Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1457 The last scene

Remember in one second【】

All martial arts fans are extremely looking forward to Guo Xiang being able to find out the news about Yang Guo in Shaolin Temple.

Keep looking below.

Guo Xiang met a monk outside the Shaolin Temple. It was Jue Yuan whom he had met at the top of Mount Huashan three years ago.

Jue Yuan was being punished corporally by carrying water because he had lost a scripture.

Jue Yuan does not know martial arts, but his internal strength is extremely profound and is not inferior to anyone in the world.

The reason why Jue Yuan's internal strength is so profound is because he has read a Buddhist scripture, the Lankavatara Sutra.

To be precise, it is because hidden in this sutra is another martial arts secret, the Nine Suns Sutra.

The Lankavatara Sutra, which contains the Nine Suns Sutra, is the sutra that Jue Yuan lost.

Three years ago, Xiao Xiangzi and Yin Kexi stole this scripture from the Sutra Pavilion in Shaolin Temple. Jue Yuan, who was guarding the Sutra Pavilion, pursued it with his apprentice Zhang Junbao.

Finally, he caught up with the top of Huashan Mountain and met Yang Guo, Guo Jing, Guo Xiang and others.

Although the two received help from Yang Guo, Guo Jing, Guo Xiang and others, they were ultimately unable to recover the Lankavatara Sutra.

Now Jueyuan is being punished with water, officially because he lost the Lankavatara Sutra.

However, the Shaolin Temple did not know that the "Nine Yang Sutra" was hidden in the "Lengjia Sutra".

It turns out that the Lankavatara Sutra is the original Sanskrit version, and the monks usually read the Chinese translation of the Lankavatara Sutra.

Therefore, this original Sanskrit text has been kept in the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple, and no one has read it for hundreds of years.

Jue Yuan was a pedantic man. When he was guarding the Sutra Pavilion, he read every book and sutra. He accidentally read the original Sanskrit "Lengha Sutra" and naturally also read the "Nine Yang Sutra" hidden in it.

Unknowingly, his internal strength cultivation has become astonishing to the world and is not inferior to anyone in the world.

After Guo Xiang met Jue Yuan at the gate of Shaolin Temple, he met Zhang Junbao again, and a series of things happened.

Then, Guo Xiang met the person she came to Shaolin Temple to find, Yang Guo's good friend Master Wuse.


Zen Master Wuse told Guo Xiang that Yang Guo had not been to Shaolin Temple in the past three years, and he had never heard anything about Yang Guo.

Guo Xiang was extremely disappointed, and she rode her green donkey slowly down the mountain alone.

All the martial arts fans also sighed with disappointment. Their previous hopes were in vain. Guo Xiang still had no news about Yang Guo.

In the vast world, where should Guo Xiang look for?

On the way down the mountain, Guo Xiang met He Zudao, the Three Saints of Kunlun from the Western Regions. He Zudao had to go to the Shaolin Temple for some reason to learn from the masters of the Shaolin Temple.

Guo Xiang became curious and followed He Zudao back to the outside of the Shaolin Temple.

In front of the Shaolin Temple, He Zudao used sharp stones to draw a chessboard on the bluestone, displaying his astonishing internal strength, which shocked all the Shaolin monks. In terms of internal strength alone, no one in the temple could win.

The abbot, Zen Master Tianming, was about to admit defeat when Jue Yuan suddenly appeared and demonstrated a more advanced internal skill, which convinced He Zudao.

Afterwards, He Zudao challenged Jue Yuan. Jue Yuan was in danger one after another because he didn't know martial arts. Zhang Junbao saw Jue Yuan in danger and rescued him.

He Zudao and Zhang Junbao fought together. When it came to martial arts attainments, Zhang Junbao and He Zudao were far apart at this time.

But Zhang Junbao's inner strength is already very deep because of his relationship with Jue Yuan in practicing the Nine Yang Manual.

When He Zudao saw that Zhang Junbao, a junior Shaolin monk, seemed to have inferior internal strength, he couldn't help but feel ashamed. He secretly thought that the Shaolin Temple has been famous for thousands of years.

So, after He Zudao expressed his intention to admit defeat, he drifted away.

At a young age, Zhang Junbao managed to save He Zudao from a difficult situation and made He Zudao give up and go away. Although it was not that Zhang Junbao's martial arts was better than He Zudao's, it was because of him that He Zudao finally gave up and left.

This is obviously the fate of the protagonist.

Therefore, when seeing this, almost all martial arts fans think that Zhang Junbao should be the protagonist of this book.

There are also martial arts fans who want to think more. Now that Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang have crossed paths again, they are still the protagonists. Will he and Guo Xiang eventually become a couple?

Although he is smaller than Guo Xiang, Guyong seems to like this. You know, Yang Guo is smaller than Xiao Longnu.

Xiao Longnu was Yang Guo's master. Although Guo Xiang was not Zhang Junbao's master now, the martial arts Zhang Junbao just showed was learned from the iron-cast Arhat given to him by Guo Xiang.

In a sense, Guo Xiang can also be regarded as Zhang Junbao's master.

Could it be that Guyong is going to play the master-disciple-turned-lover drama again?

In this way, although Zhang Junbao is a bit advantageous, if Guo Xiang can really be freed from the pain of missing Yang Guo, that is what martial arts fans are very willing to see.

Will this be the case? All martial arts fans continue to read below.

Although Zhang Junbao "drove" He Zudao away, because his martial arts was learned from Guo Xiang, the iron cast Arhat presented by Guo Xiang was a private martial arts training. He violated the precepts of the Shaolin Temple and needed to be punished at the Shaolin Bodhidharma Hall.

Zhang Junbao was very frightened and turned to Jue Yuan for help. Jue Yuan and Zhang Junbao had been dependent on each other for ten years. They loved each other like father and son and did not want Zhang Junbao to be punished.

Therefore, he carried Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang with the two Tietongs he had been carrying, and walked down the mountain quickly.

Running dozens of miles in one breath, I saw Shaolin

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The monks stopped chasing after him.

At night, the three of them slept under a big tree.

In the middle of the night, Guo Xiang and Zhang Junbao woke up from their haze when they heard Jue Yuan murmuring to himself, as if he was chanting sutras.

Then, the two of them heard clearly that what Jue Yuan was reciting in his sleep was none other than the Nine Yang Manual.

The two of them did not dare to disturb Jue Yuan, but silently memorized the scriptures that Jue Yuan read.

Jue Yuan's voice of chanting sutras became smaller and smaller until there was no sound at all. The two of them just thought that Jue Yuan was asleep.

However, at dawn the next day, they found that Jue Yuan had passed away.

Zhang Junbao was very sad, and Guo Xiang was also sad.

Afterwards, the two gathered some dry firewood and burned Jue Yuan's body.

After the incineration, Guo Xiang said goodbye to Zhang Junbao and said that the monks in Shaolin Temple were looking for Zhang Junbao and asked Zhang Junbao to be careful.

Zhang Junbao said that he was willing to follow Guo Xiang. He would go wherever Guo Xiang went.

However, Guo Xiang felt sad. She didn't even know where she was going, so how could she take Zhang Junbao with her?

So, Guo Xiang gave Zhang Junbao a token and asked Zhang Junbao to go to Xiangyang City to join his parents, saying that as long as he arrived in Xiangyang City, the monks in the Shaolin Temple would never dare to embarrass him again.

Then, Guo Xiang turned and left.

When they saw this, all the martial arts fans did not realize that this was the last scene left to them by Guo Xiang.

After Guo Xiang turned around and left, Zhang Junbao felt that the world was vast and there was no place to stay. After standing in front of Jueyuan's crematorium for half a day, he slowly left.

Among the barren mountains and ridges, a skinny young man went south sadly, desolate and frightened, and endlessly lonely.

Zhang Junbao headed towards Xiangyang City. Half a month later, he arrived near Wudang Mountain, not far from Xiangyang City.

Nearby, Zhang Junbao realized something after hearing a conversation between a rural couple. He decided not to go to Xiangyang City to seek refuge with Guo Jing and his wife, but to prepare to do something great on his own.

So Zhang Junbao came to Wudang Mountain, found a cave, drank from the mountain spring when he was thirsty, ate wild fruits when he was hungry, and diligently studied the "Nine Yang Manual" taught by Jue Yuan.

One day, Zhang Junbao was wandering in the mountains, looking up at the floating clouds and the flowing water, and suddenly he understood the boxing principle of using softness to overcome hardness.

Then, he meditated hard in the cave for seven days and nights, and suddenly he understood the truth of the mutual support of yin and yang in martial arts, and couldn't help but look up to the sky and smile.

This laughter revealed a great master who carried on the past and opened up the future.

And time also came to decades later in an instant.

Seeing this, all the martial arts fans were suddenly suffocated and stunned.

The time has come decades later? What about Guo Xiang?

When Guo Xiang and Zhang Junbao parted ways before, the scene where they turned and left was actually the last scene?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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