valley.

Therefore, Yang Guo did not find this sword in Dugu Qiubei's sword tomb.

The third sword is a dark iron heavy sword. The heavy sword has no edge and is ingenious but not very skillful. Before the age of forty, he relied on it to dominate the world.

The above three swords are the swords that Dugu Qiubai actually used, and Yang Guo also found the fourth sword in the sword tomb, a wooden sword.

The wooden sword Dugu Qiubei may or may not have used it, because at this time Dugu Qiubei was over forty years old and had reached the point where he was no longer attached to objects. Plants, trees, bamboos and stones could be used as swords. There was no sword in his hand, but there was a sword in his heart. No sword is better than the transcendent state of having a sword.

Dugu Qiubai spent his whole life wandering the rivers and lakes, killing all the enemies and defeating all the heroes in the world. He wanted to be defeated but could not get it. In the end, he could only live in seclusion in a deep valley and have eagles as his friends. It was really lonely and embarrassing.

Dugu Qiufei is lonely, a kind of loneliness that cannot be resisted in the world, and his peerless grace fascinates Yang Guo and all martial arts fans.

"Every tree, tree, bamboo, or stone can be used as a sword. If there is no sword in the hand, there is a sword in the heart. No sword is better than having a sword." Whenever I think of this transcendent realm, all martial arts fans will feel a sense of

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Inexplicable excitement and excitement.

Thinking back to Dugu's life of seeking defeat, and the disappointment of being defeated but unable to obtain it, they sighed again and again. What kind of invincibility and loneliness must it be?

Dugu Qiubai did not officially appear. He just took advantage of Yang Guo's opportunity to give an incomplete or even brief narrative.

However, with just this few words, the heroism of a generation of heroes who defeated all the heroes in the world, as well as the loneliness and embarrassment when the world was no longer able to resist them, were vividly displayed on the paper, making people feel breathless!

From now on, the legend of Dugu seeking defeat is destined not to exist only in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", but will exist in the entire martial arts world.

Gu Yong is the only person in the entire martial arts world who can have such writing power.

Another classic martial arts character is born, and all martial arts fans are excited.

With the help of Chou Diao, Yang Guo's martial arts improved rapidly, which also made them very excited.

After Yang Guo's hand was broken, they were very worried that Yang Guo would never recover. Even if Yang Guo would not recover from this, but he only had one hand left, could he still practice peerless martial arts?

Now, they were finally relieved to see that Yang Guo's martial arts had improved by leaps and bounds, and was much stronger than before when he used both hands.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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