Time came to noon unconsciously.

Just stepping into the restaurant, Jiang Cheng, who was standing at the entrance of the restaurant, noticed the movement behind him, turned around and looked at Yue Yong who had just passed by the restaurant in the corridor, and shouted suspiciously:

"Yueyue, it's already lunch. Where are you going?"

Upon hearing the sound, Yue Yong's body trembled, as if she was suddenly startled by something.

"Hey, what's wrong with you today?" Jiang Cheng showed a look of uncertainty, so, "Why does it feel like being taken aback?"

"No, no, nothing," Yue Yong turned around, cleared his throat with his hands, and said pretentiously, "It's just not hungry."

At this moment, the sun wheel sitting in front of the dining table in the restaurant said in surprise, "Hey--? Are you hungry? I'm obviously ready to make the monthly share."

"Really, no matter how workaholics are, there should be a limit," Jiang Cheng shook his head reluctantly, and then pointed his finger into the restaurant, "At least eat well when it's time to eat. Come on."

"Well, since the sun wheel has done it, then I'll eat a little bit..." Yue Yong agreed and walked slowly towards the restaurant.

"Are you really okay?" Jiang Cheng asked suspiciously, "I always feel that my expression is a bit reluctant."

Yueyong, who had just passed by Jiang Cheng, shook her body again, pretending to be calm, but stumbling and replied: "No! I, I'm fine!"

"Is it physically uncomfortable?" Jiang Cheng asked again, then chuckled and shook his head and continued: "If so, it's not that I can patrol you in the afternoon. Of course, the premise is to pay me the payment in advance. Whatever you want Just give 300 million or something."

Yue Yong was shocked again, and yelled incoherently with her eyes blank: "Say, what are you talking about?! Why is it costing 300 million! Why is it costing 300 million to patrol me! You are just enough!"

Seeing Yue Yong, who was almost on his face, gritted his teeth with white eyes and violently blue veins on his face, Jiang Cheng waved his hand and laughed: "It's just a joke, it's just a joke, Yueyue."

Yueyue returned to her usual cold attitude, staring at Jiang Cheng with cold eyes, and said coldly: "Jokes can be divided into ones that can and can't be made. If you make such a joke, I will kill you..."

Looking at Yue Yong’s eyes with no temperature at all, listening to the threats in Yue Yong’s cold words, Jiang Cheng was silent for a while, pointing to Yue Yong, looking at the sun wheel and asked: "Is this guy really okay? Is the kind of joke just now a joke that you can’t make?"


At lunch time, Jiang Cheng stared at Yue Yong's chest, who was sitting opposite him, with suspicion while eating lunch.

If it were changed to normal, Yue Yong would have taken out Kuwu to tie Jiang Cheng into a hornet's nest, but now it is different, and Yue Yong did not make any moves at all.

Yue Yong, who was eating with chopsticks and not chopsticks, was slightly surprised after feeling Jiang Cheng's undisguised gaze.

[Has it been noticed? 】Yueyong thought in her heart, 【This idiot has noticed that he has won the prize and suspects that the winning lottery is in my possession? Not only was the figure of 300 million just deliberately said, but there was also the suspicious look now, could it be...Is it already beginning to doubt the fact that I put the winning lottery ticket in my arms? ! 】

"Well, Yueyue..." Jiang Cheng finally couldn't help it at this time. He reached out to a certain part of Yue Yong and said, "Although I know it's a bit rude, I still can't help but want to ask you."

"Wh, what?" Yue Yong asked pretendingly calmly.

"It's about that..." Jiang Cheng continued, "Can we talk alone for a while? Don't worry, I know you can't speak out in the public. But when two people are alone, it doesn't matter to tell the truth. . I’m really just curious, there is absolutely no other meaning!"

"You, what are you talking about?!" Yue Yong was anxious in an instant and argued loudly, "How could I happen to pick up your lottery ticket that landed on the ground! How could I bring that stuff into my arms? It's here! It's impossible! You guys give me a little bit more!"

"That..." Jiang Cheng replied weakly, "I haven't said a word about the lottery ticket. But then again, Yueyue, you also know about the lost lottery ticket. Although you know it is impossible to win the lottery. , But if I lose it, I still feel a little pity, ah ha ha ha..."

"Yes, yeah," Yue Yong also laughed, but he smiled somewhat reluctantly, "I mean, it's impossible to think about winning a lottery only after buying a lottery ticket. The odds are as low as one in a few hundred thousand. Don't put hope on that kind of thing. It's just idiotic dreams."

"Oh!" Jiang Cheng showed a look of surprise, "I didn't expect Yueyue you would occasionally say some real truths! It's too rare! Obviously, no matter what you do, you just throw away the suffering!"

Yue Yong cleared his throat and replied pretentiously, "I know this, this kind of thing. In short, don't think about winning the lottery and other unrealistic things for the time being."

"I never thought about it," Jiang Cheng replied, squinting Doudou's eyes. "When I bought it yesterday, I just happened to have some change and happened to be called by the mother-in-law."

[Happens to win another 300 million...] Yueyong added something in his heart.

"How could you win a lottery in that situation~" Jiang Cheng waved his hand in disapproval.

Seeing Jiang Cheng's performance, Yue Yong was truly relieved in her heart: [It looks like it's been fooled...]

But just after thinking about it, Yue Yong once again noticed Jiang Cheng's skeptical gaze staring straight at his chest.

【Do not! wrong! This man has not completely let go of the doubt in his heart! Was that just a disguise? ! Did you say that deliberately to make me slack? ! I really can’t underestimate him...]

[Those two things...] Jiang Cheng thought in his heart, [Are they really genuine? 】

[Calm down! Calm down! 】Yueyong keeps warning herself in her heart...or comforting herself, 【At this time, you must not be confused. Although 300 million is indeed among him, but... if you think about it, if he redeems the prize, he will definitely All bought into useless games. In order to prevent him from becoming that kind of scum, it is more appropriate to put it on me.

And rebate 10,000 steps...Ah, no, it’s 20,000...100,000 steps and said that after he redeemed the prize, he would really return the money to Yoshihara as the original arrears, so I just received the money. money. Although he doesn't know it personally, in my heart I can think that he has repaid the money. That's right, that's it! 】



Yue Yong, who was kneeling and sitting at the low table in the living room of his room, lowered his head and looked at the lottery ticket on the table blankly. Yue Yong's hand holding the pipe was still trembling slightly.

By the way, Yue Yong has maintained this position for more than an hour.

Looking at the crumpled newspaper on the table beside the lottery ticket, Yueyong checked the winning number again, and by the way, Yueyong had already checked the winning number more than 1,500 times.

[V—5739628...] Thinking about it, Yueyong finally changed her expression on her face, holding the table with two elbows, holding her head in both hands, tangled in her heart: [It is exactly the same no matter how many times! Why? ! Why did the idiot happen to win the lottery ticket! I can't understand it at all! Why do you want such a nit to win the lottery! There must be a limit to unfairness! Be fairer! Lord God!

What should I do? Want to tell him the truth? Want to tell him the truth? ! Do you want to give him the lottery ticket? ! Do you want to give it to him? ! So why do you have to win prizes at such a sensitive time? 】

At this moment, Yue Yong thought of the conversation he had with Jiang Cheng on the way back yesterday.

"You... will leave Yoshiwara someday, right?"

"Ah, yes."


"Why do you want to ask this question? Could it be Yueyue, are you reluctant to bear me?"

Thinking of Jiang Cheng’s tone when he said this, Yue Yong still couldn’t hold back the violent veins on his forehead, and couldn’t hold back the violent slurs like at the time: “Who would not bear that kind of scumbag squatting at home? !"

"Hahaha, I think so."

"So, when is it? I have to prepare ahead of time for the celebration party."

"You are too ruthless? Are you thinking about the celebration after I left? Well, forget it. Anyway, I haven't figured it out yet, but at least I should pay back the debt I owed before that, you Are you right?"


"Hey, what's the matter with your head? The reason why I was detained to Yoshihara by you will not have been forgotten? By the way, is this reaction no longer necessary?"

"How is it possible! The money owed at that time gave me a lot of money back!"

Thinking of this, Yue Yong looked down at the lottery ticket on the table again, and her heart became entangled again...

But at this moment, Jiang Cheng's voice suddenly came from the door.

"Yueyue, I want to go out."

Boom! !

Yue Yong squatted on the table in an instant, using her body to press the lottery ticket tightly.

"Knock on the door before entering and entering other people's rooms!" Yueyong reminded loudly with a flushed face~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

"No, I've knocked on the door." Jiang Cheng pointed in the direction of the side door, "but there has been no response, so I opened the door and came in."

"This, this way." Yue Yong secretly carried the lottery ticket into his arms, then sat up and cleared his throat and said, "Then what, you don't need to talk to me about this kind of thing."

"No, I just think something is wrong with you today, thinking about whether you want to go out and get some breath today."

"I'm fine."

"Suga," Jiang Cheng said, turning around, raising a hand and waved before leaving, "Then I will go out alone, bye."

【one person? ! ] Yueyong's heart suddenly slammed, [Could this person... just want to...]


Three seconds later, looking at Yue Yong, who was holding the pipe with one hand on his side and holding the pipe in the other hand, Jiang Cheng vomited blankly: "What is it going to do?"

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