Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1455 Revealing the mystery

Remember in one second【】

The trailer for Gu Yong's new book has been released, and naturally many martial arts novelists are also paying close attention to it. .

For them, studying Gu Yong's novels is sometimes more important than pondering their own novels, especially Gu Yong's new books. If you don't pay attention to Gu Yong's new books, then you don't have to "huddle" in martial arts anymore. .

Even a very small number of those who hate Gu Yong are paying attention to the latest updates of Gu Yong's new books for various reasons.

This time, a group of martial arts novelists were filled with emotion after murmuring the trailer line "The Supreme of the Martial Arts, Slaying the Dragon with a Treasured Sword..." several times.

They had to admit that with just this sentence, they would never be able to figure out that the gap between them and Gu Yong was really too big.

Of course, they already knew and accepted this.

Therefore, they have no other emotions besides emotion.

Then, they were also thinking about the same question, that is, is this new product related to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?

Judging from Gu Yong's preview, it seems impossible to tell.

A group of martial arts novelists are discussing this issue in their own circles.

After discussing for a long time, there was still no result. Just when everyone was about to give up on this issue, Luo Ye, one of the former four martial arts masters, spoke silently, "Have you noticed this sentence, 'The next issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" "When " is released, we will meet again.'?"

Although Guyong is now standing alone in the circle of pyramid leaders speaking.

Now seeing Luo Ye talking silently, all the martial arts novelists seemed quite excited.

However, the content of what Luo Ye silently said made them a little confused. Everyone naturally saw this sentence, but it was an ordinary sentence. What did Luo Ye silently mean? "

"Mr. Luoye, does this sentence have any special meaning?"

"Mr. Luoye, this is just an ordinary promotional statement. I'll see you in the next issue of his new book."

"Oh? Brother Luo Ye also thinks there is a mystery behind this sentence?" This was a powerful statement.

Dali Bisha also spoke, and the spirits of the martial arts warriors were refreshed again.

In their eyes, people like Luoye Wusheng, Dali Yishi, Crescent Moon, and Qin Sheng are still the bosses, and they are still the existences they admire.

As for Guyong, he is a higher-level existence, and they are more in awe.

"It's really lively today, so I'll join in the fun. There may indeed be a mystery behind this sentence." Crescent Moon also spoke.

"Everyone is here, so I can't lag behind. This sentence is indeed worthy of our careful consideration." Qinsheng followed closely behind.

The four former martial arts masters appeared at the same time. This was an extremely rare scene. The martial arts practitioners were very excited and spoke out one after another, and the atmosphere suddenly became very lively.

While they were saying hello to the four major families and getting closer, they asked the four major families to answer their questions. What mystery could be hidden in this sentence? They really can't see it.

Luo Ye said silently: "Everyone, please carefully understand the words 'We will meet again in Jianghu'. On the surface, these words are indeed just an ordinary slogan, but if you understand it carefully, is it possible that it is saying that in ancient times? In the new world of Jianghu, can we meet our old friends from "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" again? "

Seeing what Luo Ye Wusheng said, the hearts of all the martial artists jumped fiercely, and they thought carefully about Luo Ye Wusheng's meaning.

I wipe it! It really means that.

Could it be that this was a deliberate hint given by Gu Yong? Does it imply that his new product will indeed be related to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?

Jue Yuan and Zhang Junbao appeared at the end of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the missing martial arts secret "Nine Yang Manual", plus the hint that Gu Yong may have given deliberately. Adding these three points together, the possibility of the new product being related to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" seems quite high.

The more the martial arts fans thought about it, the more certain they became.

"Of course, the reason why it is said to be a 'hidden mystery' is that it is possible that there is no mystery at all. We are overthinking it ourselves." Luo Ye added this silently.

This sentence is correct, but because everyone has discovered the possible "mystery", coupled with the previous two reasons, everyone is more willing to believe that the mystery really exists.

The martial arts practitioners were quite excited and proud, as if they had discovered some secret.

Now that they have discovered the secret, and see that the martial arts fans on the Internet are still in a state of confusion, they really can't help but brush up their presence.

As a result, some martial arts novelists quietly broke into the "fans" of martial arts novels. They were already familiar with this matter.

"Haha! Are you still confused about whether Gu Yongda's new book will be related to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"? Let me tell you a secret. In the preview of Gu Yongda's new book, 'We'll meet again' The words "jianghu" actually contain hidden secrets. Please think about it carefully. "

As soon as these words came out, they quickly attracted the attention of many martial arts fans, "Hidden mystery? Is it true or false? What mystery can be contained in these words?"

Many martial arts ‘fans’ have begun to ponder these few words, but there are only six words in total, so what’s worth pondering?

They thought about it for a while, but they were still confused.

When the martial artists who broke in saw this situation, they couldn't help but laugh and thought proudly, "It seems that we need to break it further."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Just fine. "

They forgot that they actually only understood it after the fallen leaves silently broke through.

So, they spoke out again to reveal the possible mystery.

At this moment, all the martial arts fans naturally understood, and then they all became surprised and excited.

Although this is only a possibility, but combined with the three factors of "Jueyuan", "Zhang Junbao" and "the missing "Nine Yang Manual"", the possibility does not seem to be small.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that in Gu Yong's next work, they can also see Yang Guo, Xiaolong Nu, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Guo Xiang and others?

A group of martial arts fans became excited again, and the Internet set off another wave of high dynasties.

Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Wang Yang saw that the hidden mystery in the preview of Guyong's new book was revealed, and he murmured to himself with some enlightenment: "So that's it. This time, even I didn't see through it. So, is this really the case? Hmm. , the possibility is indeed not small."

"Editor-in-chief, do you think that possibility is high?" Jian Yishen knocked on the door and asked. Although his question was very abrupt, he knew that Wang Yang could understand what he was asking?

Wang Yang smiled and asked, "What do you think? Xiao Tang."

Jianyi Shen said: "I think the possibility of 'sexuality' is not small, at least 70% of the possibility of 'sexuality'. In this way, it will be the 'Shooting' Condor Trilogy. It is truly worthy of the ancient Yong."

Wang Yang nodded solemnly and said: "I have the same opinion as you. There is indeed at least a 70% possibility of 'sex'. Xiao Tang, he will be your lifelong goal."

After Jian Yishen heard this, he did not speak, but nodded silently.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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