Liu Xianming was reported for frying fish.

It sounds outrageous, but it is understandable if you think about it again.

Many players who entered the game have not yet completely gotten used to the gameplay of the game, and they saw a player on the opposite side who turned into Iron Man, who was very tanky and had high damage.

What the hell is this?

Fortunately, the multiplayer mode of this game is designed with one word in mind - cool!

This is why many players did not break their defense.

But the people in the game did not break their defense, but the three roommates were about to break their defense.

Watching Liu Xianming kill people in the nuclear bomb town with the giant armor, his eyes were full of envy.

Why do so many krypton gold games have a market, and so many people spend thousands of dollars?

Isn't it just for the pleasure of crushing other players?

In COD's multiplayer mode, as long as you kill a certain number of times, anyone can achieve this goal.

It's just

It's very difficult.

The real killer that can change the situation is the reward of 12 kills and 15 kills.

The TTK of this game is very short. Players who can kill more than a dozen people to unlock this powerful kill streak reward are not so much masters with sharp shooting skills as they are extremely lucky.

If they play normally, many players may not be able to unlock the giant armor once in their entire game career.

Of course, once unlocked, it is really fun to kill, and you can fight the whole team alone, just like a god of war.

"Okay, I regret it. This kill streak reward seems to be a little bit cooler."

"Damn, what kind of game environment is this? I'm jealous. I don't suspect it's a fish bombing or a plug-in!"

"Let me play it, I want to feel the kill streak reward."

"I'll go first!"

The more jealous the roommate was, the happier Liu Xianming was, and he almost laughed his teeth off.

He was secretly happy in his heart.

Let you be traitors!

While thinking, he made way and said, "One for each person, I haven't played enough. If you feel it's really good, then go buy it yourself!"

"I'm out of money, right?"

So, the next step became taking turns to play.

Zhang Feng and two other roommates took turns playing a game of COD.

The remaining two and Liu Xianming played Warzone 9 while waiting.

Queue up and start the game.


However, Liu Xianming frowned after playing for a while.

Action games or shooting games.

The most important thing is the feel.

This is also the most mysterious point.

Other things can be copied, but the feel cannot be copied.

After playing COD for a few hours, playing Warzone 9 always feels weird.

The texture of the guns also feels very plastic, the shooting feel is not satisfactory, the climbing and climbing movements also feel stiff, and the bullet holes left on the wall also feel fake.

In short, it feels that nothing is right, and everything is missing a breath.

And Liu Xianming also knows that if he had not played Call of Duty and played Warzone 9 directly, it would not be like this.

It highlights that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

After playing a game of COD, Zhang Feng reluctantly gave up his seat and let roommate A experience it.

It was the same plot again. The other two and Liu Xianming played another game.

However, this time Zhang Feng also exclaimed.

"Eh? This hiss."

Liu Xianming smiled and asked: "You feel it, the difference in details."

Zhang Feng nodded and said in disbelief: "I can't tell what's wrong, but I just feel that Warzone 9 is very awkward."

Roommate A played a game and said while playing: "I don't feel anything, are you overthinking it?"

Facts speak louder than words.

When roommate A experienced a game of COD and came back to play Warzone 9, he also exclaimed in the same way.

The roommate B behind him was the same.

Seeing the confused looks of his roommates, Liu Xianming felt very happy.

"How about it, I told you to trust Naughty Cat, right? Do you regret buying a game like Warzone 9 that is full of cheats?"

Don't hit someone in the face, this is a real slap in the face.

Zhang Feng's face darkened, and he coughed lightly and said, "The multiplayer mode of this kind of game is just the icing on the cake, and an exciting story campaign is the soul. In this regard, you can still trust Warzone 9, it shouldn't be bad."

As he said that, regardless of the original plan to slowly experience the story in the dead of night, he directly opened the story single-player mode and started playing.

Liu Xianming came forward to watch for a while, and it's true that the story of this campaign is really good.

After the tutorial, it quickly entered the stage of formal play.

The background of this Warzone takes place in the Pacific battlefield during World War II, telling the story of three brothers with the surname Hammans on the battlefield.

The characters controlled are naturally these three brothers.

In the game, you can switch to control any one of the three brothers and work together to achieve the goal.

For example, in the first level, the eldest of the three brothers cannot leave the bunker because of the enemy's firepower suppression. At this time, you need to switch to other characters to cooperate with the enemy to eliminate this firepower point.

For example, the second brother is on the verge of death after being attacked by the little soldiers. At this time, you can switch to the third brother and use a sniper rifle to provide timely support.

All the fun of the plot campaign and the anticipation of playing are concentrated on this design.

Liu Xianming has never played this series of games, but after seeing this scene, he still praised it: "This design is quite interesting. Why do you have such an expression? Isn't it pretty good?"

Zhang Feng frowned deeply, and then said doubtfully: "However, this gameplay is in "War Zone 8", and it is a level with a good reputation. The exact same gameplay, why are you doing it again?"

"Perhaps I feel that players haven't had enough fun, so I made a level like this for you to enjoy?"


I thought there would be some new amazing designs next.

Unexpectedly, it ended up being nothing more than this.

The next gameplay design is really just this kind.

No matter how amazing the design is, you will get tired of it and feel bored after playing it for a long time.

Moreover, the game scenes are quite grand, and the war scenes are also very cool, but you can still guess the following story and the development of the plot.

Although the scene is indeed large, it has a boring feeling, like drinking an industrial saccharine drink, without any surprises.

Zhang Feng frowned and murmured to himself: "It's understandable if the DLC is played like this. Isn't it too long for the main body to be like this?"

Liu Xianming felt bored and simply stopped watching. He returned to his seat and started the battle plot.

"This shouldn't happen in Naughty Cat's game, right?"

He muttered something and clicked to start the game.

In the British army's headquarters, veteran Gates and Captain Price were reporting on some recent major events.

The first thing is that there is serious conflict between government forces and extremists in Mao Xiong, and fierce conflicts may occur.

The second thing is that the situation in a small country in the Middle East is unstable and a coup may occur.

The third thing is that a new guy named Soap will join them.

Liu Xianming nodded with satisfaction.

Unlike most shooting games such as "War Zone", the backgrounds all take place on the battlefields of World War I and World War II. Although you can tell from the game name "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" what the background of the game is, it still feels very familiar when you actually play it.

Not long after, the first mission began.

The player controls the new recruit Soap and participates in a mission with Captain Price.

On a stormy night, the team took a helicopter to the sky above the freighter.

Under the moonlight, there was a violent storm, and rain kept beating on the helicopter.

The freighter was swaying on the sea, and the chilly atmosphere was overwhelming, as if you could smell the wet and salty smell of the sea.

The purpose of this trip is to find a box of goods.

As for the enemy, leave no one alive.

A group of people lurked on the ship like ghosts. Under the cover of the noise of the storm, they silently killed the enemies in the control room with silenced guns, and then sneaked into the cabin to assassinate the sleeping enemies.

Then came the battle on the other side of the deck.

The freighter swayed left and right in the wind and rain, and the lightning and thunder in the sky were deafening, filling the air with a fighting atmosphere in the rainy night.

The team's superb cooperation makes facing unprepared enemies as simple as chopping melons and vegetables. Like hunters in the dark, they ruthlessly harvest the lives of each enemy.

During this part of the game, apart from the sound of gunfire and the tactical terms of teammates on the radio, there was only the sound of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, giving it a cold and chilling feeling.

After a battle, the team successfully found the goods and a plot began.

Just when Liu Xianming thought that the game style would remain this way in the future, playing games in the form of infiltration and special operations.

A warning sound from his teammates suddenly came over the radio.

As if not wanting the team to discover anything, several MiG fighters were heading towards here and opened fire directly!

There was a loud noise, and the missile accurately hit the hull. The impact of the explosion knocked Soap over to the ground.

Along with the violent explosion, the originally cold-toned map was instantly dyed in the red of burning flames.

There were sounds like tearing cans from the hull, and it began to capsize to one side, and seawater began to pour into the cabin.

The BGM that had been silent for a long time finally appeared, and in conjunction with the teammates' calls for help on the radio, the sense of immersion and tension was instantly heightened.

The style suddenly changed from a cold and murderous stealth operation to a tense and exciting escape.

Liu Xianming was half-leaning back on his chair to play, but he subconsciously sat up straighter.

Soap was pulled up by Captain Price, and the team began their ultimate escape.

Passing through the flooded corridors, dodging falling debris, I finally climbed onto the deck and jumped up from the edge.

Perhaps as the name suggests, Soap, who fell at the end, slipped and almost fell from the plane. Fortunately, Captain Price was there and saved his life.

Looking back, I saw that the freighter exploded and sank in the sea.

Then, the scene changed.

What's in the freighter? Before it could be revealed, the scene turned to the small Middle Eastern country mentioned at the beginning of the film.

Strong wind, sand and dust, masked soldiers, inhumane massacres on the roadside, and speeches played through loudspeakers throughout the city.

Sure enough, there was a coup there.

Some undercurrents hidden under the water surface surged, and several behind-the-scenes masterminds suddenly appeared, making the world situation confusing and turbulent.

"This game has a lot of plot content, right?"

Liu Xianming was a little surprised. It took about half an hour to play the game, and the plot time was about nine minutes, which is a considerable ratio in a shooting game.

But I don't feel disgusted at all.

After just going through a dark level, I really need a change of scenery in a bright place with a different art style.

The subsequent level design is divided into two lines.

The British line and the American line collect intelligence from different perspectives on both sides to find and solve the big boss hidden in the dark.

The two lines have different protagonists and different ways of playing.

The British line fights against the extremists of the bear in order to rescue the informant, while the American line enters the rebellious small country to fight with the purpose of bringing the rebel leader to justice.

As the plot progresses, the fighting method is gradually upgraded from the small-scale special operations at the beginning, the battlefield scale is gradually expanded, and it also fully experiences what modern warfare is.

The American line just used the Stinger to blow up the armed helicopter in the sky, and the British line actually controlled an aerial gunboat and abused the enemy.

The American side fought a street battle, and the British side fought an annihilation battle in the open area.

The previous moment was an infiltration assassination, and the next moment was a life-and-death escape.

Infantry-tank coordination, air fire support, high-tech weapons, etc. took turns to fight.

The gameplay, rhythm, and style of each level are completely different.

The two lines run in parallel, pushing the plot to the first climax.

At this time, the US military learned from the British army's Price, Soap and others that the rebels may have nuclear weapons.

Then there was news from the US military, and this news was likely to be true, and the nuclear weapons were likely to be near the leader's palace.

Before the truth is found out, all soldiers must retreat.

"I guessed the next plot, the British and American forces merged into one, dismantled the nuclear weapons, and finished the flowers."

Liu Xianming was startled, and when he turned around, he saw that his three roommates had stood behind him again, watching his game screen with relish.

"Isn't this nonsense? Can this nuclear bomb still explode without dismantling it? And why are you three not playing your own games and looking at me?"

At this time, the protagonist Paul Jackson in the plot had just rescued a female pilot and followed the instructions of the radio to board the helicopter and start evacuating.

Command: "This is the command. There is a nuclear threat in the capital. Please go to the nearest safe distance until Nest dismantles the nuclear weapons."

At this time, in the timeline of the story.

After a whole day of brutal fighting, it was already evening.

The sun had already dropped to the horizon, and there were clouds of fire in the sky. The whole sky seemed to be burning, red and red.

If there were no gunfire and countless armed helicopters in the sky, it would be a nice scenery.

In the armed helicopter where Paul, the protagonist of the US military line, was riding, the voice of the radio sounded again with some urgency.

Command: "Attention, all troops, we have confirmed that the city is threatened by nuclear weapons. The Nest team has gone to try to defuse the bomb. I repeat, it has been confirmed that there are nuclear weapons."

The sentence was not finished.

In the center of the city, a "sun" rose.

The dazzling light made Liu Xianming and others in front of the screen squint their eyes subconsciously, not to mention Paul who was looking directly at the "sun" in the game.

Then, a mushroom cloud rose, and the terrifying destructive power instantly destroyed the city completely.

In the sky, the helicopter closest to the center of the explosion turned into fireworks and exploded.

The helicopter that Paul was riding in was already desperately trying to escape, but he still watched the shock wave sweeping in.

The dormitory was quiet, with only the computer speakers making rapid beeps, reminding that the helicopter was about to stall and fall.

We are all college students, and it would be ridiculous if we didn't know what happened.

Nuclear explosion.

Liu Xianming swallowed his saliva, turned his head and looked at his three roommates, and asked, "What did you say just now? The British and American forces merged into one, dismantled nuclear weapons, and finished with flowers? Then explain this to me?"

"Didn't you say, 'Can this nuclear bomb still explode?', but it didn't really explode?" Zhang Feng was also confused and couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Countless civilians in the city, as well as 30,000 soldiers, disappeared in a short period of time.

Paul opened his eyes and climbed out of the ruins of the helicopter, and saw a city that looked like hell.

In the city center in the distance, the mushroom cloud had not yet dissipated, and the burning fire cloud rushed straight into the sky.

All around, teammates were affected by nuclear radiation and squirming and waiting to die.

Paul staggered forward, but fell down helplessly.

Paul Jackson, the warrior who had accompanied the player for two hours, was killed. (End of this chapter)

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