Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1458 The Supreme Martial Arts Sword Slays the Dragon

Remember in one second【】

All martial arts fans saw Zhang Junbao smiling up to the sky because he understood the principle of yin and yang complementing each other in martial arts.

After this smile, time came to decades later in an instant.

What the hell is going on here? Isn’t Zhang Junbao the protagonist? Where is Guo Xiang?

A group of martial arts fans thought they had seen it wrong for a while, and then hurriedly continued to read part of it. They were finally convinced that they had seen it wrong, and the time had really arrived decades later.

This day is the 90th birthday of Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang Sect.

The Zhang Sanfeng here is naturally Zhang Junbao. Because he once traveled to Baoming in the north, he saw the three tall peaks and the sea of ​​clouds, and he also gained enlightenment in martial arts, so he named himself "Sanfeng".

From then on, he was called Zhang Sanfeng.

From the sentence "The 90th birthday of Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang Sect", it can be inferred that after Zhang Junbao went to Wudang Mountain, he took root in Wudang Mountain. After he achieved great success in martial arts, he founded the Wudang Sect.

Now, Zhang Sanfeng is ninety years old, but Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang were only in their teens when they parted at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain.

In other words, more than eighty years passed in an instant.

Guo Xiang is several years older than Zhang Junbao. If she were still alive, she would be in her nineties now.

But many martial arts fans can almost certainly guess that Guo Xiang is no longer alive.

The scene of Guo Xiang saying goodbye to Zhang Junbao at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain and turning around to leave was really the last scene she left for readers.

So, has Guo Xiang found Yang Guo since then? Or have you heard any news about Yang Guo? Did she finally break free from missing Yang Guo?

Has she met another person who made her heart beat? Did she get married in the end? Are you living a happy life? When did he die?

Are there no answers to this series of questions?

The mood of the martial arts fans suddenly became unprecedentedly lost and melancholy. They felt that Gu Yong had played a joke on them.

I thought that after reading the new book released today, I would be able to let go of my concern for Guo Xiang, but I never thought that after reading it, my concern for Guo Xiang deepened.

Although Guo Xiang is just a fictional character,

But their concern is real.

Martial arts fans are melancholy.

"Alas! I didn't expect this to be the case. If I had known it would be like this, it would be better to go back to the way it was at the end of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"."

"Suddenly more than eighty years have passed, and it feels like the sea has turned into a mulberry field. In fact, it seems to be the case. By this time, the Mongols should have gone south to the Central Plains, and the Southern Song Dynasty should have perished. By this time, it should have been It’s the Yuan Dynasty.”

"Guo Jing, Huang Rong and others have died long ago, Xiangyang City has been breached long ago, and the world has really changed with the change of dynasties."

"Did Gu Yong really leave it to us to imagine what happened after Guo Xiang and Zhang Junbao separated?"

"Maybe in the following article, there will be some memories introduced one after another. It is impossible for Gu Yong not to mention it at all."

"Alas! Even with the introduction of memories, it is still disappointing."


It would be an exaggeration to say that the world has changed over the past eighty years, but it is not an exaggeration at all to say that the world has changed.

Moreover, this is also the lifetime of most people, but now it passes in the blink of an eye. Those people who were once familiar, such as Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Yang Guo, Xiao Longnv, Zhou Botong, Huang Yaoshi and others are no longer alive, and the world is no longer alive. It's really sad to think about how it has changed.

But now that things have come to this, time cannot be turned back. In addition to sighing and sighing, all the martial arts fans can only hope that there will be some memories about Guo Xiang in the following articles, so that they can let go of their worries.

Then, there is another problem. They once thought that Zhang Junbao would be the protagonist, but now it is obvious that Zhang Junbao can no longer be the protagonist.

The Zhang Junbao of yesteryear is now the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world, the founder of the Wudang Sect, Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Zhenren.

So, who is the protagonist? It suddenly became confusing.

The martial arts fans gathered themselves together and continued to look below.

Zhang Sanfeng has seven disciples, known as the "Seven Heroes of Wudang" in the world. They are already famous figures in the world.

The next perspective comes to the third hero of Wudang, Yu Daiyan. Yu Daiyan is Zhang Sanfeng's third disciple, and he goes out on business under the orders of his master.

Now that the matter has been settled, he is on his way back to Wudang Mountain to attend the 90th birthday party of Master Zhang Sanfeng.

In the past few decades, there has been a saying that has been circulating in the world: "The supreme martial arts master slays the dragon with his precious sword. No one dares to disobey when he orders the world. If you can't rely on the sky, no one can compete with him."

I don’t know where the Yitian Sword is, but the dragon-slaying sword has appeared, and countless people in the world have joined the fight for the dragon-slaying sword.

On his way back to Wudang Mountain, Yu Daiyan was also involved in a fight for the dragon-slaying sword, and accidentally obtained the dragon-slaying sword.

Yu Daiyan plans to take the dragon-slaying sword back to Wudang Mountain and hand it over to his master Zhang Sanfeng, but things will not go so smoothly.

On his way back to Wudang Mountain, Yu Daiyan fell into a trap set by the Tianying Cult. The dragon-slaying sword was taken away by the Tianying Cult. Yu Daiyan was also poisoned and injured, and his body could not move.

Afterwards, Tianying taught Yin Susu to find the Longmen Escort Bureau and asked the Longmen Escort Bureau to send Yu Daiyan, who was injured and unable to move, back to Wudang.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

However, when the people from the Longmen Escort Bureau sent Yu Daiyan to the foot of Wudang Mountain, another incident happened. Someone pretended to be the Six Heroes of Wudang and picked up Yu Daiyan.

Those people were trying to force Yu Daiyan to reveal the whereabouts of the dragon-slaying knife, and Yu Daiyan was even more seriously injured.

When Zhang Cuishan, the fifth hero of Wudang, went down the mountain to find him, he was already dying.

Zhang Cuishan brought Yu Daiyan back to the mountain. With Zhang Sanfeng's full rescue, he saved his life, but his hands and feet were disabled and became disabled.

Zhang Sanfeng and the other Wudang Six Heroes were in grief. Zhang Cuishan was ordered by his master to go down the mountain to investigate the story of Yu Daiyan's attack and injury.

After Zhang Cuishan came down from the mountain, he also encountered a series of changes.

Today's "Eternal Dragon Sword" is still serialized with four chapters, ending after Zhang Cuishan went to Wudang Mountain and encountered a series of changes.

After reading today's serialization, the martial arts fans felt a little strange.

They were still worrying about Guo Xiang and hoping that Guo Xiang would get the news about Yang Guo as soon as possible. Then suddenly, more than eighty years had passed.

The boy Zhang Junbao back then has become the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world, the founder of the Wudang Sect.

In the world of martial arts, rumors have begun to spread, "The supreme king of the martial arts world slays dragons with his sword. No one in the world dares to disobey his orders. If you cannot rely on the sky, who can compete with you?"

Moreover, it has been circulating for decades.

Then there was the fight for the dragon-slaying sword in the arena, and Yu Daiyan was involved in it, and eventually became disabled for life.

As a result, Zhang Cuishan got involved in Wudang Shang and became involved in disputes between rivers and lakes.

Although all this is as exciting as ever, many martial arts fans are still a little unable to let go and feel a little sad because of Guo Xiang's incident.

This is also the reason why their mood is a little strange at this time, and they need to relax.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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