afternoon local time.

Before the closing ceremony, the most anticipated part of all players comes.

The most important projects of major manufacturers will be officially unveiled today.

Players, media, and manufacturers gathered together.

From the moment the host came on stage, the players burst into amazing shouts.

After a simple warm-up, it officially started.

The first one to be announced is a sequel to an RPG that has been in production for seven years. It is the game enlightenment for many players.

Then there's a casual party game and a Souls game.

Although these games are not large in size, they are still enthusiastically sought after by players.

But the next manufacturers are more important.

"Extremis 6" is an open-world shooting game produced by the European Potato Factory.

The scene was very embarrassing, there were a lot of boos, and the applause was obviously much sparser.

This made the potato factory staff on stage who were responsible for explaining and demonstrating the game a little embarrassed and embarrassed, so they had to finish today's work.

Since the release of "Cyberpunk 2077", it has tortured all open world games on the market.

Potato Factory games often have an awesome prologue. After playing the prologue, you will feel that this is one of the best games in the world.

But by the time the prologue was over, it was about two hours before the refund time had passed.

Immediately reveal your true colors!

It's smelly and long like an old lady's foot wrap, and I'm sure I've been fooled.

Many players are fooled every year and don't do the same thing every year.

It is a formulaic open world, and it can use a very clever gimmick to attract many people to buy the game.

Are you angry?

There's nothing I can do about it if I'm angry.

Not only that, he also did a lot of things like breaking bones in the first month and giving away various backstabs for free in two years.

In the past, players were used to eating bran, and their requirements for open worlds were not that high. After all, no matter how formulaic it was, the production level was still above the same level. Not all manufacturers can make this type of game.

But now there is Naughty Cat's "Cyberpunk 2077", which directly reduces the dimensionality and tyrannizes all open world games on the market.

Players really can't play other games, especially the open world game of Potato Factory.

This makes players full of dissatisfaction with Potato Factory, the manufacturer with the highest output of open world games.

This also led to today's boos.

However, it can be seen that Potato Factory also knows its own problems, and players will not buy into it if this continues.

So today I specifically announced the delay of the game to express my determination to make the game seriously.

However, the grievances that players have accumulated for many years cannot be dissipated in one or two strokes.

Especially players who have been cheated out of so much money by the potato factory.

Seeing the scene like this, Arnold, who was lurking at the scene wearing a mask, cursed dissatisfiedly: "Damn Naughty Cat, what a mess the industry has become! How many colleagues are going to be driven to death?"

The loser next to him quickly agreed: "Yes, just like the horror game industry, since the advent of "Resident Evil", it has become increasingly difficult for us to do so."

The loser's name is Fermin, who was one of the veterans of Lucas Studio and one of the first people to defect to Electronic Arts with a group of people.

As a traitor, he is the one person in the world who wants Lucas to die the most.

Only in this way can his role and value as a traitor be shown.

If Lucas doesn't die, he will be worthless.

However, just as he said these words, someone behind him said calmly: "Yes, Naughty Cat is indeed a bastard. He has caused many incompetent designers who have ruined the industry to lose their jobs, and has caused many rubbish companies that do not deserve to make money to suffer losses. It is true that Quite hated."

The E4 show is not a solemn occasion similar to a ceremony like the WGA.

Although there are seats here, chatting, cheering, and screaming with each other are not prohibited at all.

But this sound still attracted the attention of many people.

Arnold and Fermin turned back in shock, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

No, who are you?

But after seeing his face, Arnold's face sank. No wonder!


This game media reporter was secretly manipulated by him and squeezed out of the core decision-making circle of the WGA organizing committee.

Faced with ridicule, he responded unyieldingly: "Yes, just like an incompetent reporter, he can only write some low-level articles that no one will read."

It’s just that Jeff is a penman after all. Not only was he not angry at all, he also responded with a chuckle: "As expected of the CEO with the shortest tenure in the history of Electronic Arts, he is well-informed. It is true that no one has read the recent news about your company. Not as popular as Lucas’ Mystery Game.”

Arnold's face sank, and Fermin's face was full of embarrassment.

Don't slap people in the face and scold them, don't call them names.

Lucas' mysterious game has indeed aroused the interest of many players, and the related news is indeed popular. The key is that it also appears as the penultimate finale.

Electronic Arts is third from the bottom.

The final highlight belongs to Baofeng Entertainment, which has made a big splash this year.

At this time, Arnold naturally couldn't show weakness and responded coldly: "Incompetent reporters are like this, they can never catch the key news. Electronic Arts' mysterious new game exclusive interview has invited many media outlets, but not you."

Jeff sneered, glanced at the two of them and said, "Don't bother, I've already made an appointment with Lucas for an interview."

The words stopped there, and neither of the two said a word as they had a tacit understanding.

Fermin in the back row looked up to the main stage, and Arnold and Fermin in the front row also turned back, watching the people from the potato factory on the stage with embarrassed faces and explaining the game despite boos.

After a while, the time at the potato factory was over.

Next up is Electronic Arts.

First, the sequel to the racing, football and basketball game was announced, which is a promotional video for the three big-headed games that are struggling to support Electronic Arts' survival.


Players didn't seem to buy it, and boos continued.

Finally, the latest expansion pack for Galaxy Hunters and that ethereal movie project were announced.

Then the boos got louder.

The expressions of the Electronic Arts staff on the stage were a little distorted with embarrassment, but they still persisted through the whole show.

At the end of the day, it was finally time to announce the new work.

The Electronic Arts host took a deep breath.

"Dear players, have you ever gotten lost while traveling?"

After this question was asked, the scene was sparse and there were not many answers.

Of course, the host had no hope and continued: "I heard someone say that there is. So, have you ever lost your mobile phone signal? Have you ever mistakenly entered a building that is not marked on the map?"

After asking questions one by one, many people also realized that there should be a mysterious game that has not been disclosed before.

Every question has some answers.

"If not, then Electronic Arts Games will take you to that cold and terrifying madhouse."

As he said that, the scene immediately turned dark, and a promotional CG began to play on the big screen.

"Huh? New work? Electronic Arts? Horror game?"

"This has nothing to do with Electronic Arts' ethos. Would Electronic Arts make such a thankless game?"

"Should I pay to unlock the ghost bikini skin?"

"In-app purchase draws cards to choose the protagonist, the first draw will be a gift of Li Sanguang, and the big guarantee is to draw King Ada."

The players' complaints continued for a while and then stopped.

Because the CG at the beginning is quite eye-catching.

At night, a car broke down in the wild. Its tires were penetrated by huge iron spikes and it was unable to move.

A total of five young people who came out to play could not leave, and there was no signal on their mobile phones, so they had to send someone nearby to ask for help.

In the nearby forest, there was a dilapidated and gloomy building, like a hospital. There was light in one room, but then it became dark.

The five young men could only go in to find help or parts to repair their cars.

But it's not that simple in this hospital.

As soon as he walked in, the moment he turned on the light, a sharp blade cut a man into two pieces.

The "person" living inside is deformed, terrifying, bloodthirsty, and extremely powerful.

The remaining four people could only hide in the hospital and try their best to resist.

After paying three more lives, a girl lit the oxygen bottle and blew the "person" to pieces.

The girl who was covered in blood had a nervous breakdown and crawled toward the door while crying.


Just after opening the door, more despair came.

There was more than one such deformed and terrifying "person", a family, waiting for her at the door, drooling, sticky and disgusting.

Along with screaming, the screen went black.

Then, it was another night.

A car carrying more people passed by and its tires were punctured by spikes.

"There is nothing we can do. There seems to be a building there. Go there and ask for help."

A group of nine people went there to seek help.

At the CG ending, there is the Electronic Arts logo and the name of the game - "Madhouse".

Then there’s the release date.

June 16th!

There was an uproar.

"That mysterious game next to Lucas at this time? It must have been targeted by Electronic Arts. Poor thing, it's better to delay the release, otherwise there will be no good results."

"Originally, I planned to pre-order it after Lucas's mysterious game was announced, but now I'm a little hesitant. This one seems to be good too."

"The quality of this CG is really good. I admit that I am attracted to it."

"Damn, should I trust Electronic Arts for once? The production specifications of this horror game seem to be quite high."

Seeing the reaction at the scene, Arnold looked back proudly.

"If you beg me now, I can leave you a place for an exclusive interview."

Jeff naturally saw this good-quality promotional video and heard these very provocative words.

But there was no emotion at all, and he continued to stare at the big screen and read the explanation above.

Looking at the live display of the demonstration, I couldn't help but shook my head: "What a pity, why is it a third-person over-the-shoulder perspective? Wouldn't it be better to make it a first-person perspective like Lucas's game? Really, learn from Naughty Cat broken."

Fermin, who was in the front row, heard this and turned around and said, "Can Lucas make such a horror game with AAA specifications? Is he worthy? The mainstream nowadays is the third-person over-the-shoulder perspective. Do you understand games?"

Jeff sneered and said: "It's neither fish nor fowl, and you can't learn on the right track."

On the stage, after briefly explaining some gameplay contents of the game, the new product launch was over.

One of the most important parts of a horror game is the sense of terror. Terror and mystery are inseparable.

There must not be too much content announced to the public, just briefly describe the main gameplay.

Many people in the audience were talking about this very un-Electronic Arts game "Madhouse" and did not notice a new host on the stage.

"Hello players, my name is Lucas."

This sound drew the attention of many players back to the stage.

Lucas was a little nervous and a little excited. He looked around and said loudly: "Originally, I wanted to give a detailed introduction, but the boss said, no, just a promotional video, this game can sell 10 million portion. So, let’s go straight to the formal part!”

As soon as these words came out, many people below laughed out loud.

“A designer who is self-deprecating and doesn’t like to talk nonsense can always win the favor of many people.”

"If it sells 10 million copies, I'll kiss a donkey's ass."

"Although I am making fun of myself, I actually dared to say this number. I didn't expect it."

Among them, Fermin and Arnold in the front row of Jeff laughed even louder.

At this time, the speakers in the hall.

Didi didi

A burst of phone ringing interrupted the laughter of many people, and the video officially started.

The protagonist got up from the ground and answered the phone.

"If you don't leave quickly, they're going to kill you. Run away."

An unfamiliar female voice.

Then the phone hung up.

It can be seen from the picture and the surrounding furniture environment that this is the most popular mysterious game at the recent E4 exhibition, and many people queued up to try it.

The protagonist in the picture even walked the classic route from the living room to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and microwave, opened the large pot on the table, and was disgusted by the cockroaches inside.

When I returned after getting the video tape, I saw a figure walking by, which was a little scary.

Go back to the VCR and play.

Just what is shown is completely different from what is in the game.

There are many fragments of information that are extremely informative, very confusingly edited, and of unclear meaning, accompanied by many snowflake patterns and rustling sounds.

Among them, there were gasps of fear, screams of fear, and the sounds of struggling running.

Finally, all the images disappear, accompanied by a creepy nursery rhyme "go tell aunt rhody", and many suggestive images appear.

Rotting animals, growing mold, spreading pollution, pill bottles on the table, horrific laboratories.

Seeing this scene, Jeff was a little confused, these things were obviously suggestive.

Think again about the familiar feeling I felt when I tried it for the first time, think about this demo that unreasonably takes up such a large space, and think about the cards that are everywhere in the second appearance of the game.

A very ridiculous idea came to mind.

"Wait?! This game? Could it be!"

Arnold looked back dissatisfied, looking like a fool.

But Jeff had no time to pay attention, because the name of the game was revealed.

At the end of the picture, the word village appears on the screen.

Several letters keep changing colors, V and the following letters keep changing, sometimes forming a Roman numeral 7, and sometimes forming a Roman numeral 8.

"7? 8? Village? This is all a pretense."

"This game is called Village? It's the subtitle Village, right? What's the name of the game?"

"Wait, why is there a cat in the corner in the background?"

"It seems to have a faint cat LOGO. Damn it, no way?! Could it be!"

At this point, Jeff was not the only one to lose his temper.

Many of the first fans who fell in love with Naughty Cat couldn't help but stand up and stare at the big screen with their mouths open.

More than one person thought of the pictures that appeared before that were full of pointing meanings.

Arnold and Fermin could be seen, and their sitting postures were obviously unnatural.

Apparently he thought of something.

The next second, the main title before the subtitle is displayed.

"Resident Evil: Village"


Below are the small print in brackets:

(Resident Evil 7 \u0026 Resident Evil 8)

In an instant, the whole place was boiling with screams.

"Holy shit!! It's true!! Naughty Cat's game is on E4? It's the first time in so many years!"

"Oh Maikar, what did I see?"

Arnold looked like he had seen a ghost, looked at the title of the new Resident Evil game on the stage, and looked at Lucas who came back on stage with a proud face.

Then he looked back at the excited Jeff and the excited players in the venue.

Oh shit.

What's wrong with this world?

Who is crazy?

Lucas, why did you make a sequel to Resident Evil? !

A digital, authentic sequel! ? (End of chapter)

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