Zhang Feng has never regretted playing a game so much.

The story campaign of "Warzone 9" is a bit short, but the quality is acceptable, and overall it is unsatisfactory.

The biggest disadvantage of buying this game is that it is a DLC version. There are so many cheats that I don’t have any green game time in a day. I have to play games with cheaters all the time.

As for the plot battle, it is somewhat lacking, but still within the acceptable range.


As the saying goes, people will die if they compare with others, and goods will be thrown away if they compare with others.

The quality of the story campaign in "Warzone 9" is acceptable, but this is average compared to other action shooting games.

Compared with "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", it is more than one level behind.

Whether it is the rich gameplay, excellent scene scheduling, or perfect performances, the latter can be said to beat the former.

The most important thing is that it’s not just about quality.

In terms of game length, it also surpassed "Warzone 9".

In the final analysis, the volume of one DLC is four hours.

But Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a full eight hours long.

And, it’s only the first chapter.

Chapter 2 will be unlocked in just a day and a half.

Even if the story campaign in Chapter 2 is only two hours, or even one hour, it is an unbearable pain in the life of "Warzone 9".

What's more, based on players' understanding of Naughty Cat, they wouldn't dare to call Chapter 2 without a certain size.

Comparing the prices of the two games, "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" is indeed more expensive.

But if you count it based on the game time of the plot campaign, it is simply too conscientious.

I am so conscientious that I am afraid that Naughty Cat will go bankrupt.

Zhang Feng was so sad and angry that he couldn't help but want to slap himself a few times.

"Damn, I'm so obsessed. How dare you doubt Naughty Cat?"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he even couldn't hold back and slapped himself.

This move startled Liu Xianming. He looked at his roommate in horror and said, "Hey, hey, it's not that bad. What are you doing?"

Roommate A also said quickly: "No, it really isn't. When we get the money from part-time work, can we just buy it again?"

Zhang Feng looked at Liu Xianming seriously with a blush on one side and said: "Brother, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have misunderstood Naughty Cat. I shouldn't have been a kid. I admit, "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" 》The game of its kind is unparalleled in the world! ”

Liu Xianming nodded quickly and said: "Brother, it's not that big of a deal, let's just play a game. If you don't want to worship the mountain gate, you have to get a certificate of submission."

"I know, what I mean is" Zhang Feng coughed lightly, "Since I know that I was wrong, can you lend me your account for fun? It's still early for me to pay my part-time salary."

Roommate A and roommate B were both confused.

No, is it so cruel? Give yourself a slap in the face just to play a game? Does this work?

As a result, Liu Xianming said with a dark look on his face: "Damn it, do you want to work so hard? Okay, okay, I'll lend you my name when I'm not playing."

There was another "pop" and another slap in the dormitory.

Liu Xianming turned around in horror.

I saw roommate A also said with sincerity in his eyes: "Father."

"Fuck!! Okay, okay, borrow it, borrow it all, can you be normal?"

Although he knew that these two blows were for show, they were actually not serious.

But now that’s the case, what else can be done?

This Saturday and Sunday.

I don’t know how many die-hard Warzone fans were heartbroken.

Angry and unwilling to fight!

When we met one of the strongest competitors in history, we just encountered the most awkward game in history, "Warzone 9".

It has turned countless players who bought the game into grievances, and made countless people feel ashamed and angry.

Because the time in Lighthouse Country is later than that in China.

On Monday morning, China time, when the second chapter of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" was unlocked, it was still the dusk or night of the previous day.

When Chapter 2 was unlocked, Naughty Cat officially released the sales figures for this game.

In just two days, 3.9 billion soft sister coins were collected.

Includes game copies purchased by players around the world, purchased weapon blueprint packages, character skins, etc.

This makes countless game investors envious.

Unfortunately, Naughty Cat is not a listed company.

And there are few companies with such healthy cash flow that there is no need for financing at all.

Instead, Naughty Cat is the investor that high-tech companies around the world are looking to invest in.

Chinese players can start playing Chapter 2 at any time during the day, while foreign players can only curse and stay up late playing the game.

And many investors who bought shares of Baofeng Entertainment were even more sleepless at night.

I can’t even imagine what kind of miserable situation the stock market will be on this coming Monday.

On this day, the four-person dormitory group got together early again.

The afternoon class is in a large classroom, and the teacher is not the kind of teacher who likes to call names.

Skip class decisively and play games first!

Since the second chapter of the plot battle had been unlocked in the morning, the foursome did not even play on their mobile phones this morning.

I'm afraid any piece of news will pop up and spoil the story!

That would be missing countless surprises.

"If the battle plot in Chapter 2 is more embarrassing, then Baofeng Entertainment may have a better time." Zhang Feng joked and then fed a potato chip to his friend who was controlling the character for novice training.

One person plays, three people watch.

It's like going back to that childhood Famicom time.

At this time, Liu Xianming was controlling a new protagonist, Joseph Allen, to receive training from General Sheffield.

Soon after coming out of the training camp, he needed to perform a mission to enter the city to clear out the rebels.

Due to his outstanding performance, Joseph Allen was invited by General Sheffield to join a special forces team called 141.

This is a force composed of elite troops from various countries.

At this time, five years have passed since the nuclear explosion, and the grass on Zakhaev's grave is already more than three meters high.

But there is no sign of peace in the world, because his successor Makarov is more cunning, cruel and difficult to deal with than Zakhaev.

Five years have passed, and the former rookie soldier Soap has become a warrior who can stand on his own.

And he is also a member of the 141 special forces.

In the next level, the protagonist of the control changes again.

A soldier nicknamed Xiaoqiang follows Soap to perform tasks on the icebergs of Tajikistan in the snow and ice.

The purpose of this trip is for something called an attack identification system.

The first half of the level is mainly performance and QTE, the middle part is mainly stealth assassination, and the last part is mainly killing and snowmobile racing.

Finish this level.

"Awesome!" Liu Xianming let out a long breath and grinned, "This level design is really good."

"Yes, I'm so jealous, I also want to play it myself."

"Then you buy it?"

"No money."

Zhang Feng did not join the conversation of the other two roommates. He said puzzledly: "Does General Sheffield have so many scenes? Every level is summarized in his tone. Is there such a person in the previous game?"

Liu Xianming thought for a while and said: "It seems that his name was mentioned, but I forgot it. But now, he is the 141 Special Forces, that is, the boss of Xiaoqiang and Soap."

Then the perspective turned and returned to Allen again.

He received the task from General Sheffield and lurked beside Makarov as an undercover.

But this time, a prompt appeared again.

[The following game content may cause you physical discomfort, do you want to skip it? ]

"Of course! We are adults, okay?"

Then he continued the game.

Following Allen's perspective, a group of five people came to the airport of the Russian bear with guns and full armor.

Seeing this scene, the four people were a little confused.

"Bringing guns to the airport? What's the purpose?"

"Anti-terrorism? That's not right. Isn't Allen an undercover agent now? His current identity is 'terrorist'."

At the beginning of the game, in the elevator.

Makarov looked at Allen and said seriously: "Remember. Don't speak Russian."

Then, a group of people walked out of the airport.

At this time, many innocent civilians were going through security checks.

Seeing this group of people with live ammunition was a little surprised.

Only the airport guards showed a trace of fear and shock in their eyes.

But before he could draw his gun.

The five-man group held machine guns and began to shoot at the crowd, slaughtering indiscriminately.

In an instant, guards, security inspectors, staff, cleaners, passengers, countless people fell down like wheat.

The bodies piled up into a hill, with bullet holes everywhere, screams, and cries.

Blood splattered everywhere, even forming a small river, gurgling.

The entire airport became a living hell.

Killing people along the way.

Whether it was the elderly, women, or children.

The four people in the dormitory were stunned.

Liu Xianming let out a long breath and said with a wry smile: "I really didn't expect that the naughty cat was so brave. He dared to do this!"

Zhang Feng looked at the passengers crying, squirming, and desperately crawling forward on the ground, and his face twitched, and he couldn't help looking elsewhere.

And said: "The timid ones will have nightmares. With such details and such realistic pictures, I feel that it's not good for the game to be too good for the first time."

Roommate A sighed and said: "I should have chosen to skip it earlier."

Liu Xianming had a complicated expression. He followed the four villains all the way and didn't want to shoot.

But there was no way, he couldn't get through without shooting.

After escaping from the airport and killing many special police who came to support.

Just as they were about to leave by car, Allen, who was the last to get on the car, was shot dead by Makarov, and his body was left there.

The airport massacre shocked the world.

Because the airport massacre left the body of a soldier from the Lighthouse Country, the massacre planned by Makarov was mistakenly believed by the Russians to be done by the Lighthouse Country.

So the abnormal revenge action began, and a full-scale war that affected the world was gradually opening.

The Russians began to show their swords, and the war had already started in the Lighthouse Country.

In order to investigate this matter and to stop the war, the 141 Special Forces needed to go to Brazil to investigate the source of Makarov's arms from an arms dealer.

So far, the game is divided into two parallel lines again.

One is the war line in the Lighthouse Country, where the war is extremely tragic and the capital may fall at any time.

The other is the plot line of the 141 Special Forces to stop the war.

In addition to Soap and Xiaoqiang, there is also a soldier code-named "Ghost" who always wears a mask to carry out the mission.

After interrogating the arms dealer, they learned that there was a special prisoner that Makarov hated who was imprisoned in the Gulag.

Xiaoqiang, Soap and Ghost fought all the way out of Brazil, then into the Gulag, and rescued this special prisoner.

It was none other than Price.

It turned out that after killing Zakhaev five years ago, Price was too seriously injured and stayed in the bear country to recover.

But because the rebel forces rose, Zakhaev became a hero instead, and Price was imprisoned for participating in Zakhaev's beheading operation.

After escaping, it was strange that General Sheffield, the theoretical superior, was not surprised at all.

Instead, he kept urging the 141 special forces to capture and kill Makarov.

At this point, Liu Xianming frowned and said, "Why does this General Sheffield sound so extreme?"

Zhang Feng also agreed and said, "Yes. And he is so obsessed with Makarov, as if he has some handle. He is not afraid of war in his own country at all, as if he is happy to see this scene happen."

Price believed that the top priority was to end the war first, so he did not follow Sheffield's instructions and led 141 to fight in the bear country, successfully preventing the nuclear submarine from launching a nuclear bomb, and causing one that had already been launched to explode in the air.

The EMP generated by the explosion destroyed all the electronic equipment of the bear army, successfully gained time, and the capital did not fall.

Then, the 141st Special Forces split into two groups, Ghost and Xiaoqiang went to the safe house in the Caucasus Mountains, and Soap and Price went to the aircraft graveyard in Afghanistan.

However, Ghost and Xiaoqiang encountered a large number of Makarov ambushes as soon as they landed, and the team suffered heavy losses.

After breaking through, they rushed into the safe house, but they killed all the enemies here and did not see Makarov.

So Xiaoqiang and Ghost received Sheffield's order to copy the information in the safe house and bring it out.

However, on the way of retreat, the enemy was like ants, and they could not be killed no matter how hard they tried.

Liu Xianming's shooting skills were not bad, and he was sweating all over.

Too nervous!

Bullets rained down, and the screen was almost always in red, and he was always shot.

The fierce battle killed all the team members except Ghost and Xiaoqiang, and even Xiaoqiang, who lived up to his name, was seriously injured.

Ghost desperately called for support, dragging the seriously injured Xiao Qiang to the evacuation point.

Finally, support arrived.

Countless armed helicopters came and killed Makarov's troops without a single piece of armor left.

Ghost: "Go, stand up! We are almost there!"

In front of him, a plane landed and General Sheffield walked down.

This tragic battle seemed to be over, and there was hope of returning home.

Relaxed, lit cigarettes, drank water, and sent messages.

However, when Sheffield got off the plane, he did not care about the injuries of the two people, but just asked coldly: "Did you get the data?"

Ghost: "Got it, sir."

Sheffield: "Very good, very good."


With a bang, blood stained the screen.

In Sheffield's hand, the revolver suddenly fired, and shot Xiao Qiang, who was already seriously injured, and fell to the ground weakly.


Seeing this scene, roommate A, who was drinking water, sprayed a mouthful of water on Liu Xianming's head.

Roommate B's mobile phone, which was sending messages, fell to the ground without holding it firmly.

Zhang Feng was lighting a cigarette. Seeing this scene, his eyes were bloodshot. He wanted to curse, but he was choked by the smoke and kept coughing.

Liu Xianming was stunned for a while. He didn't know what happened. Why did such a plot happen?

He could only curse loudly: "Fuck!!"

In the game.


Ghost roared angrily and wanted to fight back with a gun, but Sheffield was faster and shot Ghost in the chest without hesitation.

The two tough guys who fought out of the enemy's thousands of troops never expected that the one who took their lives was the general Sheffield they trusted.

After doing all this, Sheffield took the data indifferently without looking back.

Xiaoqiang wanted to stop it, but he was powerless.

Liu Xianming: "No, no, no"

Roommate B: "Fuck! Damn fuck, fuck, fuck!"

At this time, Price's hoarse roar came from the other side of the radio.

"Ghost, please answer! I'm Price! I'm under attack from Sheffield's men! Don't trust Sheffield, I repeat, don't trust Sheffield!"

It was a little late to say this.

Xiaoqiang could only see himself and Ghost being thrown into the pit and doused with gasoline.

No one expected this result.

Looking left and right, he found that everyone's face was filled with deep confusion and disbelief.

Liu Xianming was the first to break the silence.

"Ah???!!! Fuck, is this true? Fuck you! Fuck! My Xiaoqiang, damn it, Sheffield, are you fucking sick?"

"I really vomited. Did I not play well and trigger BE?? Read the game! It must be. I've been playing for so long, and I'm almost through, and you tell me that the protagonist is dead?!"

"A self-torture trick? Or some kind of scheme to cover up the truth? I don't believe he's really dead."

Then he saw Sheffield throwing a cigar over with an expressionless face, and the fire was burning.

Liu Xianming cursed angrily, and his usual good temper was gone. His face was terribly gloomy, and he angrily hammered the table.

Zhang Feng was so angry that he threw the lighter directly.

"Isn't it that the purpose of creating such excellent characters is to let them die in front of me?" (End of this chapter)

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