Chapter 89 I’m not too optimistic about the prospects of shared bicycles!!

“Oh my God.”

“The column group actually arranged Professor Zhong Lao to do an interview outside the venue, is it so attentive?”

The moment they saw Zhong Weiguo, the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned for a moment. And not only them.

Jiang Chen and Liu Feixue did not expect that the interviewer of the second VCR would be Professor Zhong Weiguo.

“You guys did it on purpose, right?”

Jiang Chen looked at Li Wanqin, and if he wanted to say that these off-site interview subjects could not be selected, he absolutely did not believe it.

Li Wanqin smiled, did not deny it, but said: “Professor Zhong Lao used to be a guest on our program to explain some of the country’s economic policies and discuss current economic hot issues, and shared bicycles, as an emerging industry, have a very strong reference for the future development of the sharing economy, and we also need a professional professional to express some views, so we chose Professor Zhong Lao.” ”

After all, economic interpretation, like market research, cannot be limited to a certain type of people, but should be covered by people from all walks of life.

What is investigated in this way is of representative significance. Otherwise, it is a one-sided interpretation and has no meaning.

Jiang Chen nodded even more in understanding, and then continued to watch the VCR.

“Professor Zhong, have you heard of the shared bicycles that have emerged during this time?”

“I’ve heard of it.”

Zhong Weiguo nodded.

As early as when the shared bicycle first came out, she actually began to pay attention to this matter.

“Do you know who the founder of bike-sharing is?”

The interviewer continued to ask questions.

Jiang Chen and Liu Feixue. When he said the names of the two, Professor Zhong’s eyes brightened significantly.

“So how did you see the bike-sharing for the two?”

“I think it’s good!”

Professor Zhong Lao said without hesitation.

“The starting point of shared bicycles is to facilitate urban travel and urban life, not only to save money, but also to protect the environment, energy conservation and emission reduction, reduce urban congestion, which is a very, very good project.”

Do you mean to be very optimistic about the development prospects of shared bicycles?


Professor Zhong Lao nodded, “Not only that, the emergence of shared bicycles, in fact, has a very significant significance, that is, as a pioneer of the sharing economy, if the sharing bicycle is successful, then it represents the feasibility of the sharing economy, and when the time comes, it can provide more experience and reference for latecomers.” ”

“In other words, the emergence of shared bicycles means the birth of a new economic model, and the birth of a new economic model brings great overall benefits.”

“Let me give you the simplest example, sharing bicycles, you need bicycles, right? So drive the development of bicycle manufacturers, right? Do you need raw materials to produce bicycles? That in turn led to the development of material suppliers… Not only that, after the shared bicycle comes out, someone needs to operate and manage it, which will lead to an increase in jobs! ”

“The increase in jobs, the relative unemployment rate will decrease, the unemployment rate will decrease, and the overall social environment will be better and safer.”

“If public security improves, then the market environment will also improve.”

“In this way, society will enter a virtuous circle of development.”

“Of course, out of my preference for Jiang Chen and Liu Feixue, I also have a little selfishness, I hope that everyone can be more tolerant of the emerging thing of shared bicycles and can accept him, especially after the shared bicycles are online, support him more.”

Old man Zhong said, in the end, he directly publicized for Jiang Chen, calling on everyone to support shared bicycles.

See this scene.

The audience in front of the TV and Li Wanqin were immediately stunned. Especially Li Wanqin.

She has been organizing economic dialogue programs for thirteen years, and the number of invitations to Zhong Weiguo is not small, but in the past thirteen years, she has never seen Zhong Weiguo openly support anyone in the program.

Jiang Chen is definitely the first. How could this not surprise her?

Of course, she can also feel that Professor Zhong Lao’s selfishness is actually based on the real optimism about the prospects of shared bicycles.

If you are not optimistic about the prospects of shared bicycles, or the development of the sharing economy, with the character of Mr. Zhong, he will definitely not say this.

He stood in line for Jiang Chen and called on everyone to support shared bicycles, in fact, he wanted to do his best to push Jiang Chen.

I hope that the sharing economy can be accepted and developed.

In this way, more jobs can be created and social and economic development will be promoted.

“Old man, well-intentioned!”

Li Wanqin sighed.

Jiang Chen was also speechless for a while.

When he withdrew from the money-making program, Zhong Weiguo called him and invited him to attend Peking University and listen to his lectures.

At that time, Jiang Chen knew that this old man had good intentions.

But what he never expected was that in the past few months, when he and Liu Feixue launched a shared bicycle, Zhong Weiguo would openly stand in line and speak out for his shared bicycle.

In this, even though Old Man Zhong is optimistic about shared bicycles and optimistic about the components of the sharing economy, there is no preference for him and Liu Feixue.

“If you have time, go to Peking University to listen to Zhong Lao’s lecture”!

Jiang Chen looked at Liu Feixue, before he said that he promised Professor Zhong Lao, but he didn’t actually take it to heart.

Now, he suddenly wanted to listen to the old man’s lecture.

“Well, I haven’t been back to school for a long time.”

Liu Feixue nodded, and at this moment, the third VCR also began to play.

The interview was with a taxi driver.

“Do you know about shared bikes?”


“Can you tell us what you think about bike sharing?”

“Can I swear?”

“We’re doing serious interviews and we’re going to be on the news.”

Then I have no opinion!

The taxi driver said.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this taxi driver must be extremely dissatisfied with the shared bicycle, otherwise it would not be this attitude.

“It seems that this interviewer has a lot of complaints about shared bicycles!”

Li Wanqin was also a little surprised.

But Jiang Chen expressed his understanding: “The traditional taxi industry, with the development of the times, has been affected by online car hailing, and it is not as good as before. Now the emergence of shared bicycles will undoubtedly make the traditional taxi industry suffer a second impact, and it is normal for this taxi master to complain. ”

Jiang Chen not only did not get angry, but defended the taxi driver.

And in addition to the traditional taxi industry, even the ride-hailing industry will also be affected by shared bicycles.

In other words, there are many more complaints about shared bicycles. But.

These are all things that have to be experienced.

Think of the collision between online ride-hailing and the traditional taxi industry.

If shared bicycles want to develop, they must also go through such a process.

“Let’s take another look at one last interview.”

At this time, Li Wanqin said again. Start playing the last VCR on the big screen!

This interview is an economic blogger.

This blogger specially released some economic analysis videos on the Internet, from a professional point of view, although average, but the point of view is relatively novel, attracting a lot of fans.

So this time the column team included this blogger in the list when screening off-site interview subjects.

“Hello, as an economic blogger, I would like to ask, from your point of view, how do you view shared bicycles?”

“From the starting point of convenient urban travel, the original intention of shared bicycles is good, which will bring a lot of convenience to our urban life, and from the perspective of the market, due to the convenient, fast, and affordable advantages of shared bicycles, there should be a very large market.”

The blogger said.

“So can I take it that you’re bullish on the prospects of bike-sharing?”

“No, on the contrary, I’m not too optimistic about the prospects of bike-sharing.”

The blogger shook his head.


The outsider of the column group continued to ask, “Didn’t you say that there is a very large market for shared bicycles?” ”

“I mean there’s a huge market for bike-sharing, but that doesn’t mean the outlook for bike-sharing is optimistic.”

“First, the market is huge, it can only be said that there is a demand for shared bicycles, but it does not mean that you can make money from it, after all, the cost of riding for half an hour of two dollars is too low, and it is difficult to make a profit evenly into various costs.”

“The second and most important point is that the shared bicycle thing tests the quality of the people, and the founder of the shared bicycle, whether it is Liu Feixue or Jiang Chen, obviously overestimates the quality of the people.”

“According to my guess, once the shared bicycle is online, there will inevitably be some users with poor quality, abandoning the shared bicycle as a cover, parking it at will, and discarding it in all corners of the city, affecting the aesthetics of the city, and causing serious obstacles to the management of shared bicycles.”

“And seriously, because the shared bicycle is unsupervised, some ill-wishers may privatize it and ride it home to serve themselves.”

“And these will greatly increase the operation and maintenance costs of shared bicycles, resulting in the operation of shared bicycles being unsustainable.”

So many off-site interviewers inside.

This is the only one that directly indicates that it is not optimistic about the prospects of shared bicycles.

So when this blogger finished speaking, the whole program effect exploded in an instant.


Have the ratings exploded?

Director Mu Qingping quickly looked at the staff staring at the ratings data and asked expectantly.


“It’s about to break the record!”

The staff member said.

The ratings of the previous program have been rising very steadily, and there is no explosive point.

But now.

After the VCR just finished broadcasting, the blogger expressed his dislike for shared bicycles, and the show finally ushered in a big explosion.

“Let me see!”

Hearing that the record was about to be broken, Mu Qingping couldn’t sit still anymore and rushed up directly.

“Seven point fifty-one.”

“Eight point one three.”

“Eight point fifty-two.”

“Eight point sixty-nine percent.”

“Eight hundred and seventy-eight percent.”

Looking at the increasing ratings, Mu Qingping’s whole person became excited, and when he saw that the ratings reached 8.78 percent, only 0.01 percent short of equaling the historical ratings, his breathing was even more tense to stop.

And when the ratings rose to 8.86 percent, Mu Qingping could no longer control his emotions and shouted directly.


“Broken record, our station’s ratings have broken records!”

Mu Qingping looked up to the sky and laughed.

Originally, he thought that with fewer and fewer people watching TV now, the TV station would never have the opportunity to break the original record.

But now.

With Jiang Chen’s heat blessing, he did it!

Successfully broke the ratings record left in history.

And the other side.

After that blogger’s opinion aired.

The audience in front of the TV was first in an uproar, and then fell directly into silence.

And not only them.

Even Teacher Ma and several of them fell into deep thought. Admittedly, what the economic blogger said also makes sense.

Jiang Chen and Liu Feixue’s starting point is good, but the current national quality is indeed a big problem.

After all, not everyone has that high quality to go back and treat shared bikes well.

It is not impossible for the light ones to litter, and the heavy ones to ride home and then treat them as their own personal belongings.

If this is the case, it will inevitably increase the difficulty of maintenance and management of shared bicycles, and even bankruptcy is not necessarily.


Teacher Ma, these old foxes, decided to wait and see, in case the shared bicycle really does not work, then you have to consider whether to enter the sharing industry.

Li Wanqin did not expect that the last VCR interviewer would release such a bombshell.

For a while, she couldn’t help but look at Jiang Chen and Liu Feixue a little worriedly, afraid that the two would be unhappy.

But when she saw that Jiang Chen and Liu Feixue always kept a calm look on their faces, without any anger, she was immediately stunned.

She has seen too many guests who turn their faces or can’t hold on to their faces during off-site interviews.

Originally, she thought that Jiang Chen and Liu Feixue were young, and when they heard others singing about their company, their faces would definitely not be able to hang up.

But what I didn’t expect was that the two turned out to be like a person who was fine. Time.

This calmness and calmness surprised Li Wanqin.

So her brows frowned, she directly looked at the excitement and asked: “Mr. Jiang, what do you think of the question this blogger said?” ”

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “Do you think that a semi-professional economic blogger can see through the problems, as the initiator of the shared bicycle project, have I not considered these problems?” ”

As soon as these words came out, Li Wanqin was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted-.


Can Jiang Chen not even consider the problems that a blogger who can’t even be called a professional can consider?

How good Jiang Chen’s investment vision and analytical ability are, these have been proven when making money programs.

Moreover, with Jiang Chen’s calm style, since he dares to spend so much money to engage in shared bicycles, it means that he has already analyzed all the pros and cons and found a solution, so he dares to play like this.

In other words, what the blogger felt was a problem was not a problem in Jiang Chen.

“Listening to your tone, it seems that there is already a solution?”

Li Wanqin asked curiously.


Jiang Chen nodded.

The audience in front of the TV immediately knew that they were right, and Jiang Chen had already thought of how to deal with it.

Not only that.

Brother Pony and the others all brightened their eyes.

When the economic blogger mentioned the big problem of national quality before, they were still worried about Jiang Chen, but now it is good that Jiang Chen has long thought of a solution to it.

It seems that his worries are completely superfluous.

“I should have thought a long time ago, with Jiang Chen’s style of acting, how could he not take into account the issue of national quality?”

Teacher Ma smiled self-deprecatingly.

Brother Ma also breathed a long sigh of relief: “I knew that Jiang Chen, this kid, could not fight a battle that he was not sure of.” ”

Li Wanqin asked even more curiously: “Can you easily disclose how you solved the problem of national quality?” ”

You know, the issue of national quality is not a simple problem, and there are too many individuals involved.

It’s even harder to change. One time word.

In addition to Li Wanqin, the audience in front of the TV and Brother Ma also looked forward to it.

“Is it convenient?”

Seeing that Jiang Chen did not speak, Li Wanqin asked again.

“Sorry, I can’t reveal it for the time being, if you want to know, you might as well ride it yourself when the Feixue shared bicycle starts to be launched.”

Jiang Chen refused to answer the question.

Seeing this, Li Wanqin did not continue to ask, but continued to chat with Jiang Chen and Liu Feixue for more than half an hour before ending the entire interview.

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