May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 705: : The time limit of parents' desire to protect their children... is a lifetime...

The latest website: Yin Shi hurriedly took over: "Maybe it would be better to replace the red bean rice with curry? Isn't it? Oudosan?"

"Yes, that's right!" Jiang Cheng hurriedly raised his hands and nodded, "Sure enough, it's better to change to curry!"

The owner of Xinghaifang took the words: "Well, but it's bloodshot if it's sprayed too hard, this is also pretty good."

"I have no appetite anymore." Kagura turned around and walked towards the stairs.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" Yin Shi hurriedly stopped and admitted his mistake, "I was wrong, I shouldn't talk about this kind of thing while eating."

"I just made a joke just now. It was a joke before dinner that Yinshi opened every day." Jiang Cheng said haha, and then looked at Yinshi, "Anyway, I have already apologized, so forgive him."

"Yes, yes!" Yin Shi nodded hastily.

"Sit down quickly, it's rare that Xin Ba Hao did this specially." The owner of Xinghai Fang also persuaded.

"I'm moving—!" ×5


One foot under the table kicked Xinghai Fang's foot vigorously.

"What are you doing?!" Jiang Cheng, who was eating the red bean rice, glared fiercely at Xinghai Fang, and reminded quietly: "What are you eating? Ask me! Now take it out for you What kind of aura!"

"What does that mean?" The owner of Xinghai Fang glared at Jiang Cheng viciously while grabbing the red bean rice on the plate, and retorted quietly: "I am the real father of Kagura in the current situation! In the future! Too!"

"Then take out your current status and give it to me! Eat some wool!"

"Yeah! Come on! Bald!" Yin Shi also reminded in a low voice.

The owner of Xinghai Fang, who suddenly burst into blue veins on his forehead, replied in an uncomfortable voice with his eyes wide open, "Don't use the word bald, don't you think that white hair will not become bald? Then you are very wrong. Don't you know Grandpa Jam?"

(Grandpa Jam: The character in the anime "Anpanman" has Mediterranean-style white hair.)

"Isn't you the one with the hairstyle like Grandpa Jam?" Yin Shi vomited.

The owner of Xinghaifang glared at Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi with a burst of blue veins, and said in a low voice: "It's finally hard to have red bean rice. Do you two want to watch the opportunity slip away in front of you?"

Yin Shi burst into blue veins and whispered back quietly: "Huh? It's obviously that you don't even have the intention to celebrate half of the hair. What can you slip away if the hair follicles are all extinct?"

"It's not extinct! It's just an intermission!"

"Are you so afraid of knowing the truth? Are you still so afraid of your daughter becoming an adult?!"

Looking at Yin Shi and Xinghai Fang who were arguing quietly on the side, Jiang Cheng shook his head helplessly, then cleared his throat and said, "Ahem... that..."

Upon hearing the sound, the owner of Xinghai Fang stopped their movements at the same time as Yin Shi.

"What's wrong, Alu?" Kagura asked Xiang Jiangcheng.

"Actually that...boyfriend...boyfriend...boyfriend..."

Looking at Jiang Cheng who was working hard, Yin Shi and Xinghai Fang were cheering for him in their hearts.

"His stock is sprayed with curry today." The owner of Xinghaifang next to Jiang Cheng's finger said with a smile.

(The Japanese pronunciation of the boyfriend is the same as that of the third person.)

"Hey, let Aru not let people eat?" Kagura asked blankly, squinting Doudou's eyes.

"Can you still be useless?!" The foot under the Yinshi table kicked Jiang Cheng vigorously, and cursed quietly at the same time.

"It's useless at all!" Xinghai Fang also cursed quietly.

"It's not your turn to say it!" Jiang Cheng retorted quietly while holding the red bean rice with his eyes blank, "You two are asking! I am not her current father! Talking about me and you two It’s different. If it’s someone Kagura really likes, I will definitely bless them and attend the wedding ceremony! I will definitely take Kagura’s hand and hand her to the man I like!"

"You bastard! That's my job! It was me who attended the wedding ceremony! It was also me who delivered Kagura to the bridegroom!"

"Shut up! You banquet pudding!" Jiang Chengbai cursed quietly.

"What is a banquet pudding? Is it a wedding pudding? Dessert?! Is it just the last dessert of the banquet?! Want to die? Do you really want to die?!"

"Sorry, unlike you two guys, I really want to celebrate for Kagura." Jiang Cheng took all the red bean rice remaining on the plate into his mouth.

"Who is not talking about~" Yinshi shrugged, "I want to have another bowl now."

"What a joke! It's me who wants another bowl!" the master of Xinghai Fang shouted with Qingjin.

"Sorry, I'm already the second bowl." Jiang Cheng said easily, picking up the red bean rice that Xinbahao had just added.

However, Yin Shi and Xinghai Fang's two people reached out and pressed their heads into the plate at the same time.

Yin Shi: "I am the one who wants another bowl!"

Xinghai Fangzhu: "No, it's me!"

Jiang Cheng: "Go away from me both of you!"

Looking at the three Jiang Cheng who were arguing for some reason and rolling around on the floor for some reason, Kagura asked Xin Bajia who was aside, "What are they doing? Those three fools."

"Um, Kagura..." Shinba Haw looked at Kagura, and easily asked what Jiang Cheng hadn't been able to ask—

"-The thing just said, is it true that you said you had a boyfriend."

Hearing the sound, the three Jiang Cheng who were scrambling together stopped their movements and raised their ears at the same time.

"Actually, I don't really understand Alu either." Kagura said vaguely while pulling red bean rice.

"Hey?" Xin Ba Hao was taken aback.

"Although I received the love letter, I still don't quite understand it. I don't know anything about love or something, but I feel the seriousness and perseverance that is revealed between the lines in the letter, so if it's just a date, I think it can... "

Before the sound of Kagura's words fell, his three hands slapped **** the table.


"This can't work! Kagura sauce!" ×3

Yin Shi's eyes widened and shouted with a grim expression: "It is the most rude to agree to associate with the other party out of sympathy and pity!"

Jiang Cheng took the words with his big red eyes: "This kind of relationship is absolutely impossible to get happiness! Right? Silver time? Bald? This kind of thing needs to be understood early!"

"Yes! It's better to break up early, right? Yin Shi-kun? Jun-jun?"

"Yes," Yin Shi nodded without comment, "Don't make decisions lightly on major events in life, right? Jiang Cheng? Ou Duo Sang?"

"Yeah..." Kagura replied after thinking for a moment with his chin raised and his small face upside down: "But it's not a lot of people to like this kind of thing only after dating, and Fengzi got married, and that's what Dadbi is like Aru."

With that said, Kagura thought of the previous Xinghaifang master holding his chin, and said with a deep face, "There are also loves that start in bed."

After seeing this memory, Yin Shi and Jiang Cheng stretched out their hands and pressed Xinghai Fangzhu to the wall at the same time.

Yin Shi gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "You are the culprit! Asshole! What did you say to the child!"

Jiang Cheng's expression was also uncontrollable, half of his face twitched and he said, "You guy, what did you do to Jianghua sister before you started dating? Hey, do you want to die? Really want to be slaughtered by me. Yet?"

"You are not qualified to say me! Your wanted warrants are everywhere in the universe! Orpamon, Fula Lazi, and countless other planets. The hunting warrants are all posted to Suan. The place where the birds don’t poop!” Xinghaifang’s owner retorted with a blank stare, then looked at Kagura and said, “Isn’t there anymore! I didn’t mean that! Hey, God...”

"Anyway, I understand that there are still appointments so I went to bed first."

With that, Kagura turned and walked towards the attic stairs.

"Wait a minute, Kagura sauce." The owner of Xinghai Fang lowered his head and shouted to Kagura.

"Huh?" Kagura stopped, then turned around and let out a puzzled cry.

Yin Shi lowered his head and said, "If you are on a date, you can do what you want."

Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes and smiled and took the words: "But before that..."

"Can you take that boyfriend..." The owner of Xinghai Fang raised his head again and took the words.

"Do the Odosan introduced to you know each other?" ×3

Late at night, in a tavern in Kabukicho.

"Father, have another glass." ×3

Looking at Yin Shi, who was already drunk, and the owner of Xinghai Fang, and Jiang Cheng who drank countless white wine like water, Xin Ba Hao quickly reminded: "You three drank too much, right? You Jiang Sung-sang, would you like to drink water directly? By the way, you still have to see Kagura-chan's boyfriend tomorrow, right?"

"Stop talking! What a boyfriend, jerk!" The owner of Xinghaifang yelled while holding up his wine glass.

"That's right, bastard, a yellow-haired girl wants to have an impure relationship with the opposite sex, it's a hundred years early!" Yin Shi also drank it.

"I would never agree with that kind of stinky kid!" Jiang Cheng clenched his fist, desperately controlling his expression, "No! I would never agree!, before the age of 20 …Nor! Anyway, before Kagura that I think has grown up, it’s definitely not going to work!"

Xin Ba Hao silently complained: "That...isn't it too pitiful? By the way, how old do you think Kagura-chan can grow up?"

"No way race! Shut up!" Jiang Cheng roared.

Yin Shi held up his face and complained: "I didn't know how to refuse, so I got into the adult's elevator without authorization, and I didn't want to think about who had worked so hard to pull her up? Damn it, bastard!"

"Hey!" The owner of Xinghai Fang became unhappy for a moment, and pointed to himself with a burst of green veins and reminded: "This is my line, okay, uncle! When did you pull my daughter?"

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