May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 655: : Don’t always think that someone will help you who forgot to bring an umbrella when i

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At this moment, sitting at the end of the long table, the new eight-jaw lens with a pen and paper in his hand flashed and glanced at Yamazaki: "Mr. Yamazaki, I heard that you are a Tucao of Shinsengumi, can you speak a little louder? 30 points."

Looking down at the new eight chicks who was writing something on the paper, Yamazaki, whose blood had not yet been wiped off his face, said quickly: "No, what did I say you are rating? New eight chicks?"

"Is this the end?" Xin Ba Ha pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, the lens flashed brightly again and glanced at Yamazaki again, and said faintly: "If it was me, I would add a sentence "I don't want to You preached if you didn't complain about it." "

Kagura teased her face with her mouth raised and raised her eyebrows and took the words: "Oh oh oh, the rigid guy working in the government is at this level~"

Hearing the sound, Yamazaki's cheek was silently violent with a blue vein, and at the same time the whole half of his face couldn't stop twitching, and he said uncomfortably: "What's the matter? These guys are full of malice! I just want to make trouble! no! I want to cheer up! hateful! My vision is so bloody...]

Looking at Yamazaki, who was carefully wiping the corners of his eyes with his fingers, Xiaoyu thoughtfully handed out a pack of tissues to him.

Looking at the paper towel that was suddenly handed over in front of him, Yamazaki was a little stunned, especially after seeing the owner of the hand that handed the paper towel to him, he was even more surprised.

"If you don't dislike it, please use this." Xiaoyu said.

[Little...Miss Xiaoyu! ] Yamazaki was deeply moved.

"Is it all right? Do I need to call an ambulance?" Xiaoyu asked with concern.

While receiving the tissue paper from Xiaoyu, Yamazaki hurriedly replied: "No, it's okay! I'm so sorry!"

Pulling out a tissue and starting to wipe the blood on Yamazaki's face, his heart is still full of touch: [Sure enough, he is a gentle person, there is always a gentleness that the girls do not have in this work, I really treat you like this...]

Before Yamazaki was moved, he suddenly heard the voice of fourteen on the side.

"Generally speaking, handkerchiefs should be handed here instead of paper towels? It can also be used to stop bleeding, God, it’s weird. I heard that you are a careful robot nanny, 45 points."

Seeing that the picky mother-in-law mode was launched and the fourteen who began to score on paper, Yamazaki felt crazy in his heart: [Why even you started to score? ! 】

Fourteen counseled his shoulders and closed his eyes, pretending to be helpless, and continued: "After all, we are engaged in new injuries and we must deal with the wounds quickly. I thought you would ask the clerk to bring the first aid kit."

Having said that, Fourteen opened one eye and gently raised his eyes and glanced at Xiaoyu.

[What the **** are you stalking here! 】 Yamazaki once again complained in his heart, 【Please don’t do this kind of bickering between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law! Deputy Chief! 】

At this time, Gintoki pointed to Shiv and looked at Yamazaki and said, "I'm sorry, clerk, that V-shaped bangs seems to have hurt his head."

Yamazaki, with blue veins on his face once again, gritted his teeth and reminded heavily: "So didn't you tell me? I'm not a clerk! And I was the one who was injured!"

Once again, Xin Ba Hao, who bowed his head and wrote something on the paper, reminded in a faint voice: "It's better to hand over that sentence to Tufang Sang just now."

[It’s too difficult to answer! ] Yamazaki gritted his teeth in his heart.

Zongwu, who was repeatedly writing the Chinese character "kill" on the paper, said without looking up: "Tufang-sang should also have a double complaint just now. It's dragging his feet."

Fourteen patted the table, looked at Sougo angrily and shouted, "Who are you rating again?!"

"Hey, what have you been doing since just now?" Yin Shi's face showed a bit of impatience, "Do you have any opinions about our daughter?"

"Huh?" Fourteen instantly became upset, bursting with blue veins and retorted: "You are the one, do you have any comments?"

Looking at Yin Shi and XIV, who unconsciously began to pinch on a certain spiritual level, Yamazaki felt helplessly: [It's really a sword, there is no atmosphere of blind date at all. 】

Seeing the atmosphere in the room becoming a little heavier, Kondo stood up, waved his hands and made a round of battle: "Okay, okay, everyone calm down."

Just as Kondo had just finished speaking, the sliding door of the room was suddenly opened, and the voice of the waitress came in at the same time.


Upon seeing this, Kondo hurriedly continued: "Everyone, cooking is here!"

Yamazaki ignored the dishes on the table and the high-quality gasoline in front of Xiaoyu, but instead focused on the next development of the blind date.

[Opportunity is here! Let's change the topic! 】

Thinking about it, Yamazaki said nervously to Xiaoyu who was on the opposite side: "Speaking of speaking, I met Miss Xiaoyu when I went shopping before, do you know how to cook?"

"Because I am a robot babysitter, I can do ordinary housework." Xiaoyu replied.

"That's it!" Kondo praised, then turned his face to look at Yamazaki, "What a capable girl."

"Yes!" Yamazaki hurriedly responded, and at the same time he was happy: [Great! As a result, the atmosphere has changed! 】

But before Yamazaki's "happy" was over, the picky mother-in-law 14 went online again, and he said casually: "Isn't it right that the robot nanny can do this? And if you say so, it will only Do you want to make potato stew?"

[Really! Why are you starting to **** again! ] Yamazaki complained in his heart.

"What do the Zhensengumi members usually eat?" Xiaoyu asked.

"We usually eat in the canteen of the village," Yamazaki replied hurriedly, and then smiled embarrassedly, "but there is nothing delicious, we always eat ramen or something."

"Hey, it has appeared~" Gintoki leaned into Xiaoyu's ear, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yamazaki deliberately, "I will definitely say something next, "I really want to eat the dishes made by Miss Xiaoyu~"

"Hey~" Kagura leaned into Xiaoyu's ear and deliberately said in the same style as Yin Shi, "It's really old-fashioned~"

Looking at the performance of the two, several black lines appeared in the corner of Yamazaki's eyes, and at the same time he complained again in his heart: [So it's too difficult to answer! 】

Xin Ba Hao, who was still writing something on the paper, said lightly: "It's too difficult to answer the sentence, right? I just used it? It seems that the vocabulary is really lacking."

[Why can you even read it in your heart! And it's too harsh! 】

"Too harsh... well, this is the first time it appears. You can add one point."

Kondo drew close to Yamazaki, who was trembling with anger, and whispered, "If this is the case, don't say "I want to eat your own cooking" or something like that. "

"There's no way," Zongwu started to make suggestions, and said aloud: "Then skip a step and just say "I really want to eat Miss Xiaoyu". "

[Skip too much! Yamazaki looked at Sougo and Kondo with a black line, and at the same time frantically complained: [How casual are you kicking suggestions! I was blocked, and finally I saw hope...]

Just when Yamazaki felt upset and didn't know what to do, Xiaoyu's words suddenly sounded just to break the somewhat awkward situation in front of him.

"In that case, the nutrition will be unbalanced. If you don't mind, please come to our store next time and I will cook for you."

Looking at Xiaoyu who was sitting across from him, Yamazaki was deeply moved: [Miss Xiaoyu—! She took care of my situation and took the initiative to raise it! 】

"Really, really okay?" Yamazaki asked in surprise.

Xiaoyu nodded lightly: "Well, I will give full consideration to nutritional balance, eating it will definitely make you refreshed."

Moved to the corners of his eyes with tears, Yamazaki raised his face with his fists and thought: [Miss Xiaoyu! In this vortex full of malice, only you are the light that illuminates me! 】

"Done! Yamazaki!" Kondo praised Yamazaki.

"Did it!" Yamazaki said with emotion, unable to stop the tears.

"Then let's eat it." Picking up a whole plate of fresh sea bream sashimi, Silver Shitaka pulled it onto his plate and said casually.

"No, this is just a metaphor!"

"Xiaoyu, how about it? Why don't you just show them now." Yin Shi continued.

"Oh!" Kondo said in surprise.

"Hey? Can you do it now?" Yamazaki looked at Xiaoyu expectantly.

"Well, dinner has been prepared in advance." Xiaoyu nodded lightly.

"Then, please!" Yamazaki hurriedly replied, and then the whole face was filled with indescribable happiness, commonly known as the delusion of cherry.

[Ah~happiness~ it’s like a dream~ I didn’t expect to be able to taste the dishes made by Miss Xiaoyu so quickly~ What are you eating...]

Before he finished his fantasy, Yamazaki was suddenly interrupted by the vomiting sound from Xiaoyu.

Looking at Xiaoyu holding an electric baking pan with his mouth open and constantly making "vomit—", Yamazaki suddenly became expressionless.

Looking at the same expressionless Kondo people in front of him, Gintoki faintly explained: "Please don't worry, our Xiaoyu takes the ingredients into his body and makes dishes inside his body. It will not become what everyone thinks. ,it's OK."


After vomiting, Xiaoyu raised her head and wiped the gasoline from the corner of her mouth, and said aloud: "It's done... it's done. Please use it. This is a burning word."

Looking at the inexplicable blue-and-yellow mosaic in the electric baking pan pushed in front of him, Yamazaki was just silent.

"Oh, it's monja yaki, it looks delicious." Gin Shiki said casually while eating the sea bream sashimi on his plate.

Kagura, who was holding a plate to eat special food, put down the empty plate in his hand, smiled and accepted the words: "Is it better today than usual, because the other party is Mr. Yamazaki, so you are more attentive?"

Seeing Kagura picking up an untouched dish again, Yin Shi raised his eyebrows and replied, "Hey, don't tease her anymore, kid's mother."

Xiaoyu raised his hand to make a request and said aloud, "You are also welcome."

Yamazaki, holding a small shovel, lowered his head and murmured, "Ah, okay... I said, Miss Xiaoyu, is this... Moni-yaki?"

[Do you want to burn it? Huh? Is it monja yaki? Ahhhhhhhh! It's Moniji! Is monja burning? Huh? Is Moni-yaki this kind of mosaic? 】

Looking at Yamazaki with his head down and holding a small shovel, his face constantly sweating and an ugly expression, Xiaoyu was puzzled: "What's the matter? Is it because my stomach is uncomfortable?"

"No, no, no!" Yamazaki quickly waved his hand in defense, "I just want to keep it in my mind!"

Yamazaki began to comfort himself in his heart: [Hey! Miss Xiaoyu will be sad if this continues! Calm down! Doesn’t Moni-yaki look a bit like that? It's okay, Miss Xiaoyu can't do that kind of thing, but the shovel won't let it go! Who... who will help me! 】

"Hey, wait."

Looking at the fourteen who made a sound at this critical moment, Yamazaki showed a touch of emotion, [Deputy Chief...]

"Look at what you are doing? It's really outrageous," said Fourteen, and took out a bottle of mayonnaise from his sleeve. After that, he took another one under Yamazaki's nose The whole bottle of mayonnaise was poured on the "Monjayaki", "I didn't add mayonnaise."

[It’s not the problem! Yamazaki complained again in his heart, and then suddenly thought of something, he said quickly: "It feels like eating alone is a bit wasteful, let's come together..."

But before finishing talking, Yamazaki suddenly found that the plates of Kondo and Sougo on the side were already full of the "monja yaki" that the two had just made by themselves.

"It's okay, we did it ourselves." Sogo and Kondo, who hadn't wiped their saliva, said at the same time.

[That's just vomit, right? 】

"Mr. Yamazaki, is it still not to your liking?" Xiaoyu asked.

"No, no! It's not like that!" Yamazaki quickly waved his hand in defense, then smiled awkwardly, and said forcefully: "I just think it's too wasteful, ah, by the way... can you take it back? I think. Taste it slowly at home."

When I just vomited the silver, I covered my mouth and handed the vomit bag that I had just vomited up to Yamazaki and said, "Since you like it so much, then bring this one too."

Looking at the silver that just finished vomiting in front of him and Kagura who was still vomiting into the vomiting bag, Yamazaki pulled his neck and vomited loudly: "As a result, all of you are vomiting! Am I a garbage disposal specialist?!"

Xin Baji once again reminded faintly: "Mr. Yamazaki, it is more vomiting in Tucao now...Σ_(???"∠) vomit..."

Looking at the new eight haunts who suddenly began to throw up into the vomit bag in the middle of the conversation, Yamazaki stared at the bloodshot eyes and spit out frantically: "Hey! This is all vomit! It is vomit!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yamazaki suddenly heard the sound of the sliding door being opened from the side. After following the sound, he saw that Xiaoyu walked to the door and opened the sliding door.

"I'll blow the cool breeze."

After leaving this sentence, Xiaoyu stepped out and closed the door.

At this time, several parents got up at the same time and walked out at the same time tacitly.

"Let's go, I'll leave it to the two young people next. All the people who got in the way are gone." Gin Shiki said casually as he walked.

Yamazaki, who was left behind, tapped the table and turned on the crazy Tucao mode: "It's really time to go! You guys really didn't do anything except get in the way!"

on the street.

"Well, Yinsang, is it all right to do this?" Xin Ba Haw lowered his head and said as he walked, "Miss Xiaoyu still looks a little lost."

"Who knows." Yin Shi dug his nostrils and responded casually.

"Sure enough, it's because of Jiang Chengsang's business..." Xin Ba Ha lowered his head and continued muttering.

"Cut, that **** uncle!" Kagura snorted disdainfully.


Feeling something silver, he stopped, UU Reading raised his head and stared at the gloomy sky.

"It's raining..." As he said, Yin Shi quickened his pace, "Hey, if you two don't want to get wet, hurry up! No one will give you an umbrella today!"

"Oh! I forgot to bring an umbrella because it was cloudy!" Kagura let out a surprise, and then trot off quickly.

"Yetu is really troublesome, because it was cloudy days that I forgot to use the umbrella..." Xin Ba Hao speeded up his pace, and at the same time murmured silently, but then suddenly thought of something and looked at Yin Shi with some doubts. "But then again, what does that mean that no one gave us an umbrella today?"

"No, nothing." Yin Shi's tone was casual, "Anyway, go back quickly."

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