May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 715: : Idol’s Hoon

On the street, a group of strange girls gathered in front of the poster that had been posted in advance to promote the hdz48 debut song "Idol’s Medal."

Two little red girls on a pink double ponytail head for sale casually said in a disdainful tone: "It seems that Simentong has already taken action, hdz48, I don’t know where I picked it up. It’s so cute, partner. It’s like the little girl in a rude and rustic country house. It’s just perfect to partner with her..."

With that said, this lovely-looking girl reached out and tore off the poster and squeezed it into a ball little by little, showing a bit of insidious corners of her mouth, and then quietly said: "Honestly continue personal activities and wait for it to be wiped out. Alright? Can you beat us with this kind of teammate? Teramen Tong's hdz48...What does the earth's top idol look like? I really look forward to it..."

On the other hand, apart from the gender different from the girls just now, a group of men in the same dress who were also attracted by the posters were extremely angry or unacceptable at this time.

If you want to ask why, it's probably because each of these people is wearing the costumes of the Temple Gate Guards.

"what is this?"

"Atong-chan made a group debut or something..."

"Stop kidding!" Xin Ba Hao's childhood sweetheart...fainted, Gao Zi clenched his fists and burst into blue veins and yelled very uncomfortably: "Who is the booger lady next to him?!"

"So far we have only believed in Atong sauce as the only god!"

"Using this kind of bundling sales to tarnish Atong sauce!"

"Our Guards will never recognize any combination!"

"This is an emergency!"

"You must hurry up and contact Captain Zhicun!"

Listening to these members of the Guards, you say my unstoppable fierce remarks. In fact, Xin Ba Hao, who is hiding behind a telegraph pole not far away, sneaks up and looks at it with a constipated expression. The members of the Guards who kept saying that they wanted to contact them to make their own decisions, did not dare to make a sound, for fear of being discovered.

But at this moment, Kagura, who was sitting on the side of the car picking her nose, suddenly shouted, "Manager Shimura!"

Hearing the sound, Xin Ba Haw was shocked instantly.

"What are you doing in that kind of place?" Atong-chan, who was also sitting in the car, asked questioningly.

Kagura squinted Doudou's eyes and complained: "Idols are very busy! Hurry up and buy me vinegar kelp, a **** broker!"

"Hush—" Xin Ba Hao hurriedly raised an index finger with a silent gesture.

"Agent Shimura?" A member of the Guards suddenly noticed something, and looked back at Xin Ba Hao who was hiding behind the telephone pole not far away.

At the same time, the other members also turned their heads and looked at them one by one.

"team leader!"

"And Ah Tong sauce is here too!"

"Captain, what the **** is going on?"

"It won't be the captain who made Atong sauce..."

Seeing the members who rushed forward for an instant as if they were confronting him, Xin Ba Haw hurriedly defended: "No, it's not..."

But the words are still over, the car waiting on the side has already started first.

Upon seeing this, Xin Ba Haw hurried to chase after him, while constantly shouting: "Hey! Wait a minute! Don't leave me!"

However, he fell to the ground after failing to catch up, and was stepped on by the extremely excited members of the Guards who were chasing behind...

In the Oedo Recording Hall, the two lead singers of hdz48 are recording their new songs in the recording studio. Outside, Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi and others are monitoring.

"Stop it," Yin Shi stopped the two through the monitor headphones, frowning and reminding: "Can you not add Aru casually? Kagura, the lyrics are all in vain. For the time being, forget the character attributes to show your true self. Is it okay to just let the nail palace come out?"

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Cheng, who was dressed in a pink "Kagura Sauce" clothing that resembled the Guards, replied with his hands closed and his eyes closed. Le, fans will definitely like this maverick Alu idol, which is different from ordinary idols."

"What is Alu idol? She's just a booger. What's the matter with your outfit as the president?"

"Thinking that if there are fans just after debut, Kagura might be able to show her enthusiasm. I am here to let Baihua and the others prepare hundreds of sets, do you need it?"

"You need to be tall! No one will wear that kind of thing except for an idiot like you! There is also this kind of booger idol and no one will chase after you except you!"

"What are you talking about?!" Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth and shouted with blank eyes: "Do you **** know what I have done for the two of them?! Now all the shops in Yoshiwara have begun to add h set menus! "

The so-called "h package" refers to a debut album of hdz48 and a Kagura Guards uniform that can be spent at the end.

"It's just a simple booger package! No one will buy it at all! You don't need to do anything! As long as you bind Atong, you don't need to do anything! The money will automatically come to your pocket!"

"Huh?! What about Kagura-chan's efforts? Are you guys turning a blind eye to Kagura's efforts?!"

"She just works hard to pick her nose on one side!"

"Wouldn't it be more convenient to replace you directly!"

Sitting on the sofa, who was depressed because the only spot that could shine (Tea Gate Street Guards) was deprived, Shin Baja listened to the unstoppable quarrel between the producer and the president who started to quarrel in front of him, and he sighed for a long time. There was a cry.

"You two, stop arguing," Xin Bahao raised his head to persuade, and then showed a worried expression on his face: "It shouldn't be the time to make a noise because of this kind of thing, right? You should also see the reaction of the fans. Right? This combination is not popular at all."

Yinshi turned his head back to comfort and said: "Don't worry, we will arrange a grand press conference while the new CD is released, and the accompaniment band will also coordinate with us to make adjustments. As long as we accumulate popularity before then, it will be fine.

Haven't you been attracted by Ah Tong's simple street performances before? Real popularity should be accumulated in a down-to-earth manner. Fans come and go quickly. There is no shortcut to buying and selling popularity, Shimura's manager. "

"Indeed." Xin Ba Hao declined to comment.

"Although she is a little bit sorry for Atong-chan, but now she can only forget her identity as the chief idol, and start her business down-to-earth."

In front of a shop that sells bedding, looking at Atung-chan and Kagura sitting at the table and the pink sign on their heads that read "hdz48 pillow business meeting", Xin Ba Hao was silent for a long time. Take a deep breath.

"What kind of down-to-earth-! What do you mean by the pillow business meeting?! What do you want an idol to do!"

(Pillow business: the meaning of unspoken rules.)

Looking at the excited Xin Ba Hao, Yin Shi calmly explained: "It's like a handshake meeting. Isn't "the idol who can meet" very popular now? We are "an idol who can sleep together right away""

"That's not an idol anymore!"

"Don't worry, it's a pillow business, but it's just an ordinary handshake meeting with signature pillows at high prices."

"This is a scam, right?"

As soon as the voice of the new eight chirps fell, the fans who had heard the news swarmed in, holding money with excitement. If it weren't for the staff to maintain order on the scene, those fans would definitely have rushed in.

Looking at the otakus who were eagerly holding up banknotes and shouting with excitement that they wanted to sleep with Atong, Shinbachi once again complained: "A large group of men who understand the wrong meaning are coming here!"

"Huh, it looks very smooth." Yin Shi said with a grin with his hands in his pockets.

"That's weird! This kind of activity is too dangerous!" Xin Ba Hao vomited.

Yin Shi replied indifferently: "The handshake meeting is inherently dangerous. 100% of the otaku's hands have touched oo, which is equivalent to idols and fans touching oo, and in the end only oo and oo are left. oo is shaking hands."

"What kind of danger is this!"

"Really Aru? It's too bad Aru." Kagura said with a look of disgust, picking his nostrils.

"You idols with nose-filled hands are not qualified to say such things!"

Jiang Cheng said, "Don't worry about it, Shin Baja. They have also taken Oiran's course anyway, but only to this level."

"That's the most dangerous thing! What do you want idol to do!"

"Yes! It's okay!" Atong-chan said with enthusiasm, clenching her fist, "I can't stand this little thing, so I can't be regarded as an idol! Let alone compare with the work of wandering girls, this is really very good. It's easy!"

"I said don't compare with the wandering girls!"

"It's really professional," Yin Shi praised, and then comforted: "Don't worry, we will protect you under any circumstances."

"That's it, Alu, if a dangerous person appears, we must come to rescue us." Kagura, who pinched one of the fans' hands until they were fractured, said in a very naive tone.

Looking at the fans who are wailing, UU Reading spit out again: "You are the idol who is dangerous!"

"Okay, next one." Jiang Cheng on the side just took money from these people, "Okay, next one."

Seeing the fans who fell one after another, Xin Ba Haw spit out frantically: "Slow down, slow down, slow down! This is what a handshake meeting! It's just Kaoru Hanayama's grip meeting!"

(Kaoru Hanayama: The gang boss in the blade tooth is born with weird power.)

"Hey, I really underestimate the idol, just shaking a hand or something actually earns more than the wandering girl." Jiang Cheng shook his head with some emotion and said, then looked in front of him and shivered. Looking at the seniors who fell on the ground, "Yo Xi, the next one is also the m set meal? What, no? No, no, no, you are m. Hurry up, the people behind are still waiting."

"Do you think of this as a club?! I've already said don't give me Yoshihara's set!" The unbearable Xinba Hao kicked Jiang Cheng down, and then pointed at the hands that fell on the ground. Discarded fans, "Speaking of which, before seeing Ah Tongjiang, all the members fell down heroically!"


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