Latest website: Yueyong curled his lips in disdain and continued: "Then, the general who wanders in the street in briefs, the Quanguo perverted in briefs, which one would you choose?"

"I choose to call the police." Jiang Cheng replied silently.

"No matter how you look at it, it's the last one, right?" Yue Yong frowned and replied, "Although it has been exposed more, the identity of the general has not been exposed, and his face has not been lost."

"No, I think I have lost something more important than my face, the basics of being a human..."

Yue Yong supported his chin and murmured, "That kind of thing shouldn't matter compared to the general's face, right?"

"I think the face is the least worth mentioning thing," Jiang Cheng waved his hand and continued casually, "The guy who clings to that kind of thing is the saddest creature."

Yue Yong replied casually: "So you have become a wasteful squatting at home?"

"Ahahahaha, Yueyue, are you sarcastic for me?" Jiang Cheng smiled indifferently, and then showed a serious expression on his face, clenching his fist and shouting: "It is a derogatory term to say that squatting at home is a derogatory term. I’ve never accepted it! If you want me to say it, squatting at home, office worker, nit, this is originally the same level of vocabulary!"

"You are the only person in the whole world who thinks that way." Yue Yong frowned and vomited, and then took a soft cigarette again, changing the conversation: "But having said that, the general is still at heart at this moment. Run out and play."

"What time?" Jiang Cheng asked without looking back.

"The current shogunate is not the previous shogunate," Yueyong replied softly, "even in Yoshihara, I can get some general trends of the shogunate from the shogunate who came. The current shogunate...but not at all. Not calm, the general...probably has become a puppet in the true sense.

His power has become a completely bottom existence in the shogunate. I heard that after the Hitotsubashi faction has also experienced something, its strength has also been reduced to a freezing point. I heard that the young master of the Hitotsubashi faction, who was previously infinitely beautiful, Now I have a dark face all day long. The intricate forms, the various combinations of intrigues, the eager subordinates, the flattery and perfunctory of hiding the knife in the smile, the surface is calm but it is on the verge of triggering, the General...It is really not easy. "

Jiang Cheng smiled casually: "Yueyue when did you become interested in these things?"

"It's just hearsay."

"So..." Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something after saying this casually, and smiled: "Speaking of which, Yueyue, you are also the leader of Baihua. Do you have any leader experience? For example... Keep it cold or something, not be caught by someone’s weakness or something, and... even if you don’t use any means to achieve your goal or something, right?"

"Are you an idiot?" Yueyong glanced at Jiang Cheng weirdly. "How could there be such a thing now, and after all, Baihua is just the Self-Defense Force to protect Yoshihara. Everyone is just for Yoshihara. Just gathered together all day."

"Ah, that's it."

"Then, now..." Yue Yong looked aside and stared at Jiang Cheng with loving eyes through the crack of the door. "It's just a group of idiots who are obscured by the appearance of an idiot." If it weren't for the lack of manpower, I would like to change a group of players and retrain."

"Hahaha, I really like them." Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes and smiled naively, "Sure enough, girls should be innocent and lively."

"Sama Jiang said he likes me!"

"No, it's me!"

"Get out of the way! I have the biggest breasts, it must be me!"

"Do you think others can't see it after so much padding?!"

Listening to the noise coming from outside the door, Jiang Cheng slowly got up and stretched, then smiled and shouted: "Then the first time, Baihua's bust... physical examination, start now! Don't squeeze, line up. Come in one by one, close the door when you come in, do you understand?!"

"Hi!" ×n

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who didn’t know when to put on a white coat, pretending to be holding the case sheet, and the young ladies from Baihua who were vying to be the first place, Yue Yong shook his head reluctantly, and then...

Ignoring Jiang Cheng, who was stuck in a pool of blood and couldn't get up again, Yue Yong squeezed the pipe and turned around and left Jiang Cheng's room.

Before leaving the house, Yue Yong turned his head and glanced at the group of young ladies from Baihua who were clustering around Jiang Cheng, and whispered to himself with some uncertainty: "If you want to say something...maybe only one member of the team is required. The core that you agree with will not be easily overthrown, right?"

(This article, the end.)

One night, Yoshihara.

Rarely, Jiang Cheng did not stay at home, but sat in the dumpling shop on the street, chatting with Sunwheel and Yueyong.

"Huh? It's a festival again?" Jiang Cheng was surprised, and then waved his hand disdainfully, "I'm not interested, the takoyaki smells all over the street, and I feel sick when I smell it. I don't want to stay longer for a minute."

"That's what I said, but there are many other fun things besides takoyaki." Hichirin smiled and raised an index finger, ""

"It doesn't matter if you don't know that kind of thing," Jiang Cheng replied indifferently, "Anyway, I just changed the kimono into a yukata and wandered in the street. No, wait, it's true in this sense. It’s very convenient. After all, it’s very troublesome to take off the kimono. For a yukata, just one piece is enough, in bed or something."

"Are you only thinking about that kind of thing?" Yue Yong showed an unusually contemptuous expression.

"But... if you reach the mountain in a short time, it feels like something is missing." Jiang Cheng murmured while supporting his chin. Happiness or something. But...the kimono has a lot of obstacles, and I think the yukata is better. It’s really hard to choose."

"It's not good to say that there are too many obstacles, right?" The Sun Wheel who was taking notes asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"Why should you listen to an idiot so seriously about this kind of thing?" Yue Yong complained angrily. "Why do you still remember the sun wheel!"

"No, I just want to give some service improvement suggestions to Yoshiwara's store." Hilawa explained with a smile, "The well-tested Jiang Chengsang must be able to make very useful suggestions."

"Yeah, that's right." Jiang Cheng held his hands and nodded, "Don't underestimate me, Yueyue, you must know that when traveling, most of my accommodations are in various In the shop."

"Really?" Yue Yong took out Kuwu, condescendingly, and looked at Jiang Cheng coldly: "Then, I will collect some interest on you for the women you owe debts. Are you ready? Scum?"

"Why do you know..." Jiang Cheng blurted out subconsciously, but then quickly changed his words: "No, wait! I've never done anything like that! I've played the IOU!"

"Wash inside! Scum!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah…!"

At the festival full of the smell of octopus, one of Jiang Cheng's most hated, listening to the laughter of the little ghosts, the laughter of the lovers coming and going, and the yelling of the dazzling stall owners on the side of the road.

Jiang Cheng, who hugged the Hinawa in a yukata in the position of a princess, squinted and asked, "I said... Is something wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Hichirin asked with a smile.

"No, although it is for you who have been living underground to enjoy the festival, although everyone put on yukatas, and although they did come to the festival,...Why is it in this format? Why should I hold you?"

"Isn't it because the two of you broke my wheel while making a fuss?" Hichirin smiled and raised an index finger and continued.

Hearing the sound, Yue Yong, who was also wearing a serious yukata standing aside, turned her face silently.

"So it has nothing to do with me, right?" Jiang Cheng narrowed his peasy eyes and said, "It's all the woman's fault, right? It has nothing to do with me, right? Why is it me who is responsible for the fault? Why does the protagonist hold this An elderly woman went to the festival..."

"God~ the takoyaki at the festival is really different from what you usually eat~" Hirin said with a smile while holding the takoyaki, "How is it? Is it delicious? Jiang Chengsang?"

"Bah!" Jiang Cheng hurriedly turned his head and vomited the takoyaki that was stuffed in his mouth, "Hey! Give me a little bit! Eating this kind of thing and holding such an oiran is in my eyes. It's just as annoying as an old and unattractive Baba feeling!"

"Let's have a live octopus~" Hirin said to the shop owner with a smile, and then stuffed the live octopus into Jiang Cheng's mouth.

"Bah, baah! Believe it or not! Baba!"

"Ah!" The sun wheel suddenly made such a sound, and then quickly covered his mouth, blushing, and said quietly: "Jiang Chengsang, it's like this on the street... so... so bold..."

"Hey, where are you touching?" Yue Yong's eyes became cold.

"Idiot?! Do you believe what this woman says?!" Jiang Cheng directly exploded, "I have no interest in this kind of old woman!"

"Yeah! Again..." Hichirin exclaimed, covering her mouth, but then she turned her face away and apologized quietly: "I'm sorry, I'll be patient... But don't be too bold. After all, there are so many people... "

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng's blue veins popped out one after another on his forehead, clenching his teeth, and reminding quietly: "Hey, you give me a little more than enough, smelly old lady, I said to you..."

"Yeah~! There!"


"Really, how can anyone visit the festival like this?" Jiang Cheng curled his lips disdainfully, "No matter how you look at it, isn't it strange? Passers-by find it strange, and they all look at us with weird eyes. "

"God, God~" Sun wheel covered his face with a smile, "I thought Jiang Chengsang wouldn't care about this kind of thing, such as other people's strange eyes."

"What silly thing to say? Of course I don't mind that kind of thing." Jiang Cheng replied casually, and then showed a serious expression on his face, "I just think that if people think I have something weird xp or something, just It's awful."

"Yeah~! Jiang Chengsang, you really are~~~!" Hichirin yelled, covering his face like this, "I can't say it!"

"Hey! You are the guy!" Jiang Cheng yelled frantically, "Hey! Yueyue! It's your turn! Convert! Convert!"

"It's really true," Sun Wheel nodded and said, "It's indeed time, so let's change the moon and the moon."

"Ah, it doesn't matter to me." Yue Yong said casually, his expression indifferent.

Hearing the sound, Hichirin smiled and raised an index finger: "So..."

Two minutes later, sitting on the sun wheel in a wheelchair that I did not know where he got it from, Jiang Cheng looked at Jiang Cheng who was holding Yueyong in a princess hug in front of him and smiled and said, "Well, the replacement has been completed."

"What kind of conversion is this!!" Jiang Cheng, who had recovered from his senses, blasted his hair directly, "I said that Yueyue's turn is...No, wait, where did you get your wheelchair! If you have that kind of wheelchair, get it early. Come out!"

"Hey, you bastard, touch..." Yue Yong finally recovered, his face flushed completely in an instant, and his eyes turned into mosquito-repellent-like soldiers who kept spinning. Then he struggled, "Where did you put your hand! Pervert! Go to hell! Go to hell!"

"It doesn't matter to me!" Jiang Cheng retorted angrily, "After all, I haven't touched it anywhere, and it seems that you jumped on it yourself! Give me enough, stinky woman!"

"Did I make a mistake?" Hichirin asked with a smile, and then raised an index finger again, "Then replace it with..."

Three minutes later, Jiang Cheng in a wheelchair, squinting Doudou's eyes at Yueyong in his arms, and then at the Sun Wheel standing on crutches, and then frantically complained: "No! Why is it? That's it! So can you stand up? Can you stand up?! Hey—!"

"Let go of me! Let me go! You bastard!" Yue Yong blushed again and rubbed Jiang Cheng's head frantically. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"No, you just let me go! Let go of my neck, stinky woman!"

"Could it be that I made a mistake again?" Hichirin asked with a smile, and then raised an index finger again, "Then this time..."

Three minutes later, looking at Jiang Cheng who was being picked up by Princess Yueyong, the sun lightly clapped his hands and said, "Yo Xi, it's okay if you do this, no one has any opinions, so be it."

"Is that so?!!!" Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong shouted at the same time.

"No, I think you two may just want this, so I satisfy you both."

"That's not it!!" Jiang Cheng ranted frantically, and then jumped down first, "It's ok to walk side by side with a little normal! You don't need to hug at all! Nobody needs to hug!"


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