May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 717: : Be straightforward in the face of unfair treatment!

Looking at the OTAKUs who appeared in the sage state one by one from the curtain, only their shorts were plunged into a blank, the new eight chicks frantically complained.

"Wait! The sages were born one after another!"

"Hey, no? Really? Really? Is it that? That planet's handshake will not shake hands but that kind of thing? Isn't it? Really or fake? Seriously?!"

Looking at Yin who was in the midst of doubts about life, Xin Ba Ha hurriedly said: "Please calm down! Yin Sang! And Jiang Chengsang, what line are you going to line up!"

"No, I was just suddenly interested in their handshake meeting." Jiang Cheng who was in the line replied solemnly, "After all, I know myself and the enemy, and I will bring the information back, so don't worry about it. I and these cherries are not at the same level! Anyway, wait for, two...three hours or so."

"Shut up and get back! If the president runs to them, it will be over!" Gin Shiki reprimanded with a solemn expression, and then... squeezed Jiang Cheng out and raised it up. Thumb: "Anyway, leave it to me the producer."

"You are no different!!" Xinba Hao yelled with blank eyes while kicking the two of them.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe Your fans have lost their souls and become our captives, captives, and captives~"

Hearing the sound, Ah Tong opened his eyes unconsciously, revealing a bit of disbelief, and at the same time his pupils trembled slightly.

Seeing this reaction from Atong-chan, Bitcher chased after victory: "This is the power of the real idol, the power of the strongest idol team in the galaxy, the power of GKB48!"

Yin Shi retorted, "No, what kind of idol is this? You are all custom O sister, right?"

"Hey--" Bichier was wronged for an instant, and wiped her tearless face in a daze, "Too much~ I don’t know anything about Bichier~ I don’t even know what we are doing in it. Say~"

"When you are talking about silver, what you just said was really too much." Jiang Cheng nodded slightly, and continued solemnly: "You must know that the customs of Sister O and Ms. Yuan are different, and the service is completely different. of!"

"No, the degree of your exaggeration is comparable to that of him." Bitcher said with a patient smile, and then opened his curtain, "But if you are so skeptical, you should try it too. Well, our hands, hands, and meetings?~"

Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi said at the same time: "Then please come with an S package, and write Gaozi's wig at the beginning of the invoice."

"I wrote that you are tall!!" Xin Ba Hao directly fryed his hair, spitting out loudly, "After all, Jiang Chengsang, are you also an S set meal in the end?!"

"Let's start with the most basic set meal and understand what's wrong?" Jiang Chengtan started to show his face for granted.

"That's too big for you! Don't always think that there are only two kinds of people in the world, S and M!"

On the side, watching the OTAKUs who were only wearing shorts and still worshiping each other neatly and shouting "GKB48 Long Live", Atongchan stepped back unconsciously, unwilling to believe and sent out unbelievable broken thoughts. .

"How can this be... everyone who has always cheered me... everyone who has always supported me... everyone is... deceitful... deceitful..."

While speaking, a tear fell down Ah Tongchan's cheek.

In the next moment, Ah Tongchan, who was unable to face this reality again, closed her eyes and turned away with tears, leaving only a cry of "This is all a lie!"

With hindsight, Xin Ba Haw yelled and chased after him.

"Hey!" Seeing the ill-fated Ginshiro yelled, then he hugged Kagura, who was still snoring on the pillow, and said impatiently, "When are you going to sleep!"

"Wait, Atong sauce!" Xin Ba Haw shouted as he chased.

"Next, we will arrange pillow business! Hey!" Gin Shizu yelled while chasing after Kagura, who was still screaming.

Jiang Cheng who stayed in place shouted to several people: "Yin Shi, I will go to the next bedding shop and wait for you! You have to hurry up!"

"Wait for you! Let me see if the condition is good!" Yin Shi turned around and cursed with bruises and teeth.

"Brother~S set meal is ready~" Bi Chier pouted her little butt, and said with her index finger twitching her lips.

"Ah, I'm not interested today, let's go another day." Jiang Cheng waved his hand casually, then lowered his head and slowly left while counting the money in his hand.

Click! Click! Click!

Bit Chi'er, who took three photos with her mobile phone, secretly hooked her mouth.

"It’s more vulnerable than I thought, but it’s not over yet. It’s meaningless for this kind of senior idol otaku to stand on our side. In Edo, Teramon and HDZ48 must be completely plunged into hell. Everyone knows that our GKB48 is the strongest idol group. The show has just begun..."


Two days later.

Inside the office of A Tong Jiang.

"Oh, Ah Tongjiang is still sad."

The expression of Xin Ba Chi, who stood in front of the lady in Simen City, was a little bit disappointed.

"It looks like it has been quite hit." The Simenshi lady sitting on the office chair sighed softly.

"I'm sorry, we are all to blame." Xin Ba Hao said with a trace of apology.

Simenshi shook his head and slowly explained: "No, she was formed to form a team to drive her into a desperate situation, but I didn't expect someone to suppress Ah Tong on such a knot. Maybe that kid will never climb again. I just fell to the bottom when I got up."

"Atong will definitely cheer up again!" Xin Ba Hao replied earnestly with his fists clenched in his eyes, "I will definitely not lose to those people!"

Yin Shi glared at the fisheye and took the words: "Yes, we can make money if we continue like this...Although it won't make any good, let us save this situation."

"Atong is not alone Alu, even if she falls to the bottom, don't forget that as HDZ48 I will lend a helping hand Alu!"

"It's just a group of little girls," Jiang Cheng waved his hand indifferently. "Little girls of that level can handle it at any time."

At this time, the temple market sighed softly, and then fumbled under the table: "Don't say anything about helping hands now, because..."

With that said, Simen City put the first magazine and newspaper on the table.

"Big news!! Ms. Teramon Tong, who is also the president of Atong sauce, former manager and mother, had a secret meeting with vegetable salad in the hotel!!!"

The picture is a sleeping temple in the hotel bed and a bowl of vegetable salad.

"Temple gates burst into tears in front of the love hotel!"

The picture is Atong sauce who is still struggling with the new Baja who is holding him.

"The members of HDZ48 were hugged home by P (producer)."

In the picture, Gintoki is slowly walking towards the love hotel with Kagura's back.

"The former president of the HDZ48 member who watched the members leave...maybe this is an inhumane underground transaction?"

The picture is of Jiang Cheng standing downstairs in the hotel with his mouth closed and counting the money.

Watching these four news, Xin Ba Hao and Yin Shi both became ill at the same time, the corners of their mouths twitched, and the corners of their eyes were densely covered with black lines.

"Everyone fell to the bottom together..." Simenshi shrugged.

"No, isn't something wrong?" Jiang Cheng asked, twitching the corners of his mouth, and then pointed to the news on the table, "There is one news that is not right? What happened to the first news? Is that a scandal? Hey, yes. Is that a scandal on this planet? Is it something you can’t do if you order a vegetable salad while staying in a hotel? Hey, hello!"

"Aren't they all good things you did?" Simen City glanced up at Jiang Cheng with an ambiguous look.


When Yin Shi and Xin Ba Ha just stepped out of the office door, they were surrounded by countless media people who had been waiting at the door holding up microphones and cameras, scrambling to ask questions.

"It's coming out! It's Sakata P, the producer of HDZ48!"

"What did Ah Tongjiang do in front of the love hotel?!"

"I heard that your own idol is really using the unspoken rules of the producer's authority?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Xin Ba Haw hurriedly defended, "It is me, the agent who is with Atong sauce! But that is just a conversation at work!"

"In other words, does the producer and the agent unspoken rules for their idols together?"

"Have you listened to anyone talking?" Xin Ba Haw went crazy.

"This will only be misunderstood, New Eight." Ginshi casually snapped off the microphone that hit his face while pressing down the Mediterranean Sea with his other hand. "At this time Just say "nothing". "

"It will only be misinterpreted even more, okay?!" Xin Ba Chi didn't fight.

Yinshi still looked indifferent: "Did you do anything It would be nice to be generous."

"That's right, Alu," Kagura said aloud when they came to the back of the two, and then raised an index finger at the countless microphones that reached out to him in an instant. I graduated from the private meeting after get off work and now live with Aru."

"What's going on living together?!"

"In short, it was Aru who was stuffed by the younger, the president to Yinjiang's place."

"What?! Has the former president ever done anything like this?! And is you still a relative?! Having suffered so much unfair treatment, haven't you ever thought about seeking help from social charity organizations?"

"Well... they also often deal with the police... Zhensengumi dealt with Aru, the deputy chief of the orangutan mayonnaise, and the captain of the Shaking S team."

"Is there a policeman behind me?! Please tell me more about this!"

"Hey! Kagura-chan, what are you talking about!" Xin Ba Haw exclaimed Qingjin.

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