Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1456: Missing you from the end of the world cannot be forgotten

Remember in one second【】

The mystery has been revealed, and the possibility that Gu Yong's new book club is related to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is not small. Fastest update

In most people's opinion, it is at least about 70% possible.

Of course, there won’t be more. After all, its author is ancient. No one can be more sure until the new book is released.

So, what is the truth of the matter? Everyone is looking forward to the moment when the new book is released.

And time does not pass slowly. A week flies by in the blink of an eye.

During this week, "Journey to the West" was still being serialized on time at 10 a.m. every day.

And today is the day when the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" is released.

In the early morning, newsstands across the country were crowded with martial arts fans who came to buy "Laughing Jianghu" magazine as usual.

While waiting for the newsstand to open, we chatted with great interest.

"I've been looking forward to it for a whole week, and the answer is finally revealed. It's not easy!"

"I hope it can be related to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". I especially hope to see the follow-up story of Guo Xiang. Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu will definitely become a couple of gods and immortals. I can be 100% sure about this. For their follow-up story , my desire is not particularly strong, but Guo Xiang is different. At the end of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Guo Xiang was so heart-wrenching."

"I also hope to see Guo Xiang's follow-up story. I hope to see Guo Xiang get rid of her longing for Yang Guo and find her own happiness."

"Oh! I hope Guo Xiang can stop missing Yang Guo and find her own happiness. After all, she is only sixteen years old and she still has a long life ahead of her."


Judging from the discussions among martial arts fans at various newsstands, many people have never forgotten and worried about Guo Xiang.

It's no wonder that at the end of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Guo Xiang was so distressed. She watched Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu walking down Huashan hand in hand, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

The book ends with Guo Xiang's tears. How can one not feel sad? How not to feel bad?

As for Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu, everyone knows that they will definitely be a couple of gods and immortals in the future, and they will live a very happy life.

The concern for them was not as strong as the concern for Guo Xiang.

So, will they continue to see Guo Xiang’s story?

The answer is about to be revealed.

The bosses of various newsstands are open for business, and they have also received the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

On the cover, I saw the name of Gu Yong's new book, "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword".

If there hadn't been Gu Yong's previous notice, they would have been a little confused when they saw the title, "Dragon Slaying? Is this about slaying a dragon? Are you sure it's a martial arts novel?"

But now, they have understood the meaning of the book's title. "Slaying the Dragon" is not really slaying a dragon, but the name of a precious sword.

However, what they are most concerned about now is not the title of the book, but the specific content in it. Will they be able to see Guo Xiang, who they have always missed and cared about so much?

I quickly turned to the page of the serial "Yitian Slaying the Dragon" and saw the title of the first chapter: "I can't forget to miss you on the cliff."

Seeing this chapter title, all the martial arts fans suddenly felt a sudden excitement in their hearts, first feeling excited, and then sighing in silence.

Just the title of the first chapter has already given them a lot of information.

"I miss you at the end of the world." Who misses you at the end of the world? Who is "Jun"?

The answer is not difficult to guess. It is Guo Xiang who is in love with Yang Guo.

It is really related to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and really being able to see Guo Xiang again. This is what makes martial arts fans excited.

And "I can't forget to miss you even though I'm at the end of the world" clearly shows that Guo Xiang still hasn't gotten over her longing for Yang Guo, and she still misses him deeply.

And this longing is destined to have no results, which is why martial arts fans sigh in silence.

Of course, this is just for martial arts fans. Based on the guesses of the title of the first chapter, it is not certain whether this is actually the case.

But soon, they determined that this was really the case.

The opening chapter is a poem.

“Spring outings are grand, it is the season of cold food and pear blossoms every year.

The white brocade is fragrant and fragrant, and the jade trees are covered with snow.


This poem was written by Qiu Chuji to praise his neighbor Xiao Longnu.

At this time, three years had passed since the third sword debate at Mount Huashan, Qiu Chuji had passed away, and Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu were living in seclusion in the Tomb of the Living Dead in Mount Zhongnan.

At this time, on the mountain road of Shaoshi Mountain in Henan, there was an eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl who was reciting this poem.

This girl is wearing a light yellow dress, riding a green donkey, and is slowly climbing up the mountain road. She should be in her prime, happy and carefree age, but there is a hint of melancholy in her face, as if she is suffering from sadness. Between the brows and the heart, there is no way to avoid it.

This girl is none other than Guo Xiang, whom countless martial arts fans have always worried about.

Guo Xiang, Yang Guo, and Xiao Longnu had not heard from Yang Guo in the past three years since they were separated at the top of Mount Hua. Because she missed him, she told her parents that she wanted to go out for a trip, but in fact she just wanted to go out and look for him. Yang Guo.

Even if Yang Guo cannot be found, it is still good to find some information about Yang Guo in the world.

Guo Xiang first went to the Tomb of the Living Dead in Zhongnan Mountain, but Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu did not return.

After waiting for several days, Guo Xiang still disappeared.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The man returned and walked out of the tomb of the living dead to continue searching.

She traveled from north to south, and from east to west, covering almost half of the Central Plains, but she never heard anyone mention the recent news of the Condor Hero Yang Guo.

On this day, the reason why Guo Xiang came to Shaoshi Mountain was because there was a monk in the Shaolin Temple, Zen Master Wose, who was a good friend of Yang Guo. Guo Xiang was going to ask Zen Master Wose for news about Yang Guo.

On the roadside, Guo Xiang saw a stone tablet. Most of it was destroyed and the writing was blurred. She didn't know what was written on it. She thought to herself: "Even the words carved on the stone tablet must be erased after many years. Why?" What is engraved in my heart becomes clearer as time goes by?"

Seeing this, all the martial arts fans couldn't help but sigh. As time passed, Guo Xiang not only did not forget Yang Guo, but her longing for him became deeper and deeper.

Thinking of a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, riding a green donkey, walking alone in the deserted wilderness, helpless and helpless, the hearts of martial arts fans suddenly surged with endless tenderness and pity. .

The girl's heart was filled with endless longing for one person. She had traveled through most of the Central Plains and could not find the person she longed for. However, she did not even find out any recent information about the person she longed for. This was for an eighteen or nineteen-year-old For a young girl, it would be too cruel.

Martial arts fans are extremely distressed and only hope that when Guo Xiang comes to Shaolin Temple this time, she can find out some news about Yang Guo.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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