May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 693: : Atmosphere is also an additive!

The latest website: "That's it, it's okay to be side by side." Hichiwa smiled embarrassedly. "Sorry, it's the first time to visit this kind of festival, so I don't know anything except wearing a yukata."

"Really," Jiang Cheng curled the corners of his mouth with some irritation, and then shook his hand. "Well, forget it, even if you don't have common sense, just see how others do it. It's just going to a festival. , Where are there so many rules? Just as shopping."

"Let's see what others do..." Rilun murmured under his chin, and then pointed to a pair of young couples who were walking around the temple fair and asked Xiang Jiangcheng: "So, do you have to hold hands like them?"

"Huh? What silly thing to say?" Jiang Cheng was surprised, and then he showed some impatience, and then said: "The kind of boring thing that a young couple who has just been together for not long will do, holding hands to go shopping. A temple fair or something, eat an apple candy together, say a few words about me and me, and the real apple or something in the hotel.

After all, it is only this time. After tasting the real apples, it is no longer possible to go to the temple fair together like today. have you heard of it? Eighty percent of couples who have visited the temple fair together will break up. "

"Uncle, do you believe it?" The young couple stopped just now, and the boy gritted his teeth and cursed bitterly while looking at Jiang Cheng.

"Who's the uncle! Brat!" Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth in an instant, and shouted with blank eyes: "Don't you think you **** planned that way? Don't you plan to eat real apples?!"

"Hey!" The boy blushed in an instant, with white eyes and loudly argued, "No—! This was just picked up! I threw it away as trash for a while! I definitely didn’t want to eat Yoko. What an idea of ​​Apple!"

"Hey—really?" Jiang Cheng shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and then kicked the trash can in front of the boy.

"This smelly uncle..." The boy gritted his teeth with a distressed face, and then tremblingly stretched out his hand to take out the hotel coupon that showed a corner of it.

"Hurry up, your girlfriend is still watching you." Jiang Cheng said deliberately, "Hurry up, hurry up!"

Looking at the surprised girlfriend who was covering his mouth, the boy finally bit the bullet and put the hotel's coupon tremblingly into the trash can.

[A plan made two months in advance...] The boy couldn't bear to say, [It was ruined by such a smelly uncle! I...the high-end hotel booked! How can it be repaired! 】

"Bye~ Have fun~" Jiang Cheng smiled and waved goodbye to the two.

The boy was trembling with anger, but he could only pretend to smile calmly.

"Hey, you can just stop it." Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng and said.

"What?" Jiang Cheng looked disapproving, "I just helped save the purity of an ignorant girl. I just guarded the most important apple of the ignorant girl. It's a good thing."

"No, I think you are just just being nosy." Yue Yong replied silently, and then pointed to the couple in the distance, "Look."

Looking at the direction of Yue Yong pointing to the ground, Jiang Cheng discovered that the girl in the couple found a reason to get away at this time, and then walked straight in his direction.

"Yeahhhhhhh~ It seems that it is not without gain to go out to visit the temple fair today~" Jiang Cheng shook his head and said with some emotion, "Sorry, Sunwheel, Yueyue, I will have some sweets today. Well, it's really a windfall."

Hearing the sound, Yue Yong's eyes on the side were contemptuous almost to the essence.

Jiang Cheng naturally raised his hand and waved and said to the girl who was walking towards him: "Don't worry, I am different from that boyfriend. I have more than one hotel coupon."

"Is that this?" Yue Yong complained contemptuously.

The girl stopped in front of Jiang Cheng at this time, with a smile on her face, and then...

He bent over and picked up the hotel coupon that the boy had just thrown away from the trash can.

"What's the matter? Uncle? Bah!" The girl frowned and spit out a slobber to the side. Then she turned around and instantly switched her expressions, smiling and jogging towards the boy.

Seeing Jiang Cheng with a stiff smile on his face and messy alone in the wind, Yue Yong let out a puff of cigarette lightly, and said indifferently: "Did you see it? Uncle?"

At this time, Jiang Cheng took a deep breath.

"Who is the uncle! Stinky woman!"

"Ceremony or something... I really can't underestimate it." Hirashin murmured while supporting his chin.

"Right? The carnivorous women are always staring at the fragrance of a boy like me..."

The Kuwu in Yue Yong's hand did not give Jiang Cheng a chance to finish speaking.

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who fell straight to the ground with blood spraying from the back of his head, Yue Yong said lightly: "Don't worry, no one will be interested in your banana."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng raised his head tremblingly and looked at Yueyong, and replied: "Yueyue, your durian is very safe at the festival."

"Who is durian! Bastard!" Yue Yong cursed with her eyes filled with blue veins.

"Then, you don't have to worry about the sun," Jiang Cheng, who got up, shook his head lightly and showed pitying eyes, "Although there is "the banana that is about to rot is the best time to eat", but Because there is a possibility of diarrhea after eating, you are also safe. "

"A portion of fried noodles just cooked~" With a smile, Hilawa threw the fried noodles that he had just received from the store directly onto Jiang Cheng's face.

"It's hot! No, it smells!" Jiang Cheng yelled in an instant, "Hey! Just enough! I hate seafood! It smells! The nose can't stand it! Disgusting! I will have nightmares at night! Absolutely. Dreaming of a nightmare of the same level as being forcibly fed a banana that is about to rot!"

"Hi, add one more fried noodles~"

"Hey...Is something wrong?" Jiang Cheng asked, squinting his eyes.

"Huh? Is there any?" The Sun Wheel, who was sitting on Jiang Cheng's left shoulder, said with a smile.

As he said, Hi-Chain looked at Yue Yong who was sitting on Jiang Cheng's right shoulder and had not recovered.

"" Yueyong blushed again, his eyes turned into mosquito-repellent coils and kept spinning, and there was a faint green smoke rising from her head, "Don't touch my **** with your shoulder. !"

"It's the opposite! It's the opposite!" Jiang Cheng grumbled in an instant, "you don't touch my shoulder with your ass! You jumped up again! I didn't do anything. what!"

"Okay, okay." The sun wheel, who had come down from Jiang Cheng at some point, said softly with emotion while sitting in a wheelchair with the tea he had gotten from nowhere.

"How big you are!" Jiang Chengbai, who was pinched tightly by Yueyong's neck, shouted, "I'm dying on my side! I can hardly breathe! How did you go down? Normal people need to be flexible!"

Somehow, Yue Yong changed her posture at this time and was riding on Jiang Cheng's neck, pinching Jiang Cheng's neck tightly.

"Hey, you give me enough!" Jiang Cheng raised his head, gritted his teeth and whispered bitterly, "I said you jumped up by yourself! By the way...don't pull your hair!! Absolutely not. !"

At this moment, Yue Yong, who was pinching Jiang Cheng's neck with one hand and pulling Jiang Cheng's hair with the other, was stunned for a moment when her eyes were facing each other.

Afterwards, "cooking smoke" slowly rose from Yue Yong's head again.

Ignoring Jiang Cheng, whose head was smashed into the fried noodles, and the two legs in the air were still twitching from time to time, Yue Yong gave a bit of blush.

"Disgusting man."

"Hey!" Jiang Cheng, who had fried noodles on top of his head, instantly rebutted with a blank eye, "Who is a disgusting man! Did I do anything disgusting?! It's you who disgusts! You don't even have underwear in a yukata? …"

boom! Boom! Cang! Flop! thump!

After this onomatopoeia effect, a translucent shadow slowly emerged from Jiang Cheng who fell to the ground and slowly rose into the air.

"God, Yueyue..." Sun Wheel covered her mouth and said with some surprise, "I didn't expect you to be so bold..."

"It's all Hilina you said!" Yue Yong blushed and said loudly, "It's all Hilina who said you should wear a decent yukata on this occasion! I just listened to you!"

(Yukata: Under normal circumstances, underwear is not required in the yukata.)

"No, I'm serious..." Hichirin explained with a smile, "Just don't wear the kind of split ends, otherwise you will be dressed as a cheongsam in the original yukata."

"Then make it clearer!"

"I thought Yueyue must understand..."

"Enough! I'll go back and change my clothes!" With that, Yue Yong turned around and left with a blushing face.

Jiang Cheng, who had returned from Jiewangxing, patted the dust on his body and sat up, looking at Yue Yong who was far away thoughtfully.

"Jiang Chengsang, Yueyue is actually similar to me." Sunrin squinted and smiled, and at the same time stretched out his hand to turn his wheelchair and walked forward slowly. It's a temple fair."

"Really?" Jiang Cheng said casually, and at the same time slowly followed the side of the sun wheel, "didn't we also come to the festival before?"

"But that time, for some reason, it seemed that I only watched a robot performing halfway, right?" Hilawa replied with a smile, "I haven't experienced any other temple fair projects, right?"

"Some things are enough to enjoy the atmosphere, isn't it enough?" Jiang Cheng said indifferently, with a disapproving expression. "Anyway, all temple fairs are the same. Get a goldfish or something, eat a mashed yaki or something, fried noodles, octopus, etc. Burn...Finally, I will watch a firework show or something, which is just to piece together some extremely common things."

"Perhaps this is the case," Rilun smiled, and then raised his head to look at the fireworks blooming in the sky, "but didn't Jiang Chengsang also say it? The atmosphere is always different. It's always different on the street. The takoyaki that I bought is different. The takoyaki at the temple fair has a special taste."

"Hilin, I..." Jiang Cheng said with a serious expression again, "I won't give you my Bana..."

"Freshly baked okonomiyaki~!" With a smile, Hichirin smashed the okonomiyaki that he had just received on Jiang Cheng's face and prevented Jiang Cheng's rogue remarks.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Jiang Cheng, who caught the okonomiyaki with his mouth, chewed heavily, and then swallowed.

"It doesn't usually taste like..." Jiang Cheng murmured, and then stopped in front of a stall selling all kinds of masks.

Yue Yong, who had changed his clothes, or filled up two pieces of clothing, returned to the temple venue once again. It is worth mentioning that the crimson on Yue Yong's face had not completely receded.

Yue Yong, who did not find the figure of Sun Wheel and Jiang Cheng among the people coming and going, frowned slightly, and then turned around to find another place.

But at this moment, a man (Jiang Cheng) wearing a civet mask stood in front of Yue Yong.

", no, miss," Jiang Cheng cleared his throat and said, "Will you go to the temple fair alone? If you don't mind, do you want to go together?"

Looking at the man in front of him, Yue Yong was stunned, then turned his face slightly, and responded quietly: "Um...but...yes."

At this time, although the situation is different, the orangutan, who wears a cockroach mask like Jiang Cheng, is following Ah Miao with joy.

[... Whether he is a cockroach or something, I recognize it! 】

But at this moment, the sound of a rotten fish can called A Miao and the roach mask man.

"Guest, do you want to come and play?" The natural scroll sitting at a certain table greeted him, but immediately reacted, "Ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, who am I, it turned out to be miao." "

"Yin Sang..." Ah Miao stopped, and when she looked at Yin sitting at the table, she let out a surprise.

[Why is this guy here! ] Kondo was surprised.

"What are you doing here?" Ah Miao asked.

"Yeah, we also want to make a profit during the celebration." Yin Shi said while shaking his fan, "What are you doing, do you have a cockroach?"

"You, you are too rude!" Kondo said dissatisfied, then pointed his thumb to himself, "I am not a cockroach! I am a masked cockroach rider!"

Looking at Kondo posing as an old gangster in the Showa era, Gintoki casually continued, "Is it the captain of the cockroach? Isn't that the cockroach?"

"No! It's the captain of the cockroach!"

"So it's a cockroach?"

"This is really rude, UU reading Yinsang." A Miao said with a frown, "He is helping me find the lost Kagura sauce, a very kind cockroach. NS."

"In the end, he is still a cockroach." Gin Shiki replied casually, then stared at the fisheye and continued, "For Kagura, he is chasing Xin Ba Hao's purse all over the street. It is estimated that sooner or later Get caught."

A Miao opened her eyebrows and smiled instantly, folded her hands and said, "That's great, then I can see her when I wait here."

As he said, Ah Miao looked at Kondo on the side and thanked him with a smile: "Captain Cockroach, thanks to your help, it has been resolved."

At this time, Kondo, who was lying on the huge sticky board that he got it from nowhere, said bitterly: "It's careless! I didn't expect that there would be cockroach stickers in such a place!"

Seeing Kondo struggling on the sticky board, Ah Miao hurriedly shouted: "Captain Cockroach!"

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