Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1453 Confused

Remember in one second【】

At the end, all martial arts fans felt disappointed and very reluctant to part with it.

The stories of Yang Guo, Xiao Longnu, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Guo Xiang, Old Naughty Tong, Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong, Ouyang Feng, Master Yideng and others will never happen again.

That magnificent world of rivers and lakes will also no longer exist.

From now on, there will only be their legends in the world.

If possible, they hope there will be a sequel and the next work can be connected, just like the original connection.

But they knew that this should be impossible. It was impossible for Gu Yong to write three consecutive works in a series.

However, it doesn't seem entirely impossible.

Because in the last chapter, two characters who had never appeared before suddenly appeared, as well as a martial arts skill that seemed to be extraordinary.

Jue Yuan, a Shaolin monk with extremely profound internal skills but a somewhat pedantic personality, took a young man named Zhang Junbao to the top of Huashan Mountain in order to recover the stolen goods stolen by Yin Kexi and Xiao Xiangzi.

He also met and interacted with Yang Guo, Guo Jing, Guo Xiang, and Huang Yaoshi.

A work has reached its final stage, but two characters who interact with Yang Guo, Guo Jing, Guo Xiang and others suddenly appear. One of them is a young man, which makes people have some thoughts.

If these two characters are just passers-by who come out to make soy sauce, then that's it. Just like the "masters" who appeared in front of them, martial arts fans won't think much about them at all.

But these two characters are obviously not here to make fun of themselves.

First of all, they wanted to recover a martial arts secret book called "". Judging from the one-character difference in the name, they knew that this martial arts secret book was not trivial.

Such an extraordinary martial arts secret book can't just come out and be done with soy sauce, right?

Secondly, Jue Yuan and Zhang Junbao had many interactions with Yang Guo, Guo Jing, Guo Xiang and others. In the last chapter, Gu Yong spent more than half of his words describing their interactions.

After using so much pen and ink, Jue Yuan and Zhang Junbao really don't seem to be here to make soy sauce.

But by the time we get here, the whole story is over,

Even if the two of them don't look like soy sauce, they are indeed soy sauce.

Unless there is a follow-up story and the next work will take over, Jue Yuan and Zhang Junbao will be the main characters in that work, and the young man named Zhang Junbao may even be the protagonist.

So, is this really possible? Many martial arts fans are not sure.

After all, what Guyong is best at is creating accidents. Who knows if he arranged this on purpose?

I deliberately used two new characters who don't look like soy sauce to keep everyone looking forward to it, but in fact they are just soy sauce.

It's just that there was a little too much soy sauce.

A group of martial arts fans believe that Gu Yong can definitely do this.

There are many voices on the Internet about this issue.

"Logically speaking, there should be no third part, but Jue Yuan and Zhang Junbao appeared in the final stage, and they don't look like soy sauce, so I can't figure it out."

"Indeed, generally speaking, at the end of a work, new characters with so many roles will not appear. But if the author is Gu Yong, everything is possible."

"That's right. I think we should not hold out any hope. Gu Yong definitely did it on purpose. He deliberately gave us hope, but in fact there is nothing."

"Having said that, have you ever thought more about it? Now Gu Yong has given us hope for the next work. We all think this is Gu Yong's intention. In other words, there is no next work. Normal, right?”

"Yes, that's right, that's it. Don't have any hopes."

"But, since this is normal, it is not an accident. And we all know that Gu Yong likes to create accidents. In other words, the next work is the real accident. Isn't it?"

"I'll wipe it! When you say that, it seems to make sense."

"I'll go! Will there be a next work? I'm dizzy, completely dizzy."

"Who knows? Anyway, I think it's better not to use normal thinking and think about Gu Yong. Okay, what is normal thinking? I'm also dizzy."


All martial arts fans are confused. Will there be a next work? They were completely confused.

Not only were they confused, Yang Qiming and Li Bo in the Times Literature Award Jury Office were also confused.

Yang Qiming smiled bitterly and said: "Lao Li, do you think there will be a next work?"

Li Bo said: "Judging from the scenes between Jue Yuan and Zhang Junbao in the last chapter, as well as the plot, there should be some. However, as martial arts fans said, its author is Gu Yong, so then It’s hard to say.”

Yang Qiming said: "Yeah, it's hard to say. Gu Yong might have done this intentionally. Everyone thought they wouldn't be fooling around, but they did."

Li Bo added: "We can go one step further and say that everyone knows Gu Yong's 'virtue' and thinks that they are the ones who play soy sauce, but this time Gu Yong refused to let them play soy sauce. In short, it is confusing, except for Gu Yong Apart from myself, it is estimated that no one else knows the truth of the matter."

Yang Qiming said: "That's all. Regardless of whether there are follow-up stories or not, we can just continue to pay attention and wait until his next one."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After the work is released, the answer will naturally be available. "

Li Bo said: "That's all it can do."

Sansheng Village.

Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin were walking in the village. They saw a person walking slowly in front of them from a distance. Who could it be if it wasn't Li Fan?

Liang Sheng shouted loudly: "Little Li in front, come here, come here, I want to ask you something."

When Li Fan heard Liang Sheng's voice, he knew what question Liang Sheng was going to ask. It must be about Jue Yuan and Zhang Junbao.

It turned out to be true. When Li Fan turned back and walked in front of a few people, Liang Sheng said: "You kid got Jue Yuan, Zhang Junbao, and that one in the final stage. What are you going to do? There are other things in this series The third work?"

Li Fan laughed and said: "As Mr. Liang said, we have indeed considered a third work, the Condor Trilogy, which sounds more upscale, right?"

"There really is a third part." Liang Sheng, Zheng Jie, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin all felt happy after hearing this.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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