Live Action Opens Up and Gets Blocked, Backhandedly Rectifying the Gaming Industry

Chapter 339 I am a fool who doesn't know the value of things

The dormitory was quiet.

No one expected that an action shooting game could have such a bold plot.

Liu Xianming breathed a sigh of relief.

When playing the game, the protagonist you control will change, such as Soap for a while and Paul for a while.

This will give people an illusion that the one who can be controlled is the protagonist. Since he is the protagonist, he will not die, right?

Even if he dies, he can't die in the middle of the game, right?

Unexpectedly, a nuclear bomb came.

In the first few hours of the process, Paul was still as powerful as Captain America under the control.

In the next second, he died like an insect under nuclear radiation, which made people sigh.

"Hurry up, continue! Damn, this plot is a bit tricky, Naughty Cat is so brave!"

"World Underworld Painting! It's a pity that the explosion location is not good. It would be better if it was..."

"Don't say it!"

Liu Xianming ignored the three roommates who were playing bad jokes about hell, and was eager to know the story behind.

What's the matter with this nuclear bomb? !

The perspective turned back to Soap and Price.

The nuclear bomb was obviously a trap, and the leader of the rebels in a small Middle Eastern country could not be in the capital.

The informant who was rescued with great difficulty gave a clue, in a village.

After a bloody battle, the leader of the rebels was finally found, and then the interrogation began.

Looking at this villain who caused the destruction of a city and killed countless people, the next thing to do is to interrogate him and find out the mastermind behind the nuclear bomb.

Then, it was time to make a choice.

Price looked at Soap and asked, "You? Or me?"

An option popped up in front of him.

[You do it] (Note: It may make you physically uncomfortable)

[I do it]

"Oh my god, it's worthy of being a game that requires 16+ to buy." Liu Xianming praised and chose the first one, "Fortunately I'm an adult!"

After the choice was made, the controlled character briefly became Price.

The content of the game is naturally interrogation.

Try every means to pry open the mouth of the rebel leader.

Fists, hammers, guns, ropes

Under Price's superb skills, screams echoed in the hut.

However, the rebel leader was very stubborn and never said anything.

However, his cell phone rang by chance. Price picked up the phone and shot the rebel leader without saying a word.

The mastermind behind the scenes was found. He was a bald black market arms dealer who had sold nuclear bomb materials in Chernobyl fifteen years ago. He was ambushed by Price and Captain McMillan and had one arm shot off.

However, Price thought Zakhaev had bled to death at that time, but he was still alive.

When recalling this section, there was another thrilling double sniper stealth assassination level.

"Be careful, look over here! Hide quickly!"

"You can't go over there, there are people!"

"Oh, you are following McMillan, why are you running around!"

Liu Xianming scolded in a bad voice: "A true gentleman knows that he doesn't talk when watching chess!"

The memories ended, and the rebel troops came to avenge their leader. Price, Gates and Soap fought all the way and finally evacuated.

In order to capture Zakhaev, Soap and others found his son, but this filial son would rather die than surrender and committed suicide by swallowing a gun.

Having lost his beloved son, Zakhaev has lost his mind.

Outside the base, Soap and others watched two nuclear bombs rise into the sky.

Zhang Feng took a breath: "Hiss again?"

Liu Xianming: "This time we should save the world, right?"

Realizing that his base was attacked, Zakhaev went all out and directly launched all the nuclear bombs in the base.

There was only eleven minutes to stop all this.

In the dim base, the piercing alarm sounded in the ears, the red alarm light illuminated the surrounding area red, and the sound of gunfire and grenade explosions echoed in this underground base.

On one side was the limited time that was constantly counting down, and on the other side were the enemies who were fearless and kept killing.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Price blew up the wall of the control room, and Soap entered the termination code in time.

The nuclear bomb that was about to be launched stopped, and the nuclear bomb that had been launched exploded over the sea.

The nuclear bomb crisis was finally resolved.

Now there was only one last task left, to liquidate Zakhaev, the culprit, and bring him to justice!

A group of people chased after him in a jeep.

The convoys on both sides staged a "Fast and Furious" movie on the road.

There was thick smoke and flames everywhere.

The exploding jeep, the falling armed helicopter in the sky, shouting, and gunfire.

The fierce battle seemed to smell the gunpowder.

However, there was still a helicopter that was not destroyed in time, and a missile blew up the bridge under their feet.

There was no way to retreat, and the team was forced to fight the enemy on the bridge.

Although the members were well-trained and accurate in shooting, they used the ruins and wreckage of the car as a cover to repel waves of enemies.

But in the end, they ran out of ammunition and food, and they were about to be unable to hold on.

What's worse, the second missile of the armed helicopter was fired, and the huge impact directly blew everyone to the ground.

The only remaining Sergeant Griggs fought desperately, firing back with a pistol in one hand and trying to hide in the bunker with a soap in the other hand.

The four people in the dormitory were completely immersed in the play.

"Damn Kamarov, where are the reinforcements! Hurry up!"

Soap could see Griggs's back as he fought bravely, and then a bullet hit his body. A cloud of blood appeared in the air, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Before setting off, several comrades were still discussing where to go for a cold beer after the battle.

In the blink of an eye, comrades died.

But it was not over yet.

Zakhaev and his men approached step by step, executing the injured teammates one by one.

Every gunshot was the death of a character who had been with him for a long time.

Even. At the beginning of the game, Gaz, who trained Soap and was a good comrade and teacher.

"Damn it! Don't tell me that Price has to die too, I'll fuck you."

"Lin Mo, I advise you to be kind! The real protagonist can't die, right?"

Just as the scolding was heard, support finally came.

A Stinger missile hit Zakhaev's armed helicopter.

Just when the enemy's attention was attracted, Price, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, used all his strength to throw an M1911.

At this moment, Soap seemed to remember what Gates had said to him during training.

Switching secondary weapons is always faster than changing bullets.

Bang, bang.

Two gunshots rang out, and the two minions on the left and right were shot dead.

Zakhaev turned back in panic, seemingly not expecting that Soap could actually fight back.

Under his horrified expression, the third bullet hit his head.

The reinforcements finally arrived.

Price was being rescued, and Soap was also seriously injured and unconscious.

It was just ironic that in the last news broadcast, all this was attributed to the error of the nuclear test.

Just a mistake.

The game officially ended, and the ending subtitles began to roll.

Liu Xianming let out a long breath and stretched.

It was still morning when we played, and now a day has passed, and it is even time for dinner.

"Huh, this story campaign is pretty good. Except for the nuclear explosion, the level of other level designs is online, but the story is a little bland."

"I don't think it's bland. Anyway, it's much better than "Battlezone 9". However." Liu Xianming looked at the three roommates behind him with a strange look, "I've wanted to ask you three for a long time, why don't you play your games properly? Why do you watch me play games? Why do you keep watching from the nuclear explosion to now?"

As soon as this was said, the three of them showed a bit of embarrassment on their faces.

Zhang Feng said embarrassedly: "Because, just before the nuclear explosion story here, I finished it."

"What did you finish?"

"The campaign story."

The two of them stared at each other.

"Ah? Finished it?"

Liu Xianming glanced at the time.

After breakfast in the morning, he went back to the dormitory and started playing. It was about lunchtime when he played the nuclear explosion story, about four and a half hours.

In other words, it took the three people in the dormitory four hours at most to play the campaign story of "Battlezone 9".

Just finished it?

Isn't this too fast?

As if seeing what he was thinking, Zhang Feng smiled bitterly and said, "I know what you are thinking. I am also a little confused, but the fact is that this campaign plot is terribly short. No wonder there is only one way to play in the plot."

"It would be good if the quality was maintained throughout the whole process."

"Not really. There are obvious signs of rushing in the back, and the reuse of materials is obvious. Moreover, I suspect that the production team has deliberately extended the game time. If it weren't for the main storyline, the game time might have been over in 3 hours."

"Ah? Why is this? Insufficient production capacity? It shouldn't be?"

As he was talking, Zhang Feng's mobile phone kept ringing.

Picking it up, there was an extra QQ group chat.

It was the plug-in group that I applied to join in the morning, and finally agreed to join in the evening.

"The administrator agreed, that plug-in group!"


"Look! What does it say in it?"

The other three people quickly surrounded it.

[Group owner-Big Face Cat]: Brothers, the internal test has been going on for a day, and many brothers have had a great day. Completely reliable, no account has been blocked, personally tested and effective

[Group leader - Big Face Cat]: [Pictures] [Pictures] [Pictures]

[Backed up]: What about Call of Duty? Any? I'll pay double the price

[Group leader - Big Face Cat]: @[Backed up] I don't want to make cheats for Naughty Cat games, I want to live two more years, and I don't want to step on a sewing machine

Seeing many Zhang's records of killing other players after opening cheats, and seeing the legitimate framed screenshots.

Many cheaters couldn't help but ask for all kinds of details on the spot.

The group leader and administrator also answered one by one, and then put the payment process in the group.

Countless players began to buy.

Zhang Feng thought about it and typed it word by word.

[Feng Ling Yue Ying]: Group leader, why did you make a cheat so quickly this time? In the past, it would take at least two days, right?

[Group leader - Big Face Cat]: @[Feng Ling Yue Ying] Because this game is not a new game, I strongly suspect that it is the DLC of the previous game "Battlezone 8". They made an independent launcher and sold it.

Seeing this, the four people watching were stunned, and they all looked up and looked at each other in confusion.

What the hell?


Sold separately?

The three victims who bought "Battlezone 9" looked unhappy.

This can explain many problems.

Why is the entire process the gameplay that was well received in the story campaign of the previous game "Battlezone 8" and has never changed.

Why can a new game plug-in be made on the first day?

Why is the game process only four hours, and there are many spam in the middle, and the second half is obviously hastily prepared.

This is not the size of an independent game!

This is in itself a DLC specially launched considering that many players are not satisfied with the gameplay of switching characters to pass levels in "Battlezone 8".

It was a DLC at the beginning of development. How much can the game time be extended even if we try harder?

When I think about it this way, everything is connected.

After a long silence, Zhang Feng gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn it. No wonder other works in the series have been listed on the Origin platform. But only the latest "Warzone 9" is not listed. It seems that they are afraid of another wave of bad reviews and forced refunds! This scam company!"

Roommate A cried and wailed: "There is not a pure and green gaming environment for a day. Isn't this a pitfall?"

Roommate B kept complaining: "It's all your fault for urging me. I was planning to buy "Call of Duty". Isn't this a waste of money?"

Looking at the three people, Liu Xianming knew that he should comfort them at this time, such as "After all, Baofeng Entertainment is a big company and will patch it later", and "Warzone is also an old IP and will not let you down", etc.

But he just couldn't help it and wanted to laugh.

It was so hard to hold it back.

In the end, he couldn't help it. Facing the resentful eyes of the three roommates, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hahahahaha!!! What did I say earlier? I told you that you can always trust Naughty Cat! If nothing else, the game is flawed, but at least there are no cheats! And now it's better? I guess the campaign of Warzone 9 is only half of that of Call of Duty. See, this is the fate of being a traitor."

How refreshed he was!

Liu Xianming quickly took out his mobile phone and opened various social media on Tieba to read the comments online.

It was just as he imagined.

[No, how come there are cheats on the first day? This is too fast, right? Isn't the official selling cheats? ]

[I'm really impressed, I met Xiao Tou in the first game]

[Xiao Tou is pretty good, I met Micro Aim directly, I really fucked him]

[Damn, I swear this is the last time I buy a game from Warzone, no matter how bad Call of Duty is, at least there are no cheats! ]

[Fuck you, Baofeng Entertainment, is this how you reward loyal old players? ]

Also about the game's story campaign.

[Is no one paying attention to the single-player story campaign? How did it take only four hours to complete it? ]

[I also completed it, and reloaded the game several times. There is no hidden ending or anything like that.]

[Isn't this plot too short? I'm really impressed.]

The topic of "Warzone" was directly ranked first in the hot search, and it didn't come down for a long time. After clicking in, all the players were confused.

Looking down, Naughty Cat's game was rarely pushed to the second place in the hot search.

# "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" plot exploded

You can imagine it.

On this ordinary Saturday, many office workers and students.

Some spent private money, and some saved pocket money.

Some chose to embrace the embrace of the new IP "Call of Duty", and some firmly chose to believe in "Warzone" that they had played for many years.

Then, they were severely poured with a basin of cold water.

From beginning to end, it was chilling.

All kinds of scolding continued.

If it was the previous "Warzone" series, players might have scolded while playing.

After all, it is the only one on the market at present.

But now there is "Call of Duty"!

People will die if they compare themselves to others, and goods will be thrown away if they are compared to others.

If both games were lousy, it would be better to say so.

But now, "Call of Duty" is heading for rave reviews.

Players who choose to believe in "Warzone" can't stand it.

Frustration, anger, heartache...

Countless players' accumulated emotions for many years are brewing on the Internet, and they are about to explode.

Then, at this moment, a new piece of news quickly climbed the hot search list.

# "Warzone"

This time, there is no need to brew, it exploded directly.

Several hot searches about "Warzone 9" rose rapidly in a very short period of time.

Many short video bloggers and marketing accounts, like sharks encountering blood, come over at the smell.

Facing Liu Xianming's teasing eyes, Zhang Feng said in a bad tone: "What are you so proud of! I admit that I regret being cheated, okay! But the previous "Warzone" series plot is longer than "Call of Duty" and is also very exciting. Who would have thought that this one is a DLC?"

Before waiting for a reply.

The subtitles of the game's ending after the game was completed on the computer also rolled.

The last scene reads:

The first chapter of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" ends.

Then it returns to the main interface of the story campaign.

The style of the UI interface changes from light green to sand yellow.

The countdown to unlocking the second chapter of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare": 33 hours.

Liu Xianming nodded, and then asked: "What did you say just now?"

Zhang Feng turned his head and walked to his computer, and without saying a word, he clicked the delete button of "Warzone 9".

"It's okay, I said I'm a fool who doesn't know what's good" (End of this chapter)

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