Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1452 What is love?

Remember in one second【】

Yang Guo's martial arts improved by leaps and bounds, making all martial arts fans finally feel relieved.

However, the next series of plots made them worried again.

Xiao Longnu found out that she was being fucked by Zhen Zhibing, and then chased Zhen Zhibing thousands of miles away.

On the way to Zhongnan, he fought with the Jinlun Imperial Master and many masters of the Quanzhen Sect.

In the end, he was seriously injured due to various reasons. Yang Guo came and rescued Xiao Longnu, resolving the grievances and resentments between him and the Quanzhen Sect.

However, at this time, Xiao Longnu was already dying, her internal injuries were too severe, and poisonous gas had entered her body, so she might not be able to be cured.

Yang Guo dressed the dying little dragon girl in a phoenix crown and harem, and they got married in front of the portrait of Grandmaster Wang Chongyang in the Chongyang Palace.

Then the two returned to the Tomb of the Living Dead. Yang Guo had planned to use Ouyang Feng's retrograde meridian method and the cold jade bed to heal Xiao Longnu's injuries. However, due to some changes, the two had to leave the tomb and descend to Zhongnan Mountain.

After going down the mountain, the two met Master Yideng by chance. Master Yideng said that his junior brother Tianzhu Monk might have a way to save Xiao Longnu.

So, the two of them came to Jueqing Valley again with Master Yideng, and saw Cheng Ying, Lu Wushuang, Li Mochou, Huang Rong and others also in Jueqing Valley for various reasons.

In order to save Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang, Yang Guo fell in love with flower poison again. Only Qiu Qianchi had the antidote. Qiu Qianchi asked Yang Guo to agree to marry Gongsun Lvhe before he would give the antidote. Yang Guo refused Qiu Qianchi's offer. Require.

Then, after a series of twists and turns, Xiao Longnu took back the antidote to the love flower poison from Gongsun Zhi and gave it to Yang Guo.

However, because the Tianzhu monk was killed by Li Mochou, Xiao Longnu's hope of being cured was dashed and she was bound to die. Yang Guo was unwilling to live alone, so he threw away the antidote and prepared to die with Xiao Longnu.

Later, Xiao Longnu heard from Huang Rong that the Tianzhu monk had researched before his death that heartbroken grass could detoxify Yang Guo's love flower poison, and decided to let Yang Guo live.

However, if he were here, Yang Guo would definitely not take the antidote and choose to live alone.

So, that night, while Yang Guo was sleeping, Xiao Longnu walked to the edge of the Broken Heart Cliff in the Jueqing Valley, and carved with a sword on the stone wall next to it, "Sixteen years later, we will meet here. The love between husband and wife is deep. Don't worry." After breaking the promise, Xiao Longnu told her husband, Yang Lang, to cherish everything and make sure to get together." Then she jumped off the cliff and committed suicide.

The reason why Xiao Longnu kept this sixteen-year agreement was because

Naturally, I hope that after Yang Guo sees it, he will have hope in his heart and be able to live well.

As for the fact that she was unable to come to the appointment sixteen years later, she didn't care so much at this time.

Afterwards, Yang Guo woke up and found that Xiao Longnu was missing. He was confused and searched everywhere. At this time, Huang Rong and others also learned that Xiao Longnu was missing.

After a fruitless search, everyone found the sixteen-year agreement carved by Xiao Longnu on the stone wall of Broken Heart Cliff.

Yang Guo was still flustered. In order to appease Yang Guo, Huang Rong made up a lie about the Nanhai Shenni.

Yang Guo was doubtful, but under the "testimony" of Master Yideng and others, he finally believed it, and took the heartbroken grass, which can detoxify the love flower poison, and detoxified the love flower poison.

This is an infinitely sad sixteen-year agreement, and all martial arts fans can only feel empty sadness.

Then sixteen years passed in a blink of an eye.

During these sixteen years, Yang Guo first came to the burial place of Dugu Qiubei and stayed with Chou Diao. Under Chou Diao's guidance, his martial arts improved greatly.

Later, due to practicing in the raging waves, he created a unique skill and mastered it sadly.

Yang Guo and Chou Diao were both teachers and friends. After they achieved great success in martial arts, they roamed the rivers and lakes with Chou Diao. In more than ten years, they did many chivalrous and righteous deeds and earned the title of "The Condor Heroes".

In the meantime, Guo Xiang has grown up and become acquainted with the "Condor Hero".

The sixteen-year appointment had arrived, and Yang Guo came to the Broken Heart Cliff five days in advance to wait.

However, after five days of this, Xiao Longnu was still not waiting for her on the last day.

At this time, Yang Guo thought on the edge of the cliff that Xiao Longnu might have jumped off the cliff and died sixteen years ago.

In despair, Yang Guo jumped off the edge of the cliff.

Later, Guo Xiang arrived and saw Yang Guo jumping off the cliff, so he jumped down too.

Many of the above plots are exciting, but after Yang Guo and Guo Xiang jumped off the cliff, there was finally a sense of darkness and light.

There was a pool below, and neither of them died. After Yang Guo sent Guo Xiang up, in a garden-like water cave in the pool, he reunited with Xiao Longnu, who had jumped off a cliff and survived sixteen years ago.

It turned out that after Xiao Longnu jumped down, not only did she not fall to death, but her injuries were cured by chance. However, she could not leave this abyss, so she has been living in seclusion here.

Sixteen years later, Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu reunited again.

Moreover, these sixteen years of long waiting should be the last of many hardships for the two of them.

All martial arts fans are thinking this in their hearts and looking forward to it.

And this was indeed the case. Gu Yong did not continue to torture this ill-fated couple.

Afterwards, Yang Guo took Xiao Longnu out of the abyss and headed to Xiangyang.

At this time, Xiangyang had been besieged by the Mongolian army for sixteen years. The Mongolian Khan personally went on a campaign to capture Xiangyang.

Jinlun Imperial Master held Guo Xiang hostage and forced Guo Jing into his trap. Guo Jing did not want to sacrifice countless people in Xiangyang because of his little daughter, but his beloved daughter was right in front of him, so how could he be truly hard-hearted?

Suddenly trapped in a dilemma and don't know what to do?

^0^ Remember in one second【】

At this time, Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu arrived with the divine eagle. Yang Guo first defeated the Jinlun Imperial Master on the high platform and rescued Guo Xiang.

Then, among the thousands of troops, he killed the Mongol Khan with pebbles, causing the Mongol army to collapse due to moral confusion.

The crisis in Xiangyang City was finally relieved, and countless people in Xiangyang City were finally saved.

After this battle, Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu became famous all over the world as the "Condor Heroes".

By this time, the whole story is coming to an end.

Yang Guo, Xiao Longnu, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Zhou Botong, Master Yideng, Huang Yaoshi and others gathered at the top of Mount Huashan.

The third Huashan sword discussion began, and the new five unique skills in the world were born.

Huang Yaoshi from the East Evil, Yang Guo from the West, Master Yideng from the South, Guo Jing from the North, and Zhou Botong, the urchin in the middle.

After that, Yang Guo took Xiao Longnu's hand, said goodbye to everyone, and walked down the mountain.

The story of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been finalized here.

The plots of this scene after scene are all very clear in the minds of all martial arts fans.

The soul-stirring love between Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu has made all martial arts fans know what love is.

"Love" is to allow you to survive. At the last moment of your life, it will weave a beautiful lie for you and give you hope to survive.

"Love" means that after sixteen years of long waiting, I still have no regrets or regrets, and I still remain infatuated.

"Love" is after sixteen years, I understood your original lies and good intentions, and then you still jumped towards the cliff.

"Love" means that after sixteen years, I still want to go to hell with you.

"Love" is to survive the catastrophe and stay with you for a lifetime.

What is love? This is love!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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