May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 707: : An adult means someone who is big in every way!

Turning my head to see this scene of the new eight haws, the whole person is even worse: "Hey! What terrible altar do you build in someone else's house! By the way... Is it Mrs. Jianghua?! What do you guys think? Yeah!"

"It's been a long time, Xin Ba Hao." On the altar, Jiang Hua in the tablet spit out a cigarette lightly, smiled and said, "Don't be surprised, he talked to me like that when he was at home."

"Is it an ipad?!" Xin Ba Hao vomited, and then hurriedly said hello with a smile, "Oh, long time no see, Mrs. Jiang Hua. There are also things like the family status of Xinghaifang master Sang, everyone, everyone. I know it! Everyone in front of the screen knows it too!"

Yin Shi counseled his shoulders: "Anyway, wouldn't it be enough to just use this feeling to receive it?"

"It's too deliberate, but it feels super unnatural!" Looking at the three "adults" in front of him, Xin Baja retorted with some excitement with his fists clenched, "In this way, don't talk about Kagura-chan's boyfriend. My friends are running away!"

"Hey—I brought my boyfriend back to Aru."

At this time, Kagura shouted from outside the door.

Hearing the sound, Xin Ba Haw hurriedly picked up the messy refreshments on the table and the altar exuding strange aura.

"It must be done quickly! Madam, it's rude! And the three of you don't have to do anything extra, just sit and laugh wherever you go! It's okay!"

Upon hearing the sound, the three Jiang Cheng sat down on the sofa at the same time.

"Hey, do you remember our agreement?" Yin Shi lowered his head and asked.

"Ah." Xinghai Fangzhu and Jiang Cheng nodded at the same time.

"If anyone goes violently, other people must stop him. As the guardian of Kagura, as the father of Kagura, he must act as an adult who will never shame Kagura."

Sitting on a sofa alone, Jiang Cheng nodded and turned back: "Don't worry, we are three of us this time. We must know that the triangle is the strongest. There will never be any major problems. And the most important thing is. The thing is, Sister Jiang Hua is here now, which can definitely stop us."

After all, Jiang Cheng glanced at the tablet computer beside him, smiled and asked, "Right? Sister Jiang Hua?"

Jiang Hua on the other side of the screen just smiled and said nothing.

The owner of Xinghai Fang cleared his throat, closed his eyes and slowly said, "But don't underestimate me. If I should say, I will say that if you have a pure relationship like a young girl, I will definitely convey my support for them. . It’s okay. From the back, the other party is just an ordinary kid. If a big (excellent) adult speaks from the bottom of his heart, he must be able to understand. After all, we have become such a big (excellent) adult. He must have never seen it. Such a big (excellent) adult."

When the voice of the master of Xinghaifang fell, the sliding door between the hallway and the living room was also opened.

Looking at Kagura who walked in alone and closed the door, Gin Shizuo wondered: "Kagura, what's wrong? Where has your boyfriend gone?"

"Said that I can't enter this room." Kagura replied.

"Huh? Does he mind what?" With that, Yin Shi waved his hand, "It's alright, let him in quickly."

"I said he can't get in, Alu."

"I can't help it~ are you afraid?" Yin Shi shook his head reluctantly, and then shouted in the direction of the hallway: "Hey! Boyfriend! You can come in! There is nothing to be afraid of!"

Jiang Chengtan, who hadn't heard any movement outside, shook his head, and his face was somewhat relaxed: "Yeah, hey, he is just a shy little boy in the end."

"That's something that can't be helped." The owner of Xinghaifang also showed a bit of ease on his face, closing his eyes and adding a little "helpless" tone: "After all, three such big (excellent) adults gather together. When we are together, everyone should be scared when they meet. After all, the other person is just a child, just an older child."

However, the owner of Xinghai Fang just finished speaking, the ceiling above everyone's head suddenly blasted, and at the same time a huge foot stepped in and smashed the low table in front of the sofa.

The three Jiang Cheng, whose expressions were sinking at the same time, looked at the foot larger than the sofa in front of them for a moment, then raised their heads and raised their faces to look at the past. They saw the man who was more than seven meters tall and looked like a giant. After the legendary boyfriend, he opened his eyes wide and exclaimed at the same time.

"Nima is really a big kid!" ×3

"Introduce." Standing next to the "giant" wearing only thatched shorts, Kagura introduced to the three people, a mirror, and a pad in front of him: "This is my boyfriend, from the giant star Little Big Aru here."

"Hey? Wait... Hey—!" The new Ba Hao, who was temporarily used as an IPAD bracket, recovered, and then tremblingly pointed at the giant in front of him, "Kagura, the giant is... hey!"

"Hey, what's going on?" Yin Shi pointed to the giant in front of him with a black line at the corner of his eyes and looked at Jiang Cheng and Xinghai Fangzhu, "It's not the same as he said!"

"Cold... calm down, Yin Shi." Jiang Cheng cleared his throat, pretending to be calm and replied, "Uh, uh, uh, it must be something growing up? Isn't it all like this for children? I feel long after seeing each other for three days. What's older. Always calm down anyway, we are adults, we are adults!"

"No, this is obviously wrong! Obviously it is a genetic mutation! It's not alone with the one in your memory!"

The owner of Xinghaifang asked Xiang Kagura, "Kagura sauce, where is the kid who sent you the letter?"

Kagura replied, "Ah, that friend who just wrote a love letter for Xiao Da, Aru, because Xiao Da is too big to write a letter, and he was so shy that he didn't dare to give it to me personally."

Shinba Haw raised his head, twitching the corners of his eyes, and said, "No... by the way, Kagura-chan, you still have such a big friend,"

"Yes, it was introduced by Cheng Yejiang."

"Hey? Your Royal Highness?"

"In fact, don't look at Xiao Da, he is the prince Alu of the Giant Star, but because he is too big, there is no place to play and no one to play with him, he is very idle... we had a good time together. Lu (having a good beating). After that, he became very close."

When Kagura explained this, several giants wearing only grass skirts surrounded the house of everything.

[Speaking of being close, this is preparing to invade the earth! 】×3 (Jiang Cheng, Bald, Yin Shi)

"Hehehe," Kagura rubbed his nose, showing a little pride, "It's amazing, isn't it? It's the golden turtle son-in-law Aru! Right? Mom?"

Jiang Hua on the pad squinted his eyes and smiled gently. As for why he laughed and didn't say anything, it might just be because he considered the voice actor.

[No, Mrs. Golden Tortoise is indeed Mrs. Golden Tortoise...] Yin Shi silently complained in his heart, and then looked at the mosaic under the big grass skirt, 【But this "turtle" is too huge! It's even more difficult than riding Gang Oki! 】

"Okay, Xiaoda, don't be nervous, sit down first." Kagura said to Xiaoda who was aside.

Hearing the sound, Xiao Da bowed his head and sat down.


The roof of the House of Everything was devastated.

Looking at Xiao Da who barely got in and squatted down in front of him, Yin Shi twitched the corners of his mouth, and his pupils looked at the dark-faced Jiang Cheng and the owner of Xinghai Fang: [Is this a boyfriend? Is this a boyfriend? What is the boyfriend. How did you write the words boyfriend? ! 】

【I do not know! After all, boyfriend is not the] Jiang Cheng, who couldn't find the answer, finally twitched half of his face and looked at Xinghai Fangzhu, [So what the **** is a boyfriend! Hello! Tell me! Tell me you are! 】

[You two calm down! It's just a boyfriend who is a little taller! How can a father be underestimated by her boyfriend! 】

The owner of Xinghaifang used his eyes to convey a message to the two of them to calm them down, and then cleared his throat, pretending to say calmly: "So, you are Kagura-chan's boyfriend. Kagura has always been thankful to you. Now, I am her father."

As he said, the master of Xinghai Fang bowed towards Xiao Da with his hands pressed against the seams of his pants.

Yin Shi thought in his heart: [Deserving of the owner of Xinghai Fang of the Galaxy, he is not timid in front of his big boyfriend and fully demonstrated his father's majesty! 】

[Yin Shi, don't be stunned, it's up to us! 】Jiang Cheng motioned his eyes, then lifted his hands and cleared his throat, "Ahem, I..."

Before Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he knelt down to the big head of Xinghaifang Master in return...No, the head hammer smashed Xinghaifang Master into the floor.


Seeing his body being smashed into the floor, there is only a shiny head left on the ground at UU Reading Jiang Cheng and Yinshi are both in a bad condition, and they are also wide-eyed. His mouth half-opened with a frightened expression.

[Oh...oh...oh Dusan—! 】×2

"Sang, Master of Xinghaifang!" The new eight harp on the side yelled and hurried forward, "Master of Xinghaifang has become a meatloaf! Only gold damn!"

[No, that's not Kim's mother, it's the head! Yin Shi vomited, and then looked at Jiang Cheng who was discussing the wedding date with the tablet, [By the way, can you look at the atmosphere? Is it time to take advantage of the fire to rob and pursue the survivors? ! Is your sister's control attribute so deep? ! And madam, you are too calm! Whether it's Kagura's boyfriend or your husband only has a gold **** head left, it's too calm! 】

At this moment, Xiao Da, who was sitting on the ground, touched his head and apologized in a frivolous tone that couldn't feel the slightest apology: "Ah, private Marseille. Bad bad, I did too much, me. It hasn’t been long since I came to the earth. To be honest, I don’t understand anything like greeting bows, and I hate these etiquette the most. Don’t care about my prince status. Let’s just relax, Dad. Since it’s Kagura Dad, that's my best friend, ah! Would you like to leave me an email address?"

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