May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 656: : Things that are accustomed to will not change easily!

"Maybe this fake Gintama ( find the latest chapter!

The light rain never stopped.

On the muddy field road, there were only two little guys with swollen noses and dirty faces, and they couldn't tell whether they were supporting each other or pushing each other.

These two people are the little Gaoshang who skipped class from Matsushita Village School today and went out to fight, and...After discovering that Takasugi was skipping class, they were the same as Yinshi who skipped class resolutely and resolutely.

"Hey, it's really not decent~"

After hearing Jiang Cheng's slightly flat voice from the front, Yin Shi and Takasugi stopped tacitly at the same time and pushed each other at the same time.

"What, did Songyang ask you to arrest people again?" Yin Shi curled his lips with disdain.

Holding an umbrella in one hand, stroking his chubby belly with the other hand, and still holding a toothpick in his mouth, Jiang Cheng replied casually: "What are you talking about? How could I do that kind of trouble? You must know that it’s not just the two of you who skipped class. It just happened to happen. Hiccup~"

Seeing Jiang Cheng's chubby belly and the oil stains on the corners of his mouth that hadn't been wiped clean, Yin Shi and Takasugi became expressionless at the same time.

"But speaking of..." Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something. He raised his face and closed his eyes and thought, and said while thinking, "Songyang seems to have said that I should find you two or something, no , It seems to have said it, it seems that it has not been said. It's strange..."

Ginshi spit out contemptuously: "I think you were just attracted by the smell of rice when you came out to arrest people..."

"Oh! It's very possible!" Jiang Cheng widened his eyes and praised him.

"It's very likely that you are tall!" Yin Shibai pointed his fingers at Jiang Cheng, and spit out angrily. "The oil stains on the belly and the corners of the mouth are already hard evidence! You are too powerful! You are attracted by that kind of thing! You are! Stupid?!"

"Wait, Yin Shi." Gao Shan suddenly thought of something. He raised his hand to interrupt Yin Shi's words. "Jiang Cheng said just now that the two of us were skipping classes, and he was assigned by Songyang, so... Said that there are others who have skipped class too."

"Hey? Is there any? Who?" Jiang Cheng asked suspiciously.

Takasugi: "Ah, this guy is undoubtedly an idiot..."

"Anyway, Songyang seems to still say "If you find a few of them..."..." Jiang Cheng slowly walked to the front of Ginshi and Takasugi, learning Songyang's usual expression, squinting his eyes and raising it. Little fist, ""Bring this to them...""

Bang! Bang!

After two sounds, the unconscious Takasugi and Gintoki rolled their eyes and fell into the arms of Mother Earth.

"Ah, maybe I haven't said it." Jiang Cheng opened his eyes and continued to the two of them.

"You bastard!" Yin Shi, who woke up from a brief coma, yelled at Jiang Chengbai with his eyes open.

"Don't worry, Yin Shi." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and replied disapprovingly, and then chuckled, "I have brought all the things Songyang asked me to bring to me! Especially this power!"

"This is the last thing you need..." Takasugi squinted his eyes halfway, and the corners of his eyes jumped with blue veins. "And by the does it feel more painful than Songyang's knock? Have you really compared the power?"

"Ah, it doesn't feel much difference." Jiang Cheng touched the four big bags on his head that hadn't completely disappeared and replied casually.

"Is this guy's head really okay?" Takasugi turned his face to the side and asked Gin-Jiao to the side. "Is this the one who smashed himself to test his power?"

"Speaking of it, would you two help me test it?" Jiang Cheng squatted down and looked at them, grinning very brightly, "I feel that if it is you, you can definitely help me test the strength. So next time I can give you the things Songyang asked me to bring to you without error."

"Ghosts want it!" Yin Shibai roared with eyes open.

"Huh~" Jiang Cheng complained, "It's clearly for the two of you~"

"Where?!" Yin Shi roared again.

"Well, it's time to go back." Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand and pulled Yin Shi's dirty hair, yelling despite the pain of Yin Shi, and forcefully pulled Yin Shi out of the ground like a carrot.

When the silver was pulled out, he covered his head and shouted: "Can't you pull other places?! The painful tears are coming out!"

"Calm down, Yin Shi." Jiang Cheng pointed to Takasugi who had been pulled out from the side and fell into a coma because of his best efforts.

"No, he has fainted, even if it hurts, he can't call it out."


"Why are you so big! Of course it's because he exhausted his strength today!" Gin Shishi had just finished saying that with no apparent reason for a fight with his eyelids, he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

Looking at Yin Shi and Takasugi who were also falling into the mud and fell into a drowsiness, Jiang Cheng sighed helplessly and shook his head: "Hey~ Songyang didn't say that I needed to drag the two of you back. I knew it earlier. If you do, you should change the wig to help you with the aftermath. It always feels easier over there~"

Of course, even with such complaints, Jiang Cheng still leaned down and carried them up reluctantly, putting them on their backs one by one like a quilt.

"Really," Jiang Cheng raised his head and glanced at the dark sky that was still going down, and muttered uncomfortably, "This kind of weather, even if you skip class, you should bring an umbrella, idiots."

With that said, Jiang Cheng turned around and started slowly towards the Matsushita Village School...

Thinking of this, Gintoki stopped and looked again at the sky that began to rain uninterruptedly. After a long time, he finally heard the Shin Baja standing by the side of the convenience store, hiding from the rain under the eaves of the convenience store. Shouting, and because of this, he came back to his senses.

"... Yinsang, Yinsang, come here to hide."

Seeing Shin Ba Chi who was constantly yelling at him and Kagura standing beside him, Gin Shiro gently raised the corner of his mouth and walked over quickly.

"That guy... Sure enough, he is more suitable for an umbrella than that kind of sword or something."

"That guy?" Xin Ba Haw puzzled.

"Who?" Kagura asked.

"No, it's nothing." Yin Shi turned around and looked at the sky again, "Then, now I probably understand what was going on with the bag on his head at that time."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Xin Ba Hao still looked puzzled.

"Is it because of the excessive rain, the natural disorder has increased Aru?"

"Probably it was for the three "bad" students who skipped class." Yinshi murmured and continued, "and his own share."

"Xin Ba Chi! Ambulance!" Kagura yelled at Xin Ba Chi with solemn expression, "Silver sauce is no longer good Aru! At least let him die before dissecting the organs that are still usable and selling them as later. Alu, the fixed capital of the House of Everything!"

Ignoring Kagura's playing treasures, Yin Shi directly picked up an umbrella from the storage place with three umbrellas on the side, opened it and stepped into the rain.

"Go away, you two, and, take back the words I just said, no one will help hold an umbrella or something today..."

"Yin Sang!" Xin Ba Haw quickly reminded, "That's someone else's! You can't take it away casually! Very low quality!"

After just finished speaking, Xin Ba Ha suddenly discovered that Kagura had picked up an umbrella from the umbrella frame and held it up.

"Kagura-chan! It doesn't work anymore! That's someone else's!"

"Take it, Lao Ba." Yin Shi said without looking back, "just go back afterwards, and return to Yoshiwara."

Picking up an umbrella to prop it up and trotting to the Shin Baji of Gintoki and Kagura, he said, "What are you talking about inexplicably? Even if you want to, you should put it back in place, right?"

Yin Shi did not answer, as usual, with the little finger of his other hand digging his nostril, staring at "forward" with unmotivated fisheyes...

On the other side, it was still in that magnificent Japanese mansion.

"Miss Xiaoyu—Miss Xiaoyu—"

Yamazaki was in the backyard, looking for Xiaoyu's figure while shouting.

[It's terrible, let alone let her notice me, it turned out to be like this. Yamazaki, who was trotting in the backyard looking for Xiaoyu's figure, couldn't bear it in his heart.

Just after thinking about it, Yamazaki was suddenly tripped by the stone under his feet, and fell straight to the ground face down.

After a pause for two seconds, Yamazaki slowly climbed up on the floor and then thought: [No, no, let her notice me or something... blind date or something... these things didn’t matter... "At that time, I was because You re-energize with one sentence", just tell her this sentence. I can't even say such a simple sentence, and even hurt her. People like me are really terrible...]

At this moment, Xiaoyu's voice came from above Yamazaki.

"What are you doing in a place like this? Yamazaki-san? You can catch a cold."

Looking up at Xiaoyu who was holding an oiled paper umbrella in front of him who did not know when he would arrive, Yamazaki was a little panicked for a while, stepped back quickly and said: "Xiaoxiao...Miss Xiaoyu!"

"I'm extremely sorry, but I left midway on such an important occasion." Xiaoyu slowly approached Yamazaki and apologized.


"I remembered an important thing. I just went to prepare the materials. Please wait a moment." Xiaoyu explained, then turned and squatted down and started to vomit.




"Wait...wait, Miss Xiaoyu?" Yamazaki hurriedly stepped forward to check Xiaoyu's condition.

"Cough cough..." Xiaoyu continued without turning his head after vomiting, "I don't know if it was successful..."

With that, Xiaoyu turned around and handed the red bean bun with gasoline in his hand to Yamazaki, and then said, "Please use it, Mr. Yamazaki has to say it, right?"

Yamazaki was inexplicably stunned.

"Sure enough, Mr. Yamazaki's words are very suitable for red bean bread." Xiaoyu continued softly, "I am not known as a law enforcement officer who protects society. Although his work has not been seen by anyone, don't forget that someone will look at it somewhere. you."

Looking at Yamazaki who stood up and said nothing after taking the red bean bread, Xiaoyu quickly asked, "Mr. Yamazaki? Did I make any mistake again..."

"No," Yamazaki shook his head lightly, then smiled and thanked softly: "Thank you, Miss Xiaoyu, I'm already cheering up."

Looking at Yamazaki who took a bite of red bean bread with a smile on his face, Xiaoyu's face also showed a slight smile: "Great, then let's go back."

"No, it's all right. The matter has been solved perfectly."

"However, the relationship between Yinshi-sama and Shinsengumi..."

"It's okay, there is this monitor Yamazaki retired to monitor Shinsengumi."

Looking at Yamazaki, who was grinning and squinting, putting his hand on his forehead to salute like a schoolboy, Xiaoyu bowed and said, "Please work hard."

"Hi!" After plausibly responding, Yamazaki took another bite of the red bean bread.

But this time, Yamazaki was just starting to chew and suddenly froze and opened his bloodstained eyes, especially when he saw the mosaic stuffing in the red bean bread in his hand, he immediately vomited.


After vomiting, Yamazaki wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth. Before he had time to say anything, he suddenly found... Xiaoyu in front of him was vomited by himself just now.

"That...then what..." Yamazaki twitched his mouth, his face covered with black lines was covered with cold sweat, "That is... I will burn the words in return..."

At this time, Xiaoyu raised his head mechanically and picked up the mop that he had taken out from nowhere.

In short, after this, there was an uninterrupted roar and... Yamazaki's screams in the backyard of this mansion.

"Go back." Jiang Cheng raised his eyes and glanced at Yue Yong who was standing on the wall, and casually reminded him.

"Oh." After responding, Yue Yong retracted the kunai in his hand into his sleeve and jumped off the fence.

Looking at Yue Yong who was still wearing a formal suit, Jiang Cheng said helplessly: "I said you, what is it going to do if you still wear this kind of clothes?"

After all, Jiang Cheng turned and left slowly.

"It's Yoshihara's formal dress day!" Yueyong defended loudly, and then trot to follow Jiang Cheng and got under the umbrella very skillfully. At the same time, he hugged his hand and hummed and changed the subject, "You only Yeah, I didn't care about it, but I ended up in this place in the end."

"No, UU reading, I just came to see someone who knows how to do it because the machine (game equipment) suddenly went on strike." Jiang Cheng replied casually.

"Sure enough, even if it is a man like you, he will still do it when he should do it."

"Hey, it's too close." Jiang Cheng complained with a disgusting expression on his face, "Say, when you just went to the convenience store to buy an umbrella, couldn't you buy one for yourself?"

"Then what..." Yueyong turned her face away, and said forcefully: "I forgot to bring my wallet, because I changed clothes or something..."

"Hey—" Jiang Cheng deliberately made a long tone, curled the corners of his lips and said, "Isn't the head you forgot to bring?"

"Wash inside!"

(Xiaoyu's blind date, end.)

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