Time passes and the game comes to release day.

On this day, countless curious players are squatting in front of their mobile phones or computers, waiting expectantly for this different style of Resident Evil.

"To be honest, I still think Resident Evil shouldn't be like this."

On the Shark Platform, an anchor named Chudong looked at the game unlock time that was counting down in front of him and sighed, with very complicated thoughts.

After hearing these words, barrages expressed their condolences.

[Isn’t it just a change of perspective? That’s not it. It’s just fun.]

[What if this is a really exciting Resident Evil movie? Nothing can be said]

[Play it first and then talk about it, Naughty Cat games have never disappointed anyone]

Saw the barrage.

Chudong nodded helplessly and said: "You must play. Naughty Cat has so many product lines and will launch a sequel to this series. I am very excited. But why does it have to be the first person that violates the group training?"

Different from many navy gangsters.

In the community related to the biochemical series, his ID "Chu Dong" is also famous.

In the three Resident Evil 234 works, speedrun timers are built in, and the results can be posted on the entire network with one click for viewing.

Starting the speedrun timer will also activate the anti-cheating system built into the Origin platform to ensure that the results are open, fair and absolutely authentic.

Currently, he ranks first among the three works on the speedrunning list.

The three works combined have played for more than 5,000 hours, and people are joking that even Lin Mo doesn't understand Resident Evil as well as him.

However, the more I play the previous work, the more I like it. But when I see such big changes in the new sequel, I will inevitably be disappointed.

After all, "Resident Evil 2" is horror, and it did not go directly towards the pure horror game track like "Resident Evil: Village".

Before unlocking the game, he opened the official website for the last time and read all the disclosed content. Among them, the words "Return to Terror" were particularly prominent.

"Brothers, do you think there is a possibility? This slogan of returning to horror is just a joke? In fact, it still has the feeling of old biochemistry, with elements of horror, and a classic gameplay of combat and puzzle solving?"

"Resident Evil: Village can't really be made into a pure horror game. The track is too narrow, thin, slippery and tight. Naughty Cat's size will not be comfortable."

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[There is no evidence to suspect the car, please click on the report first]

[Naughty Cat never makes false propaganda. When it says it returns to horror, it must scare people to the point of peeing]

[Then go play "Madhouse". It will be released tomorrow. The style looks very similar to the first few biochemical movies.]

""Madhouse"? You can still play it. Looking at the quality, I think it shouldn't be much worse. I just finished "Resident Evil: Village" today and "Madhouse" tomorrow. Then I will decide which one to speed through. "

"As for what you said about scaring people, I can only say haha." Chudong shrugged indifferently, "Old viewers know how many horror games I have played. None of them can really scare me, okay! Yes! Scream and I lose."

"Okay, don't post comments about betting fifty cents. I'll be scared. Again, there's no way you can scream!"

While chatting, the countdown to unlocking the game officially reached zero.

Chudong rubbed his hands excitedly and couldn't wait to put on the VR equipment and start the game!

Although he was a little disappointed that the new title changed its name and moved closer to a pure horror game, after all, this series is called Resident Evil, and no matter how bad the sequel is, it has to be tasted.

What's more, what if the quality is not bad?

The game starts with a short OP.

There is a variation on the extremely dark and twisted nursery rhyme "go tell aunt rhody" on E4.

At the end of the OP, it seamlessly cuts to a woman’s selfie.

"Hey baby, I just wanted to say hello and I love you. By the way! Good news, I'm going home soon!"

Chudong looked at this scene and said: "This should be Mia, right? It was introduced at E4 and the wife that the protagonist Ethan is looking for."

The brief selfie video didn't last more than a few seconds.

It was supposed to be a plot about a newlywed wife who was forced to stay away from her lover because of work and expressed her longing for her.

But the next second, the camera turned.

This video turned out to be recorded in advance on the computer.

Mia re-recorded a video, which was different from the previous video with a sunny background and a sweet smile with beautiful eyes.

At this time, Mia seemed to be imprisoned somewhere, with an eerie background and a panicked and desperate expression.

"Ethan, you are right, I lied to you, I shouldn't have lied to you. If you see this news, don't worry about it!"

If Ethan really didn't care, this wouldn't have happened.

A car drives down a road in the Louisiana swamps.

Through the conversation between Ethan and his friends, we know that Mia has been missing for three years, but suddenly received her message.

In order to find his wife, Ethan resolutely embarked on the road to find her.

Then, switch to the perspective of the protagonist in the car.

Chudong immediately frowned and complained: "No, this FOV is too narrow, isn't it? It's not much more than 45 degrees. Are you sure this is the range of the human eye? Is this a production error?"

My rating for the game has dropped a bit.

After the car stopped and he could explore freely, he did not rush to advance the plot, but instead explored the limited space around him.

I thought I would find some information about the protagonist's identity in the car, or find a pistol, a police officer's ID, or something like that.

But unfortunately, I found that there was nothing.

"Damn, this protagonist is really just an ordinary person, not a policeman, not an agent, just an ordinary man looking for a wife? This is not cool at all."

Chudong sighed again, and his rating for this sequel dropped a bit again.

It was the afternoon in the game and it was about to get dark.

Ethan walked around the Baker mansion and entered the house through the back door.

Outdoors, the scenery can be said to be beautiful.

But it was immediately different as soon as I entered the house.

A sour and sour stale feeling mixed with the stench of decay is conveyed to everyone through the visual information.

Burnt bird carcasses in the microwave, writhing maggots in the refrigerator, rotten stew and giant cockroaches in the pot.

These contents have long been posted online by people who have tried it, but when I actually saw them, I still felt uncomfortable.

And subconsciously, I became nervous and anxious.

In the early winter when I used VR to play games, my scalp was numb. I couldn't help but complain: "Although I don't like the first person, I have to admit it. Naughty Cat's technical skills coupled with the first person and photo-quality images, this substitution It’s really exciting. I feel like I’m on an adventure.”

Then, there is the fixed process.

This part has long been put on the Internet by the media.

Watch the video, learn about the traps and shortcuts from the perspective of the trio, and then witness the death of your teammates.

It was Ethan's turn to operate, and he followed the road forward, passing through a corridor filled with water that the videographer did not pass.

Just when he was about to walk out of the corridor and bypass a small obstacle, a highly decomposed corpse suddenly emerged from the dirty muddy water in front of him.


Chudong was so frightened that he subconsciously hid back.

The word "fuck" was already in my throat, but I thought of the flag I had set before and swallowed it back.

If he hadn't been sitting on an engineering chair with a backrest, he would have fallen to the ground.

[Hahahaha, that’s it? My grandma won’t be scared]

【Call if you want! Play horror games and be scared without being embarrassed]

Chu Dong's face turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You don't know what it feels like to play this from a VR perspective, with a real corpse appearing in front of you! This is why I hate this kind of horror game. Always The sudden appearance scares me!"

Ignore the comments that mock him and continue to advance the game.

Not long after, I met the destination of this trip, my wife Mia.

Even Chudong himself wondered: "Is it so simple? I thought I could only find it after going through many adventures."

Mia was in a prison, looking a little unconscious, as if she had forgotten something.

However, having his wife around can still bring some comfort in this crisis-ridden environment.

But the good times didn't last long.

Mia rested in place due to physical reasons. Just as Ethan left for a moment, a sound of fighting sounded, accompanied by screams.

"Don't come near me!!"

Ethan hurried back and saw only a big hole in the wall and his wife had disappeared.

Ethan can only embark on the journey to find his wife again.

Then go from the basement to the inside of the house and look for clues.

Only this time, I didn't explore for long before I saw my dear Mia walking down the stairs. No, crawling over.

Seeing this scene, even the slowest person could sense something was wrong.

Chudong shivered with fright and almost screamed subconsciously.

But thinking of the flag I had set before, I tried not to cry out, feeling like I was going to suffer from internal injuries.

It's just that the high energy has just begun, how can you let him go like this?

Darkness and twisting crawled here. When Mia raised her head, how could she still look like a gentle and beautiful wife?

There was no white in his eyes, but black.

There were protruding veins on his face and his face was distorted.

And it was so powerful that with just a push, he threw Ethan, an adult male, out like a toy.

But it's not over yet.

Mia held a knife in her hand and stabbed Ethan crazily, again and again.

Knowing it's a game, knowing it's fake.

But there is a feeling in early winter.

This knife seemed to be stabbing me!

It was obvious that Ethan's hands and arms were pierced by sharp blades, but he still felt a dull pain in his arms.

The blood splattered on the screen deepens the sense of immersion.

Can't bark, can't bark!

My scalp was obviously numb and goosebumps were everywhere.

But he endured it without making a sound.

In the game, just when Ethan couldn't resist it, the fruit knife he stabbed suddenly fell to the ground.

Mia's eyes returned to normal and the veins disappeared, but she looked like a psycho, covering her head with a look of horror on her face.

"I-I can hear her, I feel like she's crawling back into me! Get out and stay away from me!"

Screaming, Mia banged her head against the wall hard, blood splattering again and again.

Until he fell to the ground.

The whole Baker Farm became quiet.

At this time, Chu Dong was breathing heavily as if he had been released from the restraining spell.

My heart was pounding as if it was about to jump out of my chest.

The fright he received and the frustration he felt without screaming all turned into cold sweat seeping out from his back.

He wanted to pretend to be calm, but when he turned on the camera and played games, anyone could see how embarrassed he was.

"Okay, guys, I was wrong. I have to admit, this horror return is a little too pure! Damn, it's really scary from a VR perspective."

[Friendly reminder, you can breathe]

【Depend on! I was so scared that water spilled all over the table]

[What should I do? I originally bought the game, but now I don’t want to play it anymore. I think I can’t stand it]

[Is this a biohazard? ! Traditional horror games are not that scary! 】

[Damn, I really didn’t scream. It’s early winter, I have two brushes]

Once there was awe, Chudong immediately became less aggressive than when he first started playing.

Every move he made next showed caution.

I was afraid that my wife who had fainted after being hit on the ground would get up again and go crazy.

"Wife, good wife, you can sleep a little longer. Come as soon as you go for your husband. I'm not running away, I'm going to move the reinforcements."

However, there are only so many places that can be explored.

The door at the end of the corridor was locked. I pushed it, but it couldn't be opened.

Then I can only go forward again and pass by my wife again.

Chudong controlled the handle to move the character forward little by little, and at the same time muttered: "Yes, yes, that's it, sleep, sleep, my dear...!!!!"

Just when passing by Mia.

Mia, who had a big hole in her head, stood up in a strange posture again, and once again turned into that terrifying appearance.

In early winter, I felt like I was going to be suffocated.

His whole body trembled violently, but he still didn't cry out, and his face was already red from holding back.

Fortunately, the rest of the game is a short and not difficult battle.

Seeing Mia coming towards her with a knife, Ethan had no choice but to pick up an ax and face her.

Within a few rounds, the ax struck hard on Mia's neck. In less than a breath, she returned to her normal appearance and fell down.

Blood quickly soaked the blanket on the floor.

But it's not over yet.

Just after answering a phone call in the house in early winter, I went back to look at the body on the ground and it disappeared.

According to what the woman on the phone said, if you want to survive, go to the attic.

After collecting fuses and finally being able to get to the attic

On the way forward, Mia turned a corner and appeared again.

It appeared without any warning, and Chu Dong shivered subconsciously.

I kept complaining in my heart.

Let’s quickly move on to the next plot, okay?

Chudong was shocked when he saw his wife, who was still a corpse one moment, appearing in front of him covered in blood and stains the next moment.

I even begged in my heart.

Please don't come!

Give people a break.

In the unfamiliar house, the extensive use of rectangular modeling results in an extremely restricted perspective, and scary things seem to appear around every corner.

The protagonist, who is an ordinary person, is not a special soldier or a policeman, which further strengthens this feeling of powerlessness.

The previous points that lowered the rating were all to enhance the sense of horror.

I feel deeply at this moment.

Fortunately, this time, Mia's eyes and skin on her face were normal, and her speech was gentle.

"Ethan! It's okay, it's okay, it's me, Mia. I know you didn't mean to hurt me."

Chudong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Don't tell me, Mia would be pretty good-looking if she wasn't crazy. Ethan is a handsome boy. No wonder he traveled thousands of miles to find his wife regardless of danger. He has not been seen again for three years. Marry. Give me a wife like this, and I will do the same!"

But the next second, the thin Mia directly lifted Ethan up.

It turned into that terrifying look again.

".But you shouldn't do this! It hurts!"

This sudden change made Chudong unable to hold back any longer.


A scream echoed in the live broadcast room.

It's not over yet.

Mia took out a screwdriver and stabbed Ethan's arm directly, nailing him to the wall.

Then he walked around the corner, pulled out a chainsaw and started it.

The rumbling noise irritated the eardrums, and the gentle and virtuous wife had turned into an out-and-out madman.

He held up the chain saw and swung it down violently.

Ethan subconsciously wanted to block the attack, and then a severed hand fell to the ground.

Chu Dong couldn't bear it any longer.

From his perspective, with the blessing of the VR device Genting VR2, it looked like he was about to be chopped down!

What doesn't scream, what biochemical tradition.

Forget everything at this moment.

"Ahhh! Oh my god!! Don't come over!!"

"Honey, I was wrong. Just stay well and I will go home! You and the owner of the house should live a good life. I will never come to cause trouble again!!"

"Domestic violence!! Is anyone taking care of it?!"

"Divorce! Divorce no matter what!"

"It's okay if you don't find a wife!" (End of Chapter)

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