No one expected that the plot would develop like this, and everyone present was caught off guard.

Many people even doubt whether they have seen it wrong.

Why did Lucas make a Resident Evil game?

As if to answer the questions of everyone present, Lucas on the stage spoke.

"Hello everyone, I'm Lucas. You must have a question at this time, why I will introduce the orthodox sequel to this classic IP series "Resident Evil". Before that, I have to introduce it to you first Naughty Cat Lighthouse Country Branch.”

At this time, many people suddenly realized.

It's genuine!

It is not a scumbag work authorized by IP.

That's good, that's good.

"Who would have thought that this is not self-deprecating? Is this serious?"

"Maybe Naughty Cat is the only one in the world who has the confidence to sell 10 million copies of a game with just one promotional video."

"I-I'm going to kiss the donkey's ass tomorrow, I'm willing to do it!"

"Oh my god, it turns out that what I've been trying to play these days is "Resident Evil"? No wonder the quality of this game is so explosive. Let me just say, Lucas wouldn't have been able to make such a great game if he hadn't been holding on to it. Game."

Seeing this, Jeff couldn't help laughing. He glanced at the backs of the two people in front of him, Arnold and Fermin, and said deliberately: "Thank you Mr. Arnold for giving me this opportunity for an exclusive interview. But you still allow me to refuse first. After all, time conflicts with "Resident Evil: Village", so things still need to be prioritized, and key news must be given priority."

At this time, Arnold was on pins and needles, and the comments from the players around him were like a dull knife stabbing him again and again, just like Ling Chi.

Now Jeff's words almost killed him.

The words he said before came back like a boomerang, causing his face to turn blue and purple.

If he wasn't wearing a mask, you could see his somewhat distorted expression.

Not far away from him, the discussion between two players was as clear as ear.

"It's over, what should I do? Another game I want to buy. My budget is going to be seriously overrun. I want to buy both "Bedlam" and "Resident Evil: Village"."

"Stupid, do you still need to think about this? Have you ever been disappointed by Naughty Cat's games? Are Electronic Arts' games worth thinking about for one more second?"

"Yes, no more hesitation! I don't know where Electronic Arts got the courage to release a game just one day apart. Have you always been so brave?"

Every word passed through my chest like a bullet.

At this time, Fermin was like a quail, somewhat doubtful about life.

Is that person on the stage an old colleague of mine?

That rough, somewhat psychotic killer-like Lucas?

That country bumpkin?

He joined Naughty Cat's Beacon Country branch?

Him, why?

The reason why the traitor must try his best to target his former teammates is so that he can show his role and value.

Now, he suddenly found that his former teammate had climbed to a level that he could never climb.

That’s Naughty Cat, the Garden of Eden that everyone in the industry dreams of! How many people ask for it but don't get it, and it is regarded as the ultimate goal of lifelong job hopping.

Think about yourself again.

Then weren’t all the clowns we did before? !


Feeling the murderous gaze from the side, he turned around tremblingly to look at the past.

Arnold's eyes were red at this time, his lips were trembling with anger, and he wanted to curse, but considering that he was still attending the E4 event, he still suppressed his anger and did not explode.

All I could do was gnash my teeth and squeeze out a sentence from my throat: "You crow's mouth! You're a broom star! You're so good, why are you talking about that nonsense?!"

In the afternoon, we talked about why Lucas was able to make the final appearance, second only to Baofeng Entertainment who was the last to take the stage.

In order to make him happy, Fermin said something shocking.

".Unless Lucas makes a "Resident Evil"."

Unexpectedly, the result turned out to be a prophecy!

Lucas really made a Resident Evil game!

I just want to avoid the Naughty Cat game, I want to recuperate, take a good breather, and stabilize my position.


After Lucas announced the release date of the new game on social media.

Electronic Arts Games actually hit his head!

Like Don Quixote rushing towards the windmill, brave and fearless.

Then he hit his head and was bleeding.

On the stage, the introduction to the new game "Resident Evil: Village" was very brief. It only said that this game will introduce the new character Ethan Winters. It is a story about a man who searches for his missing wife and then accidentally enters the Baker Farm.

Then he explained the perspective problem of this work, which is completely different from the first person in the previous work.

Others are not explained at all.

Then, with many players reluctant to leave, Lucas on the stage actually left the stage.

Seeing this scene, Fermin, who was sweating profusely, stammered: "At least, at least Naughty Cat Game is not the last one to appear on the stage, which shows that the organizing committee is not very optimistic about this first-person "Resident Evil". "

But before he finished speaking, Jeff behind him said unceremoniously: "Stupid. Naughty Cat Games did not appear on the stage because a CG plus an explanation of less than three minutes was too short to be regarded as the last manufacturer to appear. Propaganda. Isn't Electronic Arts' "Madhouse" an enhanced version of "Resident Evil 4"? If so, it can only be said that your understanding of games is still too poor. Do you understand the mainstream?"

As he said that, he kept making annoying tut sounds in his mouth and walked out.

He returned the opponent's words intact, and then looked at the other person's shameful and angry expression, how could he say that he was happy.

But, it's really a coincidence.

Who would have thought?

Lucas is actually a smoke bomb, and the mystery of the game is so big.

It really gave many players a huge surprise!

Thinking about it, I couldn't help laughing.


Look around again.

Why did so many players leave the game together?

It's obviously not over yet?

Forget it, go find Lucas for an interview first.

This is Naughty Cat Game, one of the few exclusive interview opportunities!

Jeff had already left, but he didn't know that the venue was already in chaos.

Although Naughty Cat's game is not the final show, it is not far off.

At this time, many players in the venue were discussing excitedly, or pressing their phones with their heads down to share the surprise with their friends.

I completely forgot that there is also Baofeng Entertainment behind!

There is still half an hour left in the presentation session!

Many players subconsciously believe that no manufacturer has a bigger gaming niche than Naughty Cat.

Under the huge surprise of Resident Evil, I subconsciously felt that this was the last manufacturer to appear, completely forgetting that there was another one behind.

Seeing this, the host quickly came to the stage and picked up the microphone and said: "Dear players, next is the presentation of Baofeng Entertainment's new work. Please sit back in your seats so as not to affect other people's viewing. Thank you."

After saying this, many people woke up from a dream and quickly returned to their seats.

But some people hesitated for two seconds and continued to walk out.

The player's emotional arousal is like a broken line, which will naturally turn downward after reaching the peak.

If you try to get them excited again, they will feel tired just like the refractory period.

Producer Nelson, who was about to take the stage to announce Baofeng Entertainment's new game, looked at the large number of lost viewers and looked very ugly.

The E4 staff next to me also looked embarrassed.

"Sorry, this is a mistake in our E4 arrangement, we"

"Haha, that's a good arrangement. Naughty Cat is so majestic!" Nelson said very dissatisfied.

At this time, the big screen was playing a promotional CG for Baofeng Entertainment's new work.

Many players who didn't leave were quickly hooked.

The tense and exciting battlefield is filled with bullets and bullets.

Various high-tech weapons appear in turn, and the scenes are shocking and handsome, just like watching a war-themed movie.

Soon, the CG was played.

Nelson forced a smile and took the stage.

"Good afternoon, players. I am Nelson from Baofeng Entertainment. Let's not engage in those evil ways and go straight to the point. In "Warzone 9""

The game is very engaging.

But this vague hostility was still caught by some people.

As for Arnold, he no longer had the leisure to watch it.

He also walked out of the venue early and was doubting life in the lounge with a dark face.

After a long time, the anger subsided a little.

"You secretly tried out Resident Evil: Village, right?"

Fermin looked embarrassed upon hearing this and nodded hesitantly.

Arnold glanced at him dissatisfied and said calmly: "Tell me what you think of the two games."

Fermin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his boss had no intention of getting angry.

After thinking carefully for a while, he said: ""Resident Evil: Village" is obviously composed of two parts, and it may even be a huge two-in-one work. As for the first half, the style seems to be more traditional. It’s a horror game that doesn’t have the flavor of the previous “Resident Evil” games.”

Arnold touched his chin, thought carefully for a while, and then suddenly said: "In other words, this is an orthodox sequel to "Resident Evil" that has no biochemical flavor and may not be recognized by old players?"

Fermin nodded and said: "In comparison, I think our "Madhouse" is closer to the feeling of the previous "Resident Evil" films, especially 2 and 4."

As soon as these words came out, Arnold nodded thoughtfully and drank coffee silently.

If we had known that the project that Lucas helped with was "Resident Evil", then "Bedlam" would have definitely been avoided by changing the time.

If he crashes again, he will really become the CEO with the shortest tenure in history.

but now.

Because he wanted to take revenge on Lucas, the two games crashed.

I thought the opposite side was a toy car, but when I saw the words "Resident Evil", I felt that the opposite side was an armored vehicle.

If it hits you, it will be smashed to pieces?

But now let’s talk about it.

First person, deviant biohazard.


Isn’t it that there is no chance to compete?

What if the opposite side is not an armored vehicle, but a Pamote, and it will be shattered upon impact?

If we can get the support of veteran Biohazard players, maybe we can create an IP that replaces Biohazard?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt in my heart.

Don't miss this opportunity!

Thinking, let out a sigh of relief.

Fermin waited for a long time, saw his boss break away from his deep contemplation, and asked weakly: "Boss, is our game going to be delayed? Postponed by a month or two?"

Arnold shook his head decisively and said: "No! It will be released as planned. It was delayed just after it was announced. People who don't know thought it was because Electronic Arts was afraid of his naughty cat!"

Fermin's face looked a little strange.

Are you sure you're not afraid?

Although the ending of the E4 exhibition was not so happy, fortunately it ended smoothly.

However, this exhibition is inexplicably full of gunpowder.

A few days after it ended.

on various social media in China.

[What is this, first person? It smells cheap, it’s not biochemical at all]

[Haha, veteran players and dogs are not allowed in, right? It's not as biochemical as "Madhouse\

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