May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 657: : Don't underestimate mom! She listened to most of what you said...

"Maybe this fake Gintama ( find the latest chapter!

One day at noon, Yoshihara.

Jiang Cheng, who had just finished lunch, held a toothpick in his mouth and rubbed his bracing belly. After a full hiccup, he let out a surprised cry: "Huh? Yueyue is a little strange?"

"Didn't Jiang Chengsang feel it?" The Sun Wheel, who had just finished lunch, narrowed his eyes and smiled, "That kid has been a little absent-minded since the morning."

"Hey? Is there any?" Jiang Cheng replied, squinting his peasy eyes, "Isn't that woman always weird?"

Hilawa smiled and scolded, "Before Jiang Chengsang came to Yoshihara, Yueyue had always been stable."

"Stable?" Jiang Cheng still looked unclear, but then suddenly he thought of something. He took his hand and nodded and analyzed it on his own: "Indeed, some places are really stable all the time, compared with other animations. It’s different from the one that shakes up and down as soon as you run, month by month..."

Before finishing talking, the two Kuma Jiang Cheng, who were shot straight from the door, were on one side of his head, keeping his original posture, spraying blood to the other side of his head and falling straight down.


"What are you going to say!" Yue Yongbai, who came to the front of the restaurant at some unknown time, had blue veins in his eyes, and cursed at Jiang Cheng, who fell on the ground with blood spurting his body and twitching a few times from time to time. Is there only that kind of thing?!"

"No, it's just explaining a fact." Jiang Cheng, who was resurrected in place, struggled to get up, and at the same time defended solemnly, "In other animations, things like water polo shaking are very common. Operation! But Yueyue you..."

As he said, Jiang Cheng squeezed his chin and looked straight at a certain part of Yue Yong, "It seems unusually stable. Anyway, is your one really genuine? Isn't it a fake..."

Hmm...In short, when Yue Yong left, Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the floor, was already full of three points of suffering.

Pulling out the last kunai on his body, Jiang Cheng frowned and glanced at the sun wheel, and showed a serious expression: "Absolutely strange, isn't it? Where does that woman hide this large amount of kunai? Although I'm just guessing, but maybe..."

Jiang Cheng, who was hesitant to speak, squeezed his chin and said, "Right? And that was originally called a murder weapon? Maybe for that woman, it might be the place where the real murder weapon is stored."

With a smile, Hichirin put up an index finger and suggested: "Jiang Chengsang, I think you might as well ask yourself for this kind of thing."

"Hilin, do you think I'm an idiot?" Jiang Cheng vomited blankly.

"I thought if it was Jiang Chengsang, maybe he would really do that kind of thing."

Jiang Cheng waved his hand and sneered: "That's what a stupid guy would do. Wouldn't you ask Yueyue to give me a look to verify that kind of thing?"

"Jiang Chengsang, who can think of this possibility, is already a rare fool in the world." Sun Wheel reminded.

"Furthermore, if we take a 10,000 step back, we only need to know this kind of thing in our own minds." Jiang Cheng held up his hands and continued self-consciously, "No matter who would have one, two, three, four Someone else knows the secret. Yueyue must have something...falsified and don't want to be known by others."

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Cheng showed some approval on his face, and with a very sincere and candid look, he looked straight at a certain part of the sun wheel, "But speaking of it, in this respect, you are honest. There are so many."

Tick, tick...

Looking at the hot tea dripping from Jiang Cheng’s cheeks to the ground, Hirin covered her mouth pretending to be surprised and said: “Alala~ I’m sorry~ I accidentally spilled the boiling tea on you. I'm on my body~"

"No, I don't mind at all." Jiang Cheng raised his hand and wiped the tea on his face with his sleeve without hesitation, and then changed his conversation. ?"

"Um...Yes, what's wrong..." As he said, the sun raised his face and thought about it. After thinking for a moment, suddenly a flash of light flashed, and he put up an index finger and smiled and said: "It was from the morning At that time, facing Jiang Chengsang was a little different from usual."

"Hey? Are you there?" Jiang Cheng asked, squinting his eyes. "The feeling of Kuwu is even stronger than usual."

"It's correct to say that, but... I always feel a sense of caution."

"Careful? Why?"

"I don't know." Hichirin shook his head slightly, and then looked at today's waste newspapers that had been rolled into a ball in a trash can. "It seems like it started after breakfast after reading today's newspaper, but I I've also read today's newspaper, and it doesn't seem to be anything special... It's weird..."

Jiang Cheng showed a weird expression: "Has that woman become interested in current affairs recently?"

"No, I don't think so." Sun Rin shook his head again, then smiled lightly and continued: "Didn't you just say it? It's just that there was something wrong in the face of Jiang Chengsang. "

"She..." Jiang Cheng clasped his chest with one hand, and frowned with his chin in the other hand, thinking, "Couldn't she have discovered that I discovered her secret? That's why I was a little worried about me. Will you talk about this kind of thing?"

"I said it has nothing to do with that kind of thing." Rilun scolded with a smile, and then suddenly thought of something, "Speaking of which you went out with Yueyue yesterday? Could it be that something happened yesterday?"

Jiang Cheng replied: "No, just let her buy me a new game."

"On the way back?"

"On the way back..." Jiang Cheng closed his eyes and recalled vigorously.

—Recall the dividing line—

"Yueyue, somehow, I suddenly feel that you now have a charm that I usually don't notice."

Looking at the sincerity written on Jiang Cheng's side face, Yueyong's face blushed, but at this moment, only Jiang Cheng continued to say: "Anyway! Thank you! Thank you for buying this collector's edition game for me! Mom!"

"Who is your mother?! I don't want to be an idiot mother like you!" Yue Yong who reacted to the reaction instantly scolded with a blank eye, "And the only thing you care about is games! "

"You know? Yueyue?" Jiang Cheng turned his face to reveal a pretty hearty smile, "Are you still the first person who can help me keep track of the game's release time? If it weren't for your reminder, I probably would have thought about it. I can't get up. Thank you."

Yue Yong, who blushed inexplicably again, turned her face away silently.

"No, nothing, I just happened to remember it. I didn't deliberately remember such boring things."

"Here comes again~" Jiang Chengtan started, pretending to be helpless and shook his head, "Yueyue, maybe you can really become a good mother."


Blushing for a complete moon chant, some incoherent words began to rise: "You, you, what are you talking about?!"

"Yueyue, you really don't understand~" Jiang Cheng chuckled again and shook his head. "Aren't you just like the mother who bought the child the toy that the child has been talking about for Christmas?"

"Did you say it was that?!"

"Otherwise?" Jiang Cheng took it for granted.

—Recall the end dividing line—

"...Well, that's probably it."

"Hey? That's it?" Hirin was surprised. "Has nothing else happened?"

"I'll think about it again..." Jiang Cheng once again folded his hands and closed his eyes and thought.

—Recall the dividing line—

"Yueyue! Yueyue!" When Jiang Cheng stopped, he pointed to the advertising board in front of the roadside cinema with a sideways expression of surprise, "There, there!"

Yue Yong stopped for a long time, looking at the plastic-filled Mecha troupe theatrical advertisement on the advertising board and the excitement written on Jiang Cheng's face.

"Look at this, look at this~ please~"

Jiang Cheng, who is holding the billboard and not letting go, looks like a child who has seen his favorite toy.

Seeing Jiang Cheng who looked like this, Yue Yong sighed heavily while supporting his forehead.

"No way, but I have to go back to Yoshihara immediately after reading it."

"Thank you~ Mom!"

"Who is your mother!"

—Recall the end dividing line—

"...There seems to be something like this." Jiang Cheng continued with an index finger.

"I always feel... Yueyue is also very hard at ordinary times." Sun Run smiled awkwardly, and then asked, "What about after?"

"Ordinary people have watched movies, and ordinary people are back." Jiang Cheng replied honestly.

"What else happened?"

"I'll think about it again..." Jiang Cheng thought about it again.

—Recall the dividing line—

The owner of the convenience store, when he saw Jiang Cheng passing by, waved his **** special issue and shouted: "Brother~ Your favorite magazine is new~ Every one is full of energy~"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng stopped and looked over at the same time.

"Hey." Yue Yong reminded him expressionlessly.

Jiang Cheng chuckled, waved his hand and replied: "Don't worry, no matter how much you say, the child won't let his mother buy that kind of thing. I still have this common sense."

"I said it's not your mother!"

"Sorry, Yueyue, you should go back first." After saying that, Jiang Cheng started walking towards the shop owner, "Your son... is flying in the direction of an adult. Parents should let The children fly freely...ooh!"

Before finishing talking, Jiang Cheng, who was kicked hard by Yue Yong on his back, screamed and flew straight towards the shop owner.

"Ah, it really flies now." Yue Yong said coldly.

"Brother, this time they are all fine products~" The shop owner leaned over, showing a smirk, and said quietly, "I should understand when I see this cover?"

"Humph," Jiang Cheng snorted as he got up, "Cover? Do you think I'm a man who will be attracted by the cover? Does the cover of av still don’t match the content? How can you know if you don’t read the content... ! Wait! Yueyue! I haven't..."

Yue Yong, who dragged Jiang Cheng and walked towards Yoshihara on his own, reminded coldly: "Shut up, you scum."

—Recall the end dividing line—

"...In short, such a regrettable thing happened." Jiang Cheng nodded and said, holding his hands in his arms, with a bit of regret on his face.

"Jiang Chengsang really doesn't hide his preferences at all..."

"Of course, men should be honest with their instincts!"

"In other words, if Jiang Chengsang confessed to a woman, he would say..."

"Come with me!" Jiang Cheng took it for granted.

"Don't die," Hirin said with a smile.

"No, I didn't want to send you a post with Hirin. Although I used to be an oiran or something, to be honest, I have never felt the charm of you who is already a Baba."

"Sorry, sorry~ I accidentally slipped my hand again~"

"Look? I'm at an age where my hands often slip."

"Ah! It's slippery again!" After deliberately pouring hot tea on Jiang Cheng's head again, Rilun asked, "But then again, did these only happen yesterday? Are there any more?"

"The remaining words..." As he said, Jiang Cheng thought again, UU reading "That is, Yue Yue asked me when I would leave Yoshiwara, and then I said, "At least pay off the initial debt. After" this kind of nutritious conversation. "

"No, this is the main point, okay? No matter how you look at it, the problem lies here, okay?"

"After that, when I was passing by a cigarette shop, my mother-in-law called out and bought a lottery ticket or something." After that, Jiang Cheng touched the back of his head and smiled. Waiting for prizes or something, but the lottery ticket disappeared yesterday, and I didn’t even remember the number. I really don’t fit that kind of thing. Ahahaha..."

After listening, Rilun glanced at the lottery lottery numbers written in the newspaper in the trash can, and the fog gradually dissipated.

[That lottery ticket happened to be there in Yueyue, right? 】Hilin raised her eyes and glanced at Jiang Cheng, who was still smiling non-stop, 【And...couldn't it happen to have won the lottery, right? If the words Jiang Chengsang said yesterday on the match... it wouldn't be so coincidental, would it? 】

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 673 Don't underestimate my mom! She listened to most of what you said!) Read the record and open the bookshelf next time. See!

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