May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 716: : What should I pay attention to when attending the first handshake meeting?

"What a joke! Didn't you say that you can sleep with Atong sauce?!"

"Now I can't even shake hands!"

"Return the money!"

Seeing the fans who were aroused by indignation and excitement, Xinba Hao was a little panicked, "Trouble, Sakata P, let alone accumulating popularity, it will be a lawsuit if this continues!"

"Don't worry, this is just a hot spot." Yinshi replied indifferently, "The main show is only starting now, and everyone who buys pillows can get HDZ48 knee pillow coupons."

"Oh!" The fans exclaimed in an instant.

Xin Ba Haw turned around and blamed: "Wait, Yin Sang! What are you advocating!"

"It's okay, it's just the thigh under the pillow, and there will be no less meat." Yin Shi still looked indifferent.

"Line up here~" Jiang Cheng raised his hand and shouted with a smile, "Now buy three and get one free~ You can get four pillows and four knee pillow coupons for only 39,999 yuan~ Everyone, it's better to take action~"

Looking at the otakus who immediately flocked up, Yin Shi chuckled again and sighed with emotion: "Really, it is so simple that a pillow of 100 yuan can be sold for a hundred times the price. It is indeed an idol effect."

However, Gintoki had just finished feeling emotional when he heard Kagura's "Eat my knee and pillow punch!"

Seeing Kagura, who sent fans onto the pillow with his knees, Xin Ba Hao burst out with blue veins and frantically complained: "What are you doing! Who made you use this inexplicable boxing technique! What kind of knee-pillow boxing? It's just simple and rude. Unreasonable knee blow!"

"It's good to sleep on a hard pillow!" Kagura was righteous.

"Who cares whether your pillow is hard or not? Although they really can't sleep anymore!" Xin Ba Hao vomited again.

"Enough! We are not here at SM Club!"

"Are you still idols?!"

"Refund for medical expenses!"

Looking at the fans who were more excited than just now, Xinba Haw got into a mess again: "P Sakata!"

Yin Shi still didn't panic at all, and shouted: "In fact, everyone who buys pillows has bigger gifts, and I didn't expect it to be the benefit of HDZ48 being accompanied by the pillow!"

Three minutes later.

When Kagura was asleep unconsciously beating the silver surrounded by fans who were seriously injured, he said again: "This is just a hot spot. Now there are surprises when buying it. Buy it and get a four-layer storage cabinet for pillows. , As long as 49 thousand and eighty!"

"It's just becoming a TV shopping idiot field!" Xin Ba Hao vomited.

In the end, after Kagura's grip, elbow, and sleep punch, a crowd of fans turned around angrily and left in a curse.

"It's not bad today," Jiang Chengdian was holding a wad of banknotes. "It's just that I have made so much in this little time, so next time I will let Rilun and the others sell pillows."

"How big you are!" Xin Ba Haw cursed, and then hurriedly stopped or said to keep those fans: "Hey, wait a minute!" doesn't help.

But at this moment, a girl's voice was heard from the other side.

"It's so pitiful~ To do such excessive things to fans~ For idols, fans are gods. If we change to us, we will never let everyone go back with such an expression~"

Seeing the girl with pink ponytails who made such remarks like they were playing, Jiang Sung, Ginshi, and Kagura were all squinting Doudou's eyes and looked unclear, so they seemed to say, "Who is this? ?"

But compared to these three, the new eight chicks and the OTAKUs on the side saw the girl in the same outfit as the 47 people behind him: short skirts, tube tops, and small demon wings, but their reaction was unusually large. Everyone's eyes widened, their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Because we are Kapupu...the special force of the galaxy idols that everyone in the universe dreams of, so..."

"—!" Xin Ba Hao's eyes were bloodshot, and his face was unbelievable, "Why... why did they come to Earth?"

"Everyone~ if you don't hate it, do you want to try a different taste for our handshake?" GKB48's leading girl-Bichier shouted to the crowd of OTAKUs, "Otherwise...People will be so lonely to cry~"

"Uh... disgusting... ooh!" Jiang Cheng showed a disgusting expression, but as soon as his voice fell, the OTAKUs who rushed towards Bichier stepped on their feet.

"I can't believe it!"

"The number one idol in the galaxy or something!"

"Me first!"

"No, it's me first!"

Looking at the enthusiastic fans rushing to GKB48, Yin Shi glared at him and asked, "Huh? What? The giant rotten **** 48?"

"How come... how did they come to Edo..." Xin Ba Hao still looked incredulous, and murmured: "GKB48, a collection of new stars on the planet who won the idol elections, that is, by The top idol group composed of the top idols of the galaxy!"

"No, how many times do you want to say the top?" Yin Shi was speechless.

The new eight-jaw continued, "The strongest idol in the galaxy! After seizing the top idol of each planet, he moved to the next planet. Such idol special forces came to Edo and also appeared in front of Atong-chan. , Their next goal needless to say is..."

"Teamon Tong," Bichier, who walked with his hand, took the words of Shinbachi, and mocked: "I have learned the strength of Edo's top idols. With this ability, I can stand at the top. It seems The planets we have experienced, the idols here have the worst combat effectiveness. Let me give you some insights, the real idol handshake meeting!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xin Ba Hao suddenly noticed something and stared at the 48 curtains prepared by the other party with wide eyes.

"Everyone..." Bit Chi'er, who was covering half of her body with a curtain, said with a shy face, "Please follow the order one by one, I want to cherish the time alone with each fan~"

Xin Ba Hao muttered to himself solemnly: "It's just...just shaking hands, why do you want to isolate the space?"

"I really underestimated the idol..." Jiang Cheng, who had just gotten up and was covered with shoe prints, raised his hands and said solemnly, "It doesn't seem to be as simple as we thought it would be to shake hands."

"No, it has nothing to do with simplicity or complexity." Xin Ba Haw replied, and then looked at each other again, "Do they want..."

"Just right!" At this moment, Gao Zi, wearing the costume of the Simentong Guards, volunteered to stand up, "Let me come first!"

"Gao Zi!" Xin Ba Haw exclaimed.

"Even to say a lot about Atongjiang, if I won’t be satisfied with the handshake, I will show you a good look!" Gao Zi walked forward without fear or humbleness, "There is also Xinjiang, sorry, you are now with Atongjiang. To be honest, I don’t know what to do, but I believe you will definitely protect Atong sauce until the very last moment!"

With that said, Gao Zi ran towards the curtains of Bi Chi'er, "I believe Ah Tong Jiang will never lose to these guys!"

"That guy..." Jiang Cheng looked at Gaozi who was determined to rush into the curtain, and Jiang Cheng showed some appreciation.

"Yeah!" After hesitating for a while, Xin Ba Haw nodded in response, and then looked at the hanging curtain that was isolated from the outside world with a solemn expression.

"Huh? Really? Huh? Is that true?"

After Gao Zi's words came out from the curtain, it suddenly began to shake.

"Why did it move suddenly?" Yin Shi was puzzled.

"Gao Tsai!" Xin Ba Hao cheered for him, but after shouting, he suddenly realized that Gao Tsai, who was left with only underwear, walked out quickly and went to the next curtain.

Yin Shi: "Huh? Did he take it off?"

Jiang Cheng nodded: "It really took off."

New Eight Chi: "Gao Tsai!"

"It seems to hear a strange sound, what's the matter? What's the sound?"

As soon as Yin Shi's voice fell, Gao Zi, with only mosaics left, hurried to the next curtain.

"I was completely naked just now? Wait, are they really just shaking hands? What are they doing?"

"Does the handshake party still need to make the fans naked?" Jiang Cheng murmured with his chin and solemn brows, "No, that's right, that kid’s [BEEP—] Yin, I always feel that I can often hear similar voices in Yoshiwara. ."

"Gao Zi!" Xin Ba Chi yelled again.

"No, wait, this isn't a handshake at all? Is it just doing something else?"

"Gao Tsai!"

"Yinshi, look, that weird and very common thing has been poked out! That mosaic...Hey, what's the matter? What is the handshake? Why does the handshake appear mosaic? How exactly does the handshake appear? Mosaic! But then again, this kid developed... quite well..."

"Is it time to say this?!"

"Gao Tsai!"

Seeing Gao Zi hurriedly rushing to the next curtain with mosaics all over her body, Yin Shi once again complained: "The whole body is mosaic! What the **** is going on! Gao Zi—!"

"Gao Tsai!"

"Gao Tsai?"

"Gao Tsai!"

"Gao Tsai?"

"Gao Tsai!"

Amidst the shouts of Yin Shi and Xin Ba Chi, finally the man... came out.


Looking at Gao Zi, who fell to the ground in shorts only, UU Reading Xin Ba Hao rushed up and helped Gao Zi to his feet: "Cheer up! What happened? Gao Zi! "

Gao Zi, who showed a refreshing expression that seemed to have seen everything, still had a certain radiance, and said, "When I get home, I will burn all the little yellow books..."

"What the **** happened!"

"No, do I need to ask what happened? This is exactly what happened. This, it must have done something unsightly. This, his refreshing expression has entered the sage mode! It's the same as Jiang Cheng who has been to Hualiu Street for the first time!"

"No, it's the same as you." Jiang Cheng retorted, narrowing Doudou's eyes.

"Gao Tsai, tell me what is going on inside?"


"It's exactly the same." Jiang Cheng murmured while supporting his chin.

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