May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 704: : There are some things that the more grown-ups can’t easily ask!

The latest website: "That...the new eight..."

It wasn't until Kagura disappeared at the top of the stairs, and the silver time came to his senses that he stared at the dead fish eyes without energy and asked without energy: "What is the boyfriend? Is this something?"

Looking at the picture of only a dead tree that Yin Shi raised up, Xin Ba Hao corrected: "No, this is a dead tree, a friend, a boyfriend."

"Oh, this is it."

Looking at the picture of the man who was lifted up by Yinshi being pierced by the barrel of dead branches, Xin Ba Hao corrected again: "No, no, that's the boyfriend's death (death), don't think about the tree anymore, separate the person alone."

"That's it."

Looking at the dead wood raised by Yin Shi-Chris's evolution process map, Xin Ba Haw said loudly: "Why did it become Chris's evolution map! This is just the evolution from a dead branch to a dead branch!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Jiang Cheng, who was constantly hitting the wall with his head, his eyes blank, and his mouth was still muttering to himself: "Dream, this is a dream... just a dream... wake up quickly, just a dream... just a dream. That's it... It must be yesterday's dream that hasn't been awakened yet..."

The owner of Xinghaifang on the other side was similar, he was kneeling on the ground and muttered in disbelief with an expression of pain, "How could this be? I said that I would reply next time, but I didn't expect it to be so fast, and he promised to associate!"

Seeing the two reacting in this way, Xin Ba Hao and Yin Shi just narrowed Dou Dou's eyes with no expression on their faces.

"You guy! How can you pay me?!" When the master of Xinghaifang stood up and pointed his umbrella tip directly at the silver without any hesitation, he stared at his bloodshot eyes and yelled: " If you look at Kagura well, things won't be like this!"

Jiang Cheng, who was persuaded by the New Eight Haunts, gritted his teeth and looked at Yin: "Look at what you have done! My... niece's braces will become like this in the future because of your poor supervision! What should I do? Pay me? Is it okay to die? Is it okay?!"

"Kagura-chan is my daughter, and it has nothing to do with you! By the way, your nominal uncle is also responsible! Why don't you look at Kagura well? Why should she be fostered in this kind of guy's house?"

"Huh?! What qualifications do you have to call me! Are you the same? Have a change! You go to Yoshihara to be that ghost night king or something, I'll go to my sister! Is it okay? Is it okay?!"

Looking at the owners of Xinghai Fang and Jiang Cheng who started arguing again, Yin Shi comforted him in a very indifferent tone: "You two calm down, I think it's probably a joke? No matter who makes a boyfriend, it won't be that. Kagura."

The owner of Xinghai Fang quickly took over: "It makes sense, this must be just a bad joke or a bad nightmare."

Jiang Cheng also calmed down, nodded his head and analyzed it for himself: "Indeed, according to the common people's opinion, things like Kagura's boyfriends are basically a fantasy."

"But I didn't mean it~" Yin Shi shrugged, and then continued: "Who would like that kind of vulgar and non-feminine little girl who only eats and vomits? We guess we were fooled. That is. Daughters who have inherited the bald's negative gene, all show a little confidence."

Jiang Cheng smiled and said: "That's right, how can the products of inferior genes be handed over to a boyfriend? It must be a joke, and I must want to test whether we care about her again? Ahahaha, it must be so. That's right. Ahahaha..."

"That's right," Xinghaifang said with a smile, "How could the little tadpole that used to swim in my dirty yin O...who is the dirty Owan daughter!"

When the owner of Xinghai Fang pulled up the collar of the silver, he said helplessly: "No, no one said that, I beg you, let your head like O pill calm down. Don't worry, no That happened."

At this moment, Xin Ba Hao on the side spoke in a very relaxed tone: "It can't be said absolutely."

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng and the three of them looked at Xin Ba Chi at the same time.

Xinbahao raised an index finger and said in a normal tone: "I heard that it is not unusual for elementary school students to fall in love recently. Kagura-chan looks young, but she is fourteen years old, and she looks good. She is a beautiful girl, and if you consider it comprehensively, it's not that there is no such thing...Ah!"

Staring with bloodshot eyes, the owner of Xinghaifang, who was full of special arrogance, pinched Xin Bajia's face, and asked in a voiceless voice: "Hey, what's the matter with the pupils? This planet is already like this. [Beep—] Is it chaotic? It's called the earth, has it actually become a shame ball?! Can it perish? Uncle, can I show my true ability?"

"Please calm down!" The feeling bad Xin Ba Haw hurriedly spoke out to persuade him: "Said it is a relationship, but in fact it is just for fun. The children are just playing!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xin Ba Hao's face was snatched by a natural scroll who also ignited a special arrogance.

"Hey, what's going on playing around?"

Seeing his special arrogance in front of him, and staring at Yin, whose eyes were about to lose his rationality, Xin Ba Hao was not well.

"Are you coming too?!"

"Could it be that they intend to wrap up "those things" in a notebook and throw them away after they have done everything they need to do? If they dare to do this, I remember to install a jet engine on their backpack and launch them to the end of the galaxy, okay? ! Can it be turned into a backpack seat, right? ! "

"You two calm down! I'm just assuming it!" Xin Ba Hao removed Yin Shi's hand and argued for reason, and then pointed aside Jiang Cheng, "You two are so excited! Also learn from Jiang Cheng Sang calm down a bit!"

"What a big deal," Jiang Cheng put his little finger in his ears and looked unmoved, then turned around, "Leave this to me."

"Hey? Jiang Chengsang, what are you going to do?"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Cheng held his umbrella in his hand and answered without looking back, "Of course I went to hunt all the boyfriends (men) on this planet, so the problem will be solved. ."

"A good way! It's my brother-in-law!" The owner of Xinghai Fang praised him, then his expression changed and he picked up the umbrella to follow Jiang Cheng, "I'm the one too."

When Yin Shi turned to follow suit, he praised: "You can think of some good ways in your head occasionally, Jiang Cheng."

"In the end, are you the most dangerous one?!" Xin Ba Haw broke down, and then rushed forward and stopped in front of the three of them, "Calm down! Calm down! Do this kind of death of the earth man, what is it? It can’t be solved! And it’s just a hypothesis! Hypothesis! If you care so much, just ask Kagura-chan directly?"

Jiang Cheng and the three of them stopped and looked at each other, and then they all withered.

"You go." Xinghai Fang said with his arms akimbo and said to Yin Shi on the side.

Yin Shi immediately retorted and accused: "Why am I going! You are her father, right?"

The owner of Xinghaifang clenched his fist and argued for reasons: "It's so noisy! I don't know how to deal with this kind of time just because it's my father! You should be able to deal with it easily? Go ahead."

"Hey, you're too boring to say that, right?" Yin Shitan complained, and then looked at Jiang Cheng, "Hey, go, don't you always say that you are Kagura's future father? This bald man just now Say that as long as you ask Kagura, you will agree with you. So go ahead."

"I don't remember that I agreed!" The owner of Xinghai Fang directly exploded.

"You guy! This kind of let me..." Jiang Cheng clenched his fist and couldn't bear to speak, then glanced at the Xin Ba Chi who was aside: "Hey, Xin Ba Chi, you go."

"Why did you throw it to me in the end?" Xin Ba Hao vomited.

Yin Shi shrugged his shoulders and replied: "Let’s be long-winded, it’s inconvenient for us, who are already at the top of the adult’s ladder, to point fingers at the young ones who are still climbing. This kind of task is suitable for you who have not started to climb up and are still on the ground. The creeping primitive life form."

"Who is the protozoan of Miba!" Xin Ba Hao retorted, then sighed again and waved his hand: "I see, I will ask her."

"Ah! Wait... wait a minute." Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi stopped at the same time thinking of something.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Don't ask anything..." Yin Shizaki said with a tangled expression while clutching his hair.

"Yes...Yes." Jiang Cheng also said.

"What the **** is going to cause trouble!"

Time came to night.

"I'm so hungry, is dinner ready Aru?"

Speaking, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Kagura has arrived in the living room, and after seeing the red bean rice already on the table, he exclaimed: "Wow! Red bean rice! What's wrong? Has something good happened Aru?"

Jiang Cheng, who was staring straight at Kagura's big eyes, was shocked for an instant, and then quickly threw the topic to the owner of Xinghai Fang: "Ah! Good thing! It seems to have happened, but this bald guy said it was announced during dinner. Woolen cloth!"

"Hey?! Me!" The owner of Xinghai Fang was startled, and then asked Yin Shi to the side with a panic and cold sweat, "What's the matter? Hello? What's the matter? After getting old, his head is not bright, just now. I told you and I forgot, so what's the matter? Yin Shi-kun?"

"Uh..." Yin Shi was also taken aback, and then he stammered, "That...boyfriend...boyfriend...your dad's curry spurted out of the crotch!"

"Is that a good thing, Alu?" Kagura looked at Xinghai Fang with his hands on his hips blankly.

"Um... ah~" The owner of Xinghai Fang touched his smooth and bright head, haha, "Because I have just been a little constipated recently, I want to celebrate with some difficulty. Ahahaha..."

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