May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 718: : Only the weak can play all kinds of methods!

"Then Yinjiang will take care of me in normal times, and let me do it from morning to night until I can't stand up. In short, there is nothing shameful about Aru."

"Is there anything more shameful than that?!" Xin Ba Haw spit out frantically.

"Mr. Bantian, are you Lolita OOO?"

Yin Shi exploded with blue veins to argue: "It's not lo*ic*n OOO! It's P! It's the producer! It's not lo*ic*n anymore!"

"In other words, is it OOOP?"

Yinshi angrily said: "Give me enough! You rubbish! Bald!"

"By the way, if the younger uncle, I usually stay in Yoshiwara. Occasionally, Yinjiang will let me go there (with my pocket money). A few days ago, Atong and I were at my uncle's request for Yinjiang. Yoshihara is studying with Oiran...class. Anyway, there is no shame in Aru!"

"Stop! Kagura-chan! Please! Stop it! Kagura-chan!"

"Anyway! Nothing!" At the last minute, Jiang Cheng appeared and shouted solemnly: "I asked me to buy that salad! The remaining money is only for pillows! I have already bought the game, so I have already spent it. It's gone! There is nothing shameful at all!"

"In other words, did you admit the fact that Ah Tong was allowed to do business with this new member and collect money?"

"Ah, I admit that, just two days ago, we were on the street together..."

"Admit it! This guy admits it!"

"Wait, wait! The pillow business our president said is not the kind of pillow business you think!" Xin Ba Ha hurriedly defended, "It's just ordinary pillows with signatures!"

"Well, that's right," Jiang Cheng nodded, "but there are additional idols to sleep with."

"Just shut up! President!"

Upstairs, there is a pair of eyes full of loss, looking at Jiang Cheng and others who are surrounded by the media through the gap of the blinds.

"The people who support me... are gone. My companions... are gone."

Ah Tong retracted his hand, lowered his head and murmured...

The next day.

Looking at the misunderstandings of the newspapers and newspapers that covered the table or the reports that added more vinegar, Xin Ba Haw clasped his head and furiously said: "Ah! It's all our fault, Atong sauce her...! Atong sauce her...! "

"Hey!" Yinshi let out a quiet hum, and then sighed, "I didn't expect this happened before the debut song..."

"Is it troublesome..." Jiang Cheng shook his head with a solemn expression on his hands. "After buying the game, there are only three hundred yuan left. What should I do with the game that will be released the day after tomorrow?"

"Is it time to think about those things?!" Yin Shih cursed bitterly, "Say, did you buy all the games? Where is my share! Give me back, bastard!"

"You are almost too!" Xin Ba Haw scolded bitterly.

At this moment, the temple store, who was leaning on a side wall and looking at a magazine in his hand, said: “It’s been set up. The backgrounds of these photos are all composite. That is to say, you have been used to pull Atong. Get off the horse. It's all good things done by GKB48."

"Yes... they did it..." Xinba Haw looked incredulous.

"The special force that has seized the position of the chief idol of all the planets will naturally do everything possible."

"Unforgivable!" Xin Ba Haw tore the magazine in his hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Let's expose their dirty methods in turn!"

"It's useless," Simenshi shrugged. "They have a lot of influence in the media of the galaxy. Only us are hacked."

"If that's the case, now the only way to post a shaved apologizing video is to post online." Yin Shi said with his chin, and then he thought about it.

"Even if everyone hates me as an agent, please don't hate HDZ48!" In the video, a pair of glasses cries like this.

Seeing the fantasy video in Yin Shi's brain, Xin Ba Hao complained: "Where did you shave your hair!"

"Perhaps we can only upload the new eight haws with the French fries to see who rotted Aru first." Kagura suggested, squeezing his chin.

"It's your head that rots!"

"Let's start with the original Coke Gamantos. Although there is no heat now, it is safer." Jiang Cheng nodded and said with his hands in his arms.

"I said it wasn't the tubing master who made his debut!"

"That's right! Uncle!" Kagura nodded, and said solemnly: "My words are still inclined to the big stomach king oil pipe master Alu!"

"Shut up for me too! In other words... It feels very suitable unexpectedly. No, no, it's not the time to talk about that kind of thing now!"

"Anyway, don't make a noise." After saying that, Simen put a laptop in front of everyone, "It's already over. Whether it's a video or a debut of the tubing master, they are one step ahead."

With that said, the temple store pressed the play button.

"Hello everyone on Earth~ We are the special force of the galaxy idol-GKB48! We will officially debut on Earth, and the new song "Bichi no Medal" will be released the day after tomorrow~"

Seeing this, Xin Ba Hao was surprised: "It turned out to be the day after tomorrow? The same day as HDZ48?!"

"Even the title of the song hit." Yin Shi said.

"It's all directed at us." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"For this reason, we decided to hold a new song launch event in Oedo DOME~ but it was just too boring, so we prepared heavyweight guests, but I did not expect that... it turned out to be Edo’s chief idol-Miss Teramon Tong! I didn’t contact her, but Miss Teramon, why don’t we bet on the throne of Edo’s chief idol and have a showdown?

HDZ48 led by GKB48 and Simentong, let’s see whose handshake will attract more fans. The winner can release a new song, and the loser will withdraw from the idol world on the spot. After all, it is a duel to determine the chief idol. Of course there will be corresponding risks~ Let’s compete, Miss Teramon, after all, you are Edo What about top idols~ I believe you will not run away~"

After watching the video, Xin Ba Hao still looked incredible.

Simen City spoke lightly: "It's really amazing. If we publish such a video, rejecting it will only damage our reputation."

"The girls now are really amazing~" Jiang Cheng chuckled, "I feel like I can't keep up with the times."

"That's right. The face is not bad, but it is really insidious to do things. Kingdombitch really lives up to its name." Gin Shiki hummed softly and agreed.

"Idol and Bitch are basically synonymous. Sure enough, they are better at playing these tricks than Ah Tong."

Looking at the temple market, who said such a thing without changing his face, Xin Baji silently complained: "As the president of the idol firm, he said such a terrible thing."

Simen City sighed: "But even if it hurts her reputation, she can't take her idol career for this kind of thing. But now that there are not many fans left, what is her chance of winning?"

"Yes!" Xin Ba Haw interrupted the Simen market, "If you want to talk about fans, there are four here!"

"Don't worry about Aru, I won't mess up anymore." Kagura said while picking his nostrils, "you should dig your own nose, this is an idol!"

Yinshi put his hands in his suit trouser pockets, and a smile appeared on his face: "We HDZ48 made this diamond more dazzling for Atong. We just made it. As long as we make... Awakened."

Jiang Cheng gently twitched the corners of his mouth: "To be honest, although I am not a fan of that little girl, how can I swallow it honestly after being put on such a show? Even if it is all the little girl's movies, I will let They pay the price they deserve. Insidious? Treacherous? Means? These things are only things that the weak can play. If the real strong play these indiscriminate things...but let those little girls I have nightmares every day~"

After all, the four of them walked across the temple market one by one towards the door.

" guys..."

"As an idol, Atongjiang has always given us dreams and hopes. Next, it is our fans' turn to respond to Atongjiang's dreams and hopes!"

Just like what I said before, the new eight-chills always become less new when faced with the affairs of Ah Tongjiang.

Of course, what no one knows is that at a certain corner, Ah Tongchan is secretly poking her head and looking at the back of the four people with trembling eyes.

In Edo DOME, a large dome sports view, under the built stage are OTAKUs who have already entered the stage in advance.

"Thank you for being here today for us~!"

Bitch yelled with winking eyebrows.

"Oh!" ×n

A crowd of OTAKUs in the audience cheered instantly.

"We are the idols of the universe GKB48~" ×48

"Oh!" ×n

"Then accepted our challenge..."

Before Bichir's words were finished, Kagura, who was standing with Yin Shi, Xin Ba Hao, and Jiang Sung, who were all dressed in women's clothing, put their nostrils in and took the words.

"Hello everyone, we are HDZ48~"

"It's a ghost!" Bit Chi'er grumbled with blank eyes, UU Read "Where is Atong?! How come a bunch of booger aggregates come up! Which nostril came out of it!"

"Take responsibility for the scandal," Yin Shi...No, the paper blows a kiss, "Remove the new member in that part~"

"PACHIE~" Xin Bajia...No, Bahui took the call.

"PARKO~" The paper took the words, and then squeezed his eyes with Bae at the same time, raised one foot and pointed to Jiang Cheng, "and~"

"~" Jiang Cheng...No, Jiang Zi subconsciously smiled and returned, but then he reacted again, and directly kicked his feet on the face of the paper, "Go! Why am I going to play too! Stinky! Natural roll!"

"Calm down, Jiang Zi, it's all for the sake of Atong sauce for the time being," Bahui hurriedly whispered to persuade.

"What kind of a way to assume responsibility!" Bit Chi'er spit out frantically, "What a joke! What we are looking for is Si Men Tong! You messy people wait for me wherever you go and stay cool!"

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